Water, Volume 16, Issue 15 (August-1 2024) (144 Articles)

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Elaine J. Hanford is responsible for all the entries below.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 19 August 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
History of hydrothermal explosions at Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone
De Beers calls reschedules sight for the month of August as diamond market shows signs of trouble
Uses of gold – in natural systems gold is cast off but humans prize it
Antarctic uplift could reduce sea level rise by 40% - isostasy
Truth behind the Northwest Passage
Surprise! Eruption of Hunga Tonga cooled the climate – increased stratospheric water content by 10% in 2 days
Landslide at the Kiteezi garbage dump in Kampala, Uganda, triggered by heavy rains – death toll rises
Details from Mantle core samples from the JOIDES Resolution Expedition 399
Waves moving through the mantle for tens of millions of years triggered by continental break up
Volcanoes of American Samoa
Evolution of conventions for naming hurricanes and storms
Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project, North Carolina
Subsiding Mount Los Atlantes sea mount in the Canary Islands may be origin of Atlantis Legend – competing with Santorini as suggested by Plato
Understanding regional sea level changes & limitations of current models
16,000 years of climate history in the tropical Andes of South America since the Last Glacial Termination – up to 4 degrees Celsius variation over time
Likely that erosion weakened Double Arch rock formation in Utah prior to collapse
USGS & Australia will partner for Landsat Next satellite mission
Revised ModelMuse to support PEST software use with MODFLOW and SUTRA models
Real-time satellite data input with seismometers to detect ground motion viewed as upgrade to ShakeAlert
Investigating ultra-ow velocity zones as cause of PKP seismic wave scattering
No unusual geological strains or movements observed in western Japan following M7.1 earthquake
Can lithium be “responsibly extracted” in Lithium Triangle region of Argentina, Bolivia & Chile?
September 2023 landslide that triggered significant tsunami in Dickson Fjord on east coast of Greenland
New theory suggests early continents formed by high-pressure melting of the Crust rather than subduction
New species of extinct Early Pleistocene walrus in northwest Europe
Enalioetes schroederi – New species of Early Cretaceous marine crocodile in Stadthagen Formation in NW Germany - had smooth scaleless skin, flippers, and tailfin
Growth pattern differences between Jurassic & Modern mammals
Take-off motions for pterosaurs
Loss of sharks leaves the ocean far less healthy
Early signs of tropical cyclone development
Chemical fingerprinting reveals central Altar Stone at Stonehenge if from Orkney, Scotland
Potential seismic risk of Puente Hills thrust fault beneath LA and Orange County, California – capable of M7.5?
Tunnel Boring Machine breakthrough in Pearl River Basin-Guangzhou Haizhu Bay Tunnel project
Garvellachs rocks could be declared “golden spike” as marker for “snowball Earth”
Variations in history of Earth deceleration linked to Lunar orbit – stair-step pattern due to continent-ocean configurations
Mid-Holocene megadrought may not have been a globally significant climate excursion
Hailstone library may improve extreme weather forecasting – hailstones have non-spherical shape
Impact of proxy data set selection on paleoclimate reconstruction
Possible origin of the Chicxulub meteor – Kuiper Belt beyond Jupiter
New type of “whistler” electromagnetic wave carries lightning energy to magnetosphere of Earth

Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 19 August 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Surprise! Eruption of Hunga Tonga cooled the climate – increased stratospheric water content by 10% in 2 days
Georgia has promised approval of wells for 6.625M gallons of water daily for Hyundai EV Metaplant from coastal Floridan Aquifer – Georgia taxpayers will pay $1M mitigation fund – would cause regional groundwater drawdown – long-term plan to draw water from Savannah River or deeper Cretaceous aquifer – State seeking public comment – Hyundai trying to placate residents with $250,000 pledge
Still under construction the Hyundai EV Metaplant is not a safe place to work – at least 20 traumatic injuries document along with fewer OSHA inspections since January 2023 – numerous 911 calls to the site but only 10 reports in OSHA database
Texas Water Development Board adopted 2024 State Flood Plan – but “1% annual chance flood event” is still very misleading as historical events show – in Guadalupe River there have been more than 18 significant flood events exceeding 100-year flood event between 1864 and 2002 including a 500-year event with interval between floods ranging from 4 to as many as 14 years
PFAS emissions from US landfills – significant sources
Car fire starts Gold Ranch Fire near Verdi, Nevada – high winds & cell phone spectators hampering firefighter access – high winds – NV Energy shut down power to area – evacuations – driver of 2020 Alpha Romeo arrested
New York AG urges State Court to dismiss lawsuit against Seneca Meadows for emitting noxious odors
Psychiatrist says “perfectly normal to be freaked out” – children suffering climate anxiety
Permitting activities paused for Badger Mountain industrial-scale solar panel array in Eastern Washington - impacts to Indigenous cultural sites
Oldest nuclear power plants are in Upstate New York – should they be decommissioned due to safety issues – originally designed to run for 40 years
Biden-Harris $100M subsidy for new label program for “buy clean” construction materials – your tax dollars at “work” in the name of the mythical ‘man-made global warming’
Tunnel completed as part of £100M pumped storage hydropower plant in Scotland at Loch Lochy
Controversial $1B Lake Texcoco Ecological Park wetland in Mexico City
Tarantula mating season in southern Plains beginning now until October
“There are just too many variables” so how can they say charging an EV is less expensive than gas fueling?
