So you're stuck in Absurdistan on a USAID-funded project when the local warlord unslings his AK-47 and demands to know whether you ripped him off when you drilled his well. What do you do?
Simple - you whip out your Costing and Pricing: A Guide for Water Well Drilling Enterprises and hope the warlord reads English.
Download Costing_and_Pricing_Water_Wells
Kerstin Danert was kind enough to send me this Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) publication.
I posted other RWSN publications on 17 July 2010 (Water Well Construction Code and Accelerating Self Supply: A Case Study from Zambia) and on 22 May 2010 - Seven Myths of the Rural Water Supply Sector.
"Shame and guilt and disgrace
Are much harder than death to face." -- Uzbek proverb
While on the same subject:
Posted by: dw | Sunday, 22 August 2010 at 11:20 AM
Interesting. My dad always had a well on his property when he retired (to water his plants and lawn). I always wondered about how he got permission to have a well - or if he even did get permission - and where the water came from in his suburbian home (outside Texarkana).
Posted by: 55 gallon water barrel | Tuesday, 17 August 2010 at 08:27 AM