The Water Education Foundation (WEF) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) are sponsoring a one-day Climate Change: Water Adaptation Summit. It will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Santa Monica, 3 October 2007.
You can get complete information, including registration ($225) by clicking here. The fee includes lunch, materials, and a reception. You may also get a chance to see The Governator, who has been invited to speak.
Although the topics are oriented towards California they will no doubt prove useful to the rest of us. Summit topics include:
- Coping with climate change within California's water system
- What to do when the well runs dry
- Bay-Delta challenges: salty water and slumping levees
- Agricultural perspective on adaptation to climate change
- Integrated regional water management opportunities
- Water, water, everywhere: the flood management challenge
- Local land use planning opportunities
- Call to action on water and climate change
I'd go if I could!
Hurricane Katrina made landfall two years ago today. Let's remember and honor our Gulf Coast friends who bore the brunt of this catastrophe. Remember - there but for fortune go you or I.
Tune into NPR for more on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, including an interview with historian Douglas Brinkley, who wrote a powerful Op-Ed piece in the 26 August 2007 Washington Post "Reckless Abandonment', which you can read at the NPR site here.
"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is." -- Yogi Berra