The Preliminary Program of the 2007 American Water Resources Association's Annual Meeting is now online here. Join us in Albuquerque at the Embassy Suites Hotel, November 12-15 [Disclosure notice: I am the Conference Chair].
You can click on "Conference Info" for the drop-down menu to see the program and view abstracts. You can also register online and get linked to the hotel for reservations.
There will be 81 concurrent oral sessions (300+ presentations) and 6 poster sessions with 100 posters. We set an all-time record with over 430 abstracts received. Download the Sessions-at-a-Glance below.
Download awra_sessions_at_glance.pdf
Featured speakers will be Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) and Oregon State Rep. Jackie Dingfelder (D).
There will be sessions on: Developing Countries, Hydrophilanthropy, Climate Change, Stormwater Management, Water Policy, TMDLs, Water Quality, Water Planning, Water and Energy, Water Marketing, and many more! There will be panel discussions, and pre-meeting (11 November 2007) workshops and field trips. We will also have a showing of the film Waterbuster, with filmmaker J. Carlos Peinado.
The entire spectrum of water resources will be represented.
Join us in Albuquerque this November for the water event of the year!
"Albuquerque: Next 17 Exits" -- suggested City of Albuquerque motto
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