Colleague and friend Howard Passell of Sandia National Laboratories is convening a special session at the 2009 System Dynamics Conference, 26-30 July, sponsored by the System Dynamics Society. It will be held in Albuquerque, NM.
Sustainability in Water, Energy and Agricultural Resources Management: Collaborative Modeling and Policy Making
Achieving sustainable use of water, energy and agricultural resources over the next few decades may be one of humanity's greatest challenges ever, and may have important consequences for social, economic and political stability at regional and global scales. System dynamics is a technical and philosophical approach well suited to exploring the complex interdependencies among resources and human systems. Collaborative modeling approaches that engaging experts and integrate data and knowledge from across disciplines and sectors are valuable for capturing the complexity that exists across multiple resource and human systems. The resulting models can be powerful tools for informing important decision making at all levels. This special session is aimed at exploring the combination of collaborative system dynamics modeling approaches targeted at water, energy and/or agriculture resources, and the application of those modeling efforts to community planning, policy making, and public outreach. Paper presentations will be coupled with discussions aimed at advancing our strengths and capabilities in this work.
Contact Howard ([email protected]) if you would like to submit an abstract for this session only.
"All models are wrong, but some are useful." -- G.E.P. Box
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