My post yesterday about the need for a White House Water Advisor and suggestion that it be Dr. Peter H. Gleick has gained some attention.
B&C's California Water News picked up my post of the same item on the AWRA blog and that produced about 600 page views, the most ever for that blog. The page views on this blog were also quite high.
Some people thought this was another one of my tongue-in-cheek episodes, but it was not. I'm serious.
But like the dog who finally caught the car, now what's next?
Since I have no "juice" with the Obama-Biden folks, a suggestion made by friend Jay Zarnetske struck me as reasonable, at least at this stage: go to the Obama-Biden WWW site and make a suggestion.
So I did. I went to and suggested that we needed a White House Water Advisor. I scrolled down to the bottom and went to "Contact" and "Share Your Vision" and told them I thought we needed a WHWA and then provided a link to my post.
I'm not so naive to think that anyone will actually answer or listen to me, but maybe if they get enough comments someone might pass it higher up the food chain to the mailroom person. It took just a few minutes of my time.
So if you think we do need one, go ahead. It doesn't have to be Peter Gleick (who responded that he was flattered) - it could even be David Zetland!
You might try contacting your senator or House member, especially if he/she is a Democrat and an Obama supporter.
If you have a better way to move this forward, leave a comment.
Ain't the Internet grand!
This is my 600th post. And to think I once worried about having enough to say!
Say "Thanks!" to a veteran today.
"When you elected me, we stood at the edge of a great chasm. But I want you to know we are about to take a giant step forward." -- Unknown politician, likely not re-elected
Thank you for putting me on deck for WHWA. As my first act, I promise to funnel large quantities of soft $$ -- towards an Oregon establishment of your choice -- for research on the flow of liquids from expensive bottles to expensive glasses to researchers' mouths.
After that, I will declare a water crisis, convene a crisis working group, impose national rationing and hang out at the Oregon labs until the end of my term (or the world, whichever comes first).
Posted by: David Zetland | Monday, 10 November 2008 at 07:12 PM