A few days ago Emily Green posted on the consolidated salmonid case and the recent decison by Federal District Court Judge Oilver Wanger regarding freshwater exports from the Bay-Delta system. Also check out an earlier post from her. Looks like good news for the proponents of freshwater exports from the Bay-Delta system.
Good reading from Ms. Green, as usual.
I sure get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever judges rule on scientific issues. God help us if hydrologists start judging First Amendment(RAPPS) cases,
That takes care of the 'fish.' Here comes the 'foul' (as in wastewater treatment plant).
By now, almost everyone interested in the Bay-Delta knows that Dr. Patricia Glibert, a member of the NAS Bay-Delta Committee, on which I serve, was asked to resign because of research she published indicating that discharge from the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District's plant was a root cause of degradation of the Bay-Delta ecosystem.
In other words, potential good news to those who don't think freshwater exports are the main cause of the fish declines.
I have read that some people seem to think that our committee will now discount Glibert's research. That is not true at all. If her work is peer reviewed (I assume it is, but I have not seen the paper) then it will be considered along with all the other peer-reviewed work. In fact, at the committee's invitation, Pat will address the committee and discuss her work when we meets in Sacramento in mid-July.
Here is a recent comment posted by NRC Staff Officer Dr. Laura Helsabeck on Aquafornia:
Presently, the committee is preparing to move into phase two of its assignment, which will probe in depth other “stressors” on fish such as are addressed in Dr. Glibert’s paper. Prior to the upcoming meeting in mid-July, Dr. Glibert will be replaced so as to maintain the committee’s expertise and balance. Dr. Glibert has been invited to the July meeting to present the results of her work in public session. Rest assured, the committee will be fully and appropriately populated as we move into the second, important phase of study.
So there.
See you in July.
"The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory." -- Paul Fix