The current issue of Southwest Hydrology features Aquifer Recharge, Storage, and Recovery.
In my day, it was just "artificial recharge". Times have changed.
From the introduction:
In this issue we define the deliberate recharge and temporary storage of “excess” (unneeded) water in an aquifer, with the intent of recovering that water for future use, as aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). The technique is increasingly being used as a water management tool. The implementation of ASR projects varies widely in the type of water used, method of recharge, aquifer type, and engineering of the project, as described in these feature articles. Furthermore, water quality changes resulting from mixing two different waters must be considered, as well as regulatory and policy constraints. And do you really get that water back? Read all about it…
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"History, like beauty, depends largely on the beholder." -- Desmond Tutu