It's the end of the month and that means I depart Recife today for the long trek home to Oregon. I leave Recife at 12:30 PM Atlantic time (one hour later that EDT) and arrive in Portland (PDX) on 1 October 2011 at 10:30 AM PDT. Then it's about a two hour drive down to Corvallis. So I'll arrive home about 12:30 PM, 28 hours after leaving Recife.
My itinerary: REC > GRU (Sao Paulo) > ORD > PDX.
It's been a most enjoyable and educational week, and I am very grateful to the conference organizers for inviting me here and paying my expenses. Learned some things and saw some old friends and met new ones. I'll provide some concluding comments in a few days.
So here's your weekly dose of water news - or displacement behavior.
Books, Journals, Films, and Reviews
Open-access journal Water, Vol. 3, Issue 3 (Sept 2011) now available.
Water, Volume 3, Issue 3 - September 2011: Access Articles Here
Have heard good things about 'Last Call at the Oasis'. One: 'best water movie I've seen'.
Via @PeterGleick Here is the more independent review of "Last Call at the Oasis", from Variety!
Via @aguanomics Robert Glennon's first book Water Follies -- the review
From @PeterGleick: PacInst releases long-awaited Volume 7 of The World's Water.
Bottled Water and Drinking Water
CWAA's Ben Grumbles on 'Soft and Salty' - water softeners, not pretzels.
Via @PeterGleick At "5-star" Brazil hotel for water conference.No potable tap water. Need to translate #bottledandsold book into Portuguese.
Sarvajal brings DW to Indian rural poor using local entrepreneurs and water ATMs.
RT @columbiawater Market Watch: Award-Winning LifeStraw® Water Filter Makes North American Retail Debut
RT @columbiawater Cornell Daily Sun: The Water Bottle Debate: Plastic or Metal? #water
Climate Change
RT @rivrchik Global Warming Silver Lining? Arctic Could Get Cleaner - @NatGeo RT@carbonmeme
RT @tveitdal Island nations ask UN for help to stay above water #climatechange
At IWRA meeting in Brazil: heard new euphemism (??) for CC/global warming: 'climate disruption'.
RT @climateprogress Case Study in Scientific Integrity: The Science Behind Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards
RT @rivrchik Climatic Fluctuations Drove Key Events in Human Evolution, Researchers Find (ScienceDaily)
RT @rebootingfuture A new poll on evolution and #climatechange -- Scary stuff!
Via @gl0bal_warming The American 'allergy' to global warming: Why?
RT @pokjaampl Island nations warn of climate disaster at UN
RT @climateprogress Ocean warming will likely accelerate melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
In Brazil: Interesting talk by Paul Kibel on prospects for a WTO suit against USA for CVP crop subsidies ('foregone revenue').
Via @aguanomics Time to dump increasing block rates?
Zetland (@aguanomics) on Non-profit Games
RT @aguanomics Flashback: 19 -- 25 Sept 2010 #watermanagers #macroeconomics #psychology #academics
Via @columbiawater Science Education Crucial for Tomorrow's Water Solutions #water #education
RT @IUSGS Why worry about #wetlands? Lessons on the Lake: An Educators Guide to the #Pontchartrain Basin:
Ohm, Canada! Via@ThisWeekInEarth Eastern Canada hydroelectric project gaining support. &
RT @columbiawater Can Canadian Water Slake America’s Need for Power? #water #energy #Canada
Zetland's upcoming (28 September) webinar on water markets, food,and ag flows.
Where else should a rivrchik be? RT @rivrchik Happy World Rivers Day - spendin' it on the river naturally - tweet you later :)
Tnx to @rivrchik. It's World Rivers Day!
XIVth IWRA World Water Congress Final Program
XIVth World Water Congress Impressions - 3: Alberta Allocation, Groundwater, Islam, Gleick, More!
In Brazil: Henning Bjornlund ( U. Lethbridge) speaking on water allocation and ecosystem services in S. Alberta. I will report on 9/29 blog.
XIVth World Water Congress Impressions - 2: The Bay-Delta & CVP Visit Brazil, Bioprecipitation, More!
Via @A_McMillen Know anyone who would like to present@WIWetlandsAssoc conference in Feb?
Via @chanceofraincom. First day's notes from SNWA water hearings in Nevada.
Impressions of the XIVth World Water Congress -1: 'Rios Voadores' e Muito Mas!
