Last week I posted, How I Spent My Four Days in Paris, a somewhat tongue-in-cheek account of my time at the World Water Council's stakeholder consultation meeting in preparation for the Sixth World Water Forum.
AWRA Past President Ari Michelsen and I were there on behalf of AWRA as was Executive Vice President Ken Reid, who sits on the WWC's Board of Governors.
The blog post left the distinct impression that we sat around and designed some logos, which was not true - the logos had already been designed.
Sit around we did do, but in meetings, actually working.
Near the end of that post I did add that a lot had been accomplished in two days, but did not say what, and a few readers emailed to inquire about what had been done.
Here is the program: Download Programme2-en
This leaflet explains the process: Download 6th_World_Water_Forum_Leaflet
Not shown on the program is a three hour-meeting on Sunday to prepare those of us who were facilitating, moderating, or co-moderating stakeholder meetings:
Download Agenda_110116_2nd_SCM_Preparation_Moderators_v3
Michelsen and I were involved (he far more so) with Thematic Workshop 2.1, Balance Multiple Uses Through IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management). Here is the document he prepared for the meeting:
Download IWRM_-_Meaning_Principles_SourcesList_-_Michelsen_2010_
Here is a list of all thematic workshoips:
Download Doc 4.1 List of Moderators andcomoderators for the thematic workshops 110111
There were 15 Thematic Workshops in all. Each one met in a conference room and proceeded to assess the targets for each workshop, identify additional groups to be involved as well as additional stakeholders. Actions were also identified. We started with 12 targets in our group, which we whittled down to 10. Presumably, each one of these will be a session at 6WWF.
So where had all these targets and other items come from? An initial stakeholder consultation meeting held last June and months of conference calls and email exchanges shaped what we had in front of us. This meeting served to refine all that material through face-to-face exchanges.
After each Thematic Session group had commpleted its tasks, the results were written on large boards and left in the large hall for almost a day so people could go around and see what the other groups had done. Comments could be made by using giant Post-It notes.
The regional groups - Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas - also met to discuss their agendas. Our Americas group is headed by Mexico and has identifed four key targets:
Water and sanitation
Water and adaptation to climate change
IWRM: enabling institutions, legislation and financial instruments
Water for food and energy (AWRA is the co-lead with U. Nebraska-Lincoln)
The entire process may seem confusing, I know, especially if you were not there. But I was quite surprised at how well things worked and how much was accomplished.
We'll see what happens next.
One of my concerns is that groundwater will once again be given short shrift, as it was in 5WWF. I want to ensure that this doesn't happen. As I walked around the other groups' boards, I did not see groundwater mentioned very much.
Looks like my work is cut out for me.
As for my first day in Paris, which makes a total of four - I was studying the material and recovering from jet lag.
"A meeting moves at the speed of the slowest mind in the room. In other words, all but one participant will be bored, all but one mind underused.” - Dale Dauten
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