The Western Governors' Association and the Western States Water Council will sponsor a two-day workshop in DC, 14-15 September 2010, on: Drought, Climate and Water: Using Today's Information and Designing Tomorrow's Services.
Here is a copy of the flyer:
Download Western States Water Council Conf Info
PURPOSE: To bring together a diverse group of federal, tribal, state, and local partners from the public and private sectors to prioritize decision-makers’ needs for drought, water and climate-related information. Ultimately, we seek to ensure that the National Integrated Drought Information (NIDIS) and climate services are designed and implemented to meet those needs. This meeting will focus particular attention on coordinating services among federal agencies and at federal-state-local and non-governmental intersections, including the development of specific follow-up steps to improve climate response going forward.
You can register here.
Thanks to AWRA President Ari Michelsen for sending this my way.
"Any party which takes credit for the rain must not be surprised if its opponents blame it for the drought." --Dwight Morrow
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