16th Int'l. Water Technology Conference, Istanbul, 7-10 May 2012.
2011 OU International WaTER Conference Preliminary Program
It's Banned Books Week! Read Zetland's
NGWA virtual conference on 'Declining GW Levels'
RT @columbiawater Water Problems Are Solvable: The International Water Forum at UN #water #communications #education
34th Intl. Geological Congress, 5-10 August 2012 in Brisbane: 3rd Circular
Floods and Droughts
RT @jfleck millions lack food RT@alertnetclimate Floods ruin 70 percent of south Pakistan's crops
RT @ShaunMcKinnon My AzRep story: Poor monsoon,back-to-back La Nina winters could push AZ deep into #drought again.
RT @rivrchik: 36 powerful, perspective-shifting photos of the floods in South East & Central Asia RT@brainpicker
3 October issue of TIME: Droughtbusters (subs required).
RT @indiawater NASA satellite image of Orissa floods: Thanks@deepakmenon #floods #Orissa #monsoon2011
RT @UNDP Video of devastated #flood zone in southern #Pakistanfrom @UNICEF_Pakistan: v @UN
Via @YSIInc Fracking wastewater floods Ohio.
Via @rebootingfuture Gas well debate over Indiana County drill site turns violent: neighbors in conflict. #marcellus
RT @jimmilton Oklahoma Water Law website has been upgraded
RT @theWaterWonk Fact Sheet: Understanding Canadian Water Rights
RT @wildadvocate News Release 9/29/11: A Far Reaching Court Victory for Western Watersheds Project
Via @highcountrynews Last thing you want in federal court is a testy judge. But that's what's happened in CA water wars
25 Amazing Galleries on Geotechnical Engineering.
RT @rivrchik Ecologists Use Power of Network Science to Challenge Long-Held Theory (ScienceDaily)
Nice breeze off the South Atlantic Ocean (outside Recife, Brazil). Great WiFi, too.
RT @FWaterSys Snappy the crocodile turns himself #orangeafter attacking #waterfilter
Via @PeterGleick @matt_weisermost poet laureates? most nobel winners? most people in poverty? most artists?other social values than riches.
RT @columbiawater Groundwater greed driving sea level rises #water or see our blog post
The Texas of Canada! RT @rivrchikAlberta WaterPortal - all Alberta, all water, all the time - check it out
New IUCN Water And Nature Initiative (WANI) website:
Glad I was in a session! RT@HuffingtonPost. Piranhas attack 100 beach goers in Brazil
Faculty position in water resources: SW hydrology,Penn State.
Position open: Flow Restoration Specialist, State of MA.
Via @UNW_WWD Vacancy: Programme Officer, Communications & Advocacy Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council...
Position open: CSU-Fresno, Asst. Professor of Hydrogeology
TNC AmeriCorps positions in Oregon. Search with keyword 'Oregon' for list of openings.
EPA position vacancy: Director, Ground Water and Ecosystem Restoration Division, (Ada, OK).
Position open: Project Manager 3 --#Chicago -- @Black_Veatch@BlackVeatchJobs
Pacific Institute seeks Research Associate for Community Strategies for Sustainability & Justice Program.
Nice to see @PeterGleick and Jennifer McKay (U. of Adelaide) here in Brazil. PG is V.T. Chow Memorial Lecturer.
Via @gtnews Hal Salwasser,Dean of OSU's College of Forestry,will step down next June; will stay as professor.
RT @alexwitze @USGS hydrologist in Boulder loses home in 4 Mile fire,uses her property to sample runoff in burned areas
Came 7,000 miles to see Jim Bartolino of @USGS_Idaho. Nice surprise.
Via @BCWaterNews: 10 minutes with Kevin McCray, National GW Assn. Exec. Director.
Dr. Peter H. Gleick Receives IWRA Ven Te Chow Memorial Award, Presents Lecture
Streams, Lakes, Watersheds, and Ecosystems
I am here now! RT @Earth_NewsBrazil farming revolution may slow Amazon demise @reuters
RT @Boise_Watershed Natural resources: public lands and water via@AddThis
RT @Just_BLUE_It@Lake_Champlain: What’s So Bad About Dams, Anyway? | American Rivers
RT @kaskadia @Pinnochia: RT@americanrivers: #Klamath #restoration plan deserves congressional support #dam
RT @rivrchik @highlyanne: Brazil court halts construction of Belo Monte dam on Xingu River in Amazon;” via@para_sight
RT @rivrchik Two Dams Down, Salmon on the Run RT@discovery @Earth_News
RT @EPAowow EPA announces the Healthy Watersheds Initiative National Framework and Action Plan 2011
RT @armyengineers Levees are just on the Mighty Miss and Mo rivers, right? Wrong. Check out levees in the North East:
Via @americanrivers Was amazing to be part of Elwha dam removal celebration. Here are some quotes that stuck with us.
