Shill alert: I am on the external advisory board of the WaTER Center and good friends with its director, Dr. David Sabatini, as well as Dr. Randy Kolar, Dr. Robert Nairn, and Dr. Robert Knox. All remarkable folks.
I've been remiss in not announcing the Call for Abstracts for the OU WaTER Conference. They are due on 15 June 2011.
Here is a flyer: Download WaTER_Conference__October_2011_4 15 11
Here is more information from Dr. David Sabatini, director of the WaTER Center:
This is a second notice announcing the 2011 WaTER Conference with the theme of “Synergy at the Interface: Integrating Technology, Social Entrepreneurship and Behavior Change” on October 24-25, 2011 in Norman, OK. We are excited to present our Second OU International Water Prize to Ben Fawcett , co-author of The Last Taboo: Opening the Door on the Global Sanitation Crisis, who will give the plenary talk for the conference. We have also assembled an impressive group of six keynote speakers to address our theme areas of technology, social entrepreneurship and behavior change – see below for the list of speakers. We invite abstracts in these theme areas as well (please go here to learn more about the conference, to submit abstracts by June 15, 2011 and to register). We will also have half-day hands-on workshops on the morning of October 26 on appropriate well drilling technologies, eco-latrines, etc.
Keynote speakers from the fields of social entrepreneurship, behavior change, water technologies, climate change, and hydrophilanthropy:
- Ned Breslin, Water for People – Hydrophilanthropy
- Annette Johnson, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology - Water Technologies
- Dennis Lettenmaier, University of Washington - Water Resources/Climate Change
- John Oldfield, Water Advocates - Legislative Update
- Kurt Soderlund, Safe Water Network - Social Entrepreneurship
- Peter Winch, Director, Social and Behavioral Interventions Program, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - Behavior Change
We are looking forward to building on the success of our first conference in 2009 and hope you will be able to join us. Please pass this information on to other interested parties. We welcome you to join us in Norman, OK on October 24-26, 2011.
Great keynoters! This will be an excellent meeting; the OU folks know how to put on a conference. I will see you there.
“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” – Will Durant
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