More good things from Emily Green in her weekly post, The Week That Was.
She starts off with the Southeast, and you can bet Hot 'Lanta will be there somewhere.
Seems that the Tennessee Valley Authority, that New Deal dinosaur, has more water stored in its reservoirs above Chattanooga, TN, than at any other time in its illustrious history. Amazing! Hope they draw them down in time for spring.
So I guess that means that pesky Southeast drought is over and we can go back to profligate water use!
And Tennessee seems to be getting awfully protective about the river bearing its name. "…there is a reason the river carries the name 'Tennessee'." — Mike Bell, Representative, Tennessee General Assembly. Why just take a look at the watershed map. As anyone can plainly see, the river is entirely confined to the Volunteer State. Uh-huh.
Emily also has an item about mountaintop removal in West Virginia. She has a picture of a landscape that surely doesn't look the way West Virginia should - at least not the West Virginia I drove through several months ago.
The Environmental Working Group, which doesn't seem to be working too well these days, is still taking heat for its recent drinking-water report.
Several items about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay-Delta, soon to become my favorite water topic, grace her post. And even Las Vegas is there, with tidbits about its environmentally-friendly CityCenter development and plan to take some water from Snake Valley.
She even draws Nebraska in this week. Reminds me of a joke....
And India and Yemen bring up the rear.
Another great summary by Ms. Green.
So I've got to go; need to pack for a trip to Boulder for a meeting, and the cat box beckons.
“We don’t need more guns in this country. This village needs a new water pump and we need new trees that drink less water.” -- Mohammed Faris, Yemeni farmer
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