Update: Pause of trucks hauling uranium ore from Canyon Mine across Navajo Nation
LA 2028 Olympics to be a “no car” games – have you driven the LA grid-lock? Good luck with that “public transport only” thing – Dodger Stadium to Union Station gondola project will cost estimated $500M if you want to be hanging 100 feet up in the air when the earthquake hits
US cities with worst traffic in 2023 - Los Angeles, California, ranked as number 3 behind Chicago & NYC
Impacts of air pollution in New York City subways
Government Accountability Project challenged DOJ “back-room settlement” with Norfolk Southern proposed consent decree for health & environmental impacts in East Palestine train derailment & controlled burn of railcars
National Parks present potential dangers that humans often ignore
Wildfires impacting National Parks in California and the Northern Cascades in Washington State
Visualizing fossil fuel (oil, natural gas & coal) consumption by country in 2023
US F&W reward offered for information on destruction of active Bald Eagle nest on private land on West Lamberth Road in Sherman, Texas, being developed for subdivision
US F&W seeking public comment on Edenville Dam Restoration Project Draft Environmental Assessment & Habitat Conservation Plan in Gladwin & Midland Counties, Michigan
African Centres for Disease Control has declared Mpox a continental emergency – WHO declares public health emergency - raising fears of imposing unnecessary plandemic draconian measures - estimated case fatality rate of 3% to 4% for Clade I and 0.01% for Clade II – symptoms are usually mild - estimated 10% of infected people are asymptomatic - vaxx recommended for sexually active gay & bisexual men & sex workers
Rat poison is moving up through food chains & threatening carnivores & predators around the world – most commonly used are anticoagulant rodenticides
Exotic eye worm rapidly invading US – spreading from testes of fruit flies to bears and other species
“Slapped cheek” B19V virus surging across Europe & US – common mild, seasonal respiratory virus typically in children who develop natural immunity as they age – so why isn’t WHO declaring a plandemic?
Lungfish have the largest genomes known in animals – 30 times the amount of DNA in humans – 90+ Billion base pairs and lots of “junk”
Plastics industry trying to redefine “recyclable” as anything capable of being recycled – that’s like asking the fox to guard the hen house
Wildfires burn farmland & contaminate water used to irrigate crops & support livestock
Calls for expanded sewage cleanup program & upgraded sewer system in Baltimore, Maryland, as backups occur and impact large number of residents
Progress with Oak Ridge cleanup & deactivation at ORNL – removed lower reactor vessel from Building 3042
Giant hogweed was introduced into the US in 1917 & is now invasive across the country – toxic plant
Coalition of States sues Biden-Harris requirement that states pay public benefits to illegal aliens
Dam failures led to flooding in SW Wisconsin Driftless Area – considering removal of dams
“New Kharkhorum” intended to relieve overcrowding & congestion in Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar
Imperial Irrigation District agrees to reduce use of 3.1M acre-feet of Colorado River water by 700,000 acre-feet with US Bureau of Reclamation paying for up to 300,000 acre-feet per year for 2024-2026
25 tons of radioactive water reported as leaked from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
APHIS seeking public comment on Draft Programmatic EIS for Outbreak Response Activities for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Poultry in the US
Eurasian beavers released to Wallington Estate in Northumberland, England, 400 years after being eradicated by humans
On the critical importance of biodiversity and ecosystem function – keystone species collapse in India
Computer simulation suggest more than 50% of human population have limited access to safe drinking water
Antibody-dependent enhancement of toxicity of snake anti-venoms
Axis deer are now roaming around the US – native to the Indian subcontinent – introduced by humans in 1932 in Texas as a “game animal” before escaping captivity – no legal bag limit in Texas
Cheviot goats put on Rare Breeds Survival Trust watchlist – estimated 450 remain in the UK
The fungus among us - Aspergillus fumigatus drug-resistant strain causes potentially lethal respiratory illness when inhaled from garden soils – raises concerns for importation of flower bulbs
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 19 August 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Georgia has promised approval of wells for 6.6M gallons of water daily for Hyundai EV Metaplant from coastal Floridan Aquifer – Georgia taxpayers will pay $1M mitigation fund – would cause regional groundwater drawdown – long-term plan to draw water from Savannah River or deeper Cretaceous aquifer – State seeking public comment
Understanding the Floridan Aquifer that will be tapped to provide 6.625M gallons per day for EV Metaplant in Coastal Georgia
Shrimpers in Port Arthur area of Texas say coastal windfarm project could harm their industry
Coastal path reopened in Pembrokeshire following landslide damage to pathway & tunnels
Beach erosion & recovery following hurricanes on natural beaches & those having man-made fortifications - armored dunes may have long-term detrimental effects on hurricane-prone barrier islands
Turkey surging forward with $25B Istanbul Canal project
Wild filly in distress removed from Rachel Carson Reserve in North Carolina for veterinary care – exposure to humans will prevent her return to the wild
Proposed Chumash Marine Sanctuary off California coast in conflict with proposed offshore wind energy
Quantifying social & economic benefits of restoring coral reefs in US Virgin Islands
Anticipating completion of new Howard Frankland Bridge linking St Petersburg to Tampa, Florida – pending hurricanes
NOAA mailing surveys on public concerns regarding coastal wind power in SW Louisiana
Update: Billion Oyster Project in – well, actually approximately 90 million oysters in Paerdegat Basin, New York City
Essar to invest $357M to increase methane production from Raniganj field coal beds in Bengal, India
IBWC responsible for operating South Bay water treatment plant will not get three of five primary treatment tanks online by deadline – untreated Tijuana sewage will continue to flow to San Diego Bay – blames continuing equipment failures & political challenges
Coral in Fiji reflects 627-year climate record & variability in Western Pacific – Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
22 shark species live in San Francisco Bay
Surf breaks protect forests, marshes & mangroves
High radiation levels detected in Niger Delta – biohazard in coastal oil-producing region
"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten." - George Carlin
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