Friend Jim Thebaut's DC water events are just about upon us. They've been rescheduled from February 2010.
Here are the invitations to the evening event on 16 June and the noon 17 June lunch/panel discussion at CSIS.
Download Invitation-16-June-Event
Download Flyer Lunch Panel Event Final 5 24 10
The evening event will feature a screening of a trailer of Jim's new film, Running Dry: Beyond The Brink. Jim told me today that it is quite different from the previous films in the franchise. And actress Jane Seymour will be there, too.
Here are my posts on the original February 2010 event and last summer's event.
Unfortunatetly I won't be able to attend; I will be at the agricultural groundwater conference in Burlingame, CA.
Please RSVP by 9 June 2010. For the 16 June event: 310-833-1020 or [email protected]
For the lunch/panel: [email protected]
Hope you get a chance to attend one or both events.
"The best mind-altering drug is the truth.' -- Lily Tomlin (thanks to Bill Tuner's WaterBank)