What, you're asking, is the Hydro 2.0 Social Calendar? It's a calendar, based on the water year, of course, with the following raison d'être:
Water resources scientists and engineers need practical tools to effectively communicate their work to a broad audience and to stay informed with ongoing political, scientific, and technical developments in the water arena. The World Wide Web and mobile computing industry offer a range of tools for bi-directional communications, including social networking, social bookmarking, blogging, newsletters, and related resources. Social networking and bookmarking websites offer the possibility for direct and indirect interaction with other water resources professionals, and open a door to joining larger groups organized by interest and cause. Blogs tend to selectively share interesting web links and articles and to express the opinions of the moderator while leaving room for followers to comment. Newsletters compile and post relevant stories from news sources around the world. Here, we present a compilation of the most influential online communication tools with water-related components. Increased adoption of these advanced communication tools by water resources professionals can facilitates the flow of information and ideas among academics, practitioners, policymakers, and lay audiences, and actively contribute new information to both technical and non-technical discussions on water. If you are not using these tools already, we highly encourage you to use this Water 2.0 Social Calendar to get online and join the #water #resources web #community. =)
It's the brainchild of Kaveh Madani, recent UC-Davis PhD graduate who is now at UC-Riverside, and his colleagues - Christina Connell, Josué Medellín-Azuara, Matthew Bates, William Sicke, Jay Lund - and sponsored the UCD Center for Watershed Sciences.
Kaveh is also the man behind WaterSISWEB.
Self-promotion alert: I'm listed on the calendar.
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"Life is simpler when you plow around the stump." -- Unknown
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