RT @columbiawater Like water for schemers: Think twice before you re-engineer a river #water #southwest
RT @WillSarni The Economist American waterways: Go with the flow via@theeconomist Returning our waterways.
Twitter, E-Newsletters, and E-Newspapers
TGIF - Tweets Galore! It's Friday, 23 September 2011 - Special Brazil Edition
RT @WorldHygienePrg The Daily WASH is out!▸ Top stories today via@activewater @kfleuranderson@hygiene_central
RT @Pauldedigitect's evening paper is out! ▸ Top stories today via @waterca@waterwired @vananaarbeter
RT @ACWAWater @farmwater: The #cawater Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @middlebm @acwawater@cmua_tweets
RT @Pauldedigitect Water paper is out! ▸ Top stories today via @rioolgids@un_water
RT @Halmawater Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @waterwelljournl@waterintelplc @wateronline@varnumlaw @instwater
Via @medindoagua The *Água & Water * Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @pa_osite @waterwired@movimentocyan
RT @Pauldedigitect Water paper is out! ▸ Top stories today via @architectenweb@biebwaterweg @waterbedrijf
RT The @WaterFootprints Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @wuiw@desal_response @australian@watercrunch @lpawater
Halma Water Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @bcwaternews @pvowell@processingmag
RT @theWaterWonk Today's Water is out!▸ Top stories today via @rainqcom@mydcwater @aguanomics@suezenv @highlyanne
RT @environmentinst@Agriculture_ Daily is out! ▸Top stories today via @dayangus@environmentinst @agsciences@ken4corn
RT @WorldHygienePrg The Daily WASH is out! ▸ Top stories today via @adrink4tomorrow@washuganda @onedropdotorg@pp2a
RT @CorkEnvForum The Cork Environment Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @eosfuturedesign@fotawildlife @ballymaloe
RT @WaterStJournal Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @waterwired@itth2opros @foodandwater@waterk
GSA Hydrogeology Division Fall 2011 Newsletter
RT @NedBreslin Talking about menstruation, and why, among other important things, clean toilets matter to girls
Feliz cumpleaños @elporvenir. 21 years bringing clean water to Nicaragua!
Water Quality
RT @highcountrynews Beautiful reported essay on remediating the nation's largest Superfund site,in MT (subs req'd).
Utah can't afford to warn anglers of Hg contamination in fish.
RT @rivrchik New water quality science paves way for improving river health in UK (ScienceDaily) RT@tweetingdonal
Water Supply, Use, and Infrastructure
Via @westcenter @jfleck @RuralWest Is there more water to be moved from the Colorado River Basin?
From my hotel room in Porto de Galinhas I see lots of homes with rooftop water tanks.
G'day, Maggie! RT @rivrchikRainwater Harvesting Systems Should Combine New Tech With Old Social Habits
RT @ibmsmarterwater Milwaukee -- a hub for urban agriculture?
RT @peakwater Major Rivers Have Enough Water to Meet Food Needs, Study Shows «:
Via @columbiawater Iraq launches groundwater database to reduce uncertainty in country’s water supply #water#Iraq
RT @CareEnvironment EPA: NJ needs $8B fix to antiquated sewer systems
Larry Rahn seeks info on water supply near Las Cahobas,Haiti, for orphanage,school. Can u help? Don't reply to me; contact [email protected]
Missoula will get a chance to purchase its water system from private firm.
RT @columbiawater CA's Imperial Valley Irrigation District & Mexico seek to store Colorado River water in river
RT @NedBreslin Great video on the use of #FLOW in #Liberia by@WSPWorldBank, over 7,000 #water points mapped
RT @jfleck @KateGalbraith Texas plans for water needs, but is slow to implement
"In America, events can move from the impossible to the inevitable without ever stopping at the probable." - Alexis de Tocqueville (from Alex Prud'homme's The Ripple Effect, p. 325)
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