I have been remiss in not giving my customary shout-out to Eric Perramond, a geographer (yeah!) at Colorado College (great academics, superb men's ice hockey), who blogs at Acequias and Adjudication: a Blog on Water Rights in New Mexico.
You're probably thinking, "Why should I care about water rights in New Mexico?" Well, Eric sometimes stretches things a bit when it comes to the topics covered, and even when he doesn't, what he says is done so with great aplomb and usually relevant to places other than the Land of Enchantment. So give it a read.
I realize now why I have avoided giving his blog a shout-out: it's often the kiss of death. More than a few blogs seem to have vanished completely or gone on extended vacations after I praised them.
The reason I'm promoting him now is his excellent review of Mark Carey's book, In the Shadow of Melting Glaciers. Carey is an Assistant Professor of History at good ol' Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA (home toVMI as well).
Carey focuses on the Peruvian Andes. The book no doubt has implications for any place experiencing shrinking glaciers of snowpacks - like the Pacific Northwest.
So give Eric's review and blog a read.
And Eric, please keep writing!
"Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it, when you knew the glaciers were melting." -- Martin Sheen
Michael - thanks for your comments; I'll try to keep stretching. The blog isn't dead (yet?), but is less active these days as I begin to write up results from New Mexico. But I'll keep it going, no doubt, for several years. epp
Posted by: Eric Perramond | Sunday, 25 April 2010 at 08:52 AM