CE News recently named seven people to its Power List. One of them is friend and colleague Dr. Gerald E. 'Gerry' Galloway, Jr., Past President of AWRA.
Here is his entry:
Gerald Galloway, Jr., Ph.D., P.E.
Professor, University of Maryland
Galloway is a Glenn L. Martin Institute professor of engineering for the department of civil and environmental engineering, and an affiliate professor at the school of public policy at the University of Maryland, where his focus is on water resources policy and management. He also is a visiting scholar at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources. Galloway serves as a consultant to the California Department of Water Resources on flooding and, from 1998 to 2003, served as secretary of the United States section of the International Joint Commission, an independent bi-national organization charged with preventing and resolving trans-boundary air and water quality issues disputes between the United States and Canada under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909.A civil engineer, public administrator, soldier, educator, and geographer, he has led and managed large organizations in successfully executing a variety of important activities, including assessing the causes of the 1993 Mississippi River floods and proposing a long-term approach to floodplain management; preparing reports on the disastrous flooding in the Red River of the North; addressing principles to govern management of potential withdrawals of water from the Great Lakes; and managing a multi-state water resources development program that included the operation of seven large dams and the construction of two locks and dams.
A fellow and life member of the ASCE, he currently is a vice-chair of a task group reviewing educational requirements for professional practice and a member of ASCE’s Strategic Planning Committee and the ASCE Post-Hurricane Katrina Critical Infrastructure Guidance Task Force.
Gerry is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer vis-a-vis water resources management and water policy. He is world-renowned expert on water management, especially flood and floosplain management. Go ahead, ask him about the 1993 Mississippi Basin floods.
A couple of years ago I recommended him for Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works. Alas, the WaterWired kiss of death! He'd be a great 'water czar', too!
He is in his mid-70s and still going strong. He's certainly one of my role models. And he's a nice guy, too!
Congratulations and well-deserved, Gerry!
Three of the seven named were WaterWonks: in addition to Gerry, Linda Abriola (left) Dean of Engineering at Tufts University, and Linda Bridwell, Kentucky American Water’s Director of Water Quality and Environmental Compliance, were both named to this exclusive list. I salute Dr. Abriola and Ms. Bridwell for their achievements - all the more remarkable in a profession long a bastion of males. Three of the 'Power List' members are women.
"If you want truly to understand something, try to change it." -Kurt Lewin
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