The USGS has just released Circular 1332,Quality of Water from Domestic Wells in Principal Aquifers Across the United States, 1991-2004: Overview of Major Findings. You can also access the more detailed Scientific Investigations Report, Quality of Water from Domestic Wells in Principal Aquifers Across the United States, 1991-2004. Both describe a water quality study of domestic wells in principal aquifers of the USA. Here is the blurb from the USGS:
This study from the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assesses water-quality conditions for about 2,100 private domestic wells across the United States . As many as 219 properties and contaminants, including pH, major ions, nutrients, trace elements, radon, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds, were measured. Fecal indicator bacteria and additional radionuclides were analyzed for a smaller number of wells. The large number of contaminants assessed and the broad geographic coverage of the study provides a foundation for an improved understanding of the quality of water from the major aquifers tapped by domestic supply wells in the United States.
The results of this study are described in two USGS publications, including an overview of the study findings (Circular 1332) and a detailed technical report on data sources, analyses, and results (Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5227). Both publications can be downloaded in PDF format from the NAWQA website (see below). Also available in PDF format are two related articles in the Water Well Journal of the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) which briefly summarize USGS study findings and general information on domestic well maintenance, siting, and testing.
Here is the WWW site, where, aside form the aforementioned publications, you can access:
Water Well Journal Articles
Press releases
Downloadable graphs, maps, and tables
Downloadable data
Related links for domestic well information
Press releases from the USGS and NGWA are attached.
[Disclosure notice: I am a member of NGWA and was just appointed to a National Research Council committee to make recommendations to the NAWQA Program as it enters its third decade.]
"In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them. " -- Johann von Neumann
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