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Saturday, 03 September 2011


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Kim Richards

What I find really interesting, that there seems to be only a lot of focus of the southwestern lakes dissapearing.. mead and the like... but, they are disapearing all over the Globe.. The Rhine, salt lake, etc... every state in the usa has low levels of water in man made lakes and lakes in general.. All one needs to do is look at the shoreline that is slowly growing wider.. Maybe he did find it.. I could believe that. At this point in the world and timeline we are in, I could believe just about anything is possible.. We certainly are living in funky historical moments. Every day is a new show...

Tebbie Palomino

I feel that we have more water than we know what to do with but the government will never admit that so they can keep taking money from the people and saying there's no water it's all one big giant scam


From what I read, Wally Spencer was willing to prove the water existed if the state signed a contract for payment with the understanding that Wally would not be paid till he had proven the amount of water he had claimed flows through it. If the water didn't exist as Wally had claimed, the state would have owed Wally nothing. That alone tells me Wally was telling the truth. He clearly gave the state an easy way out of the contract if the amount of water didn’t exist. The State Dept of Nevada was mostly likely a bunch of self-entitled, arrogant, egotistical morons by not signing the contract, probably thinking they could find it themselves without paying Wally anything. The state would have made billions over the years and we would not be in this drought today. Wally was only asking for a one-time fee that would have amounted to pennies in comparison. Morons!!!

EJ Hanford

Wally Spencer was likely searching for a "pipe dream" rather than something that really existed. Read some more details of his efforts at:

"During the 1980s, however, the space shuttle program brought new clues. Clearer photographs of the Nevada desert were taken. These photos came to the attention of rocket scientist Wally Spencer. When examining the photographs, he noticed what appeared to be an ancient river channel going straight through the desert. He believes that plants surrounded the river millions of years ago. He also believes that these plants would have since decomposed into black gold or crude oil."

perfectly far-fetched!!

As to more recent determinations by the State of Nevada Water Engineer - see page 6 of:

And an interesting PowerPoint on the history:


Isn't this just like the underground Amargosa river that flows through Nye county? This has been known about for some time...I mean there's even a national monument or something with a visitor's center at Ash Meadows where the river flows upwards momentarily before dropping back done. Go see it, it's really neat. My guess is this Wally fellow just some spur of that river system, perhaps bigger, maybe smaller. Who knows, but certainly within realm of possibility as we have concrete proof such things exist in close proximity to Las Vegas.

Vito A Lombardi

If anyone does know the location of Wally's hidden river now would be a good time to reveal its location don't you think? Have you seen Lake Mead lately?

Michael Campana

Go here and then use Google:

If I knew where they were I would provide their URLs.

Dan Hall

Where can I find the videos that have been remover from this sight. Thanks Dan

john p owen

I have info on Wally Spencer's lost river. I am positive I know were there are subterranean tunels in the southern NV desert. contact # 7025348407

Stacey Ponzio

I remember speaking with a gentleman that owned a mining related business . He also knew Wally and said he had a general ideal of it's location. He had put this together from the small bit of info Wally gave him . He staked a claim for mineralsale near by . When he did come across a natural cavern he could hear it .
Last I heard he explored until he passed. His claim was somewhere between Jean and spring mnt
Range before pahrump. Who knows but I believe the government does

Tyler Mason

I actually worked for Wally in the summer of 1993. I know exactly where the river is and the two wells that did get drilled and did prove its existence.


If that comment about the mining engineer with the US Bureau of mines is true, wouldn't there be some documentation about this in their archives that is public record? Why didn't they publish their report on this? It would be an important find for the state of Nevada.


Doesnt devils hole in nv lead to a river at least 300 to 900 ft deep.It also rises and lowers and splashes level during events like earthquakes in other countries as stated on the govs website.

B Allen

The river exists underground rises and falls with the Pacific Tides. It is in southern Clark County, It is not just water but rare earth minerals that there also.

The old US Bureau of Mines during WWII in unpublished reports investigated. The prime investigator use to live in Carson City and was famous in his day.

Just happened to come across your website when I searched for underground river.

The desert sun did not affect the gentlemen.

The mine which leads to the underground river is still out there. This might make mountain pass look like a midget...

I spent two years with the old mining engineer roaming Nevada and California. He was an amazing individual who visited over 50,000 mine sites in his career with Bureau of Mines he left in 1950's

web design company Landon

The more he nagged the government and water engineers about having found an underground river in southern Nevada that might extend as far north as British Columbia and run all the way to the Pacific, the more they smiled with understanding what the wicked desert sun can do to a man prospecting on his own..Good blog..

Rainbow Water Coalition

According to Findlay, T. 2005, To Move An Ocean, Range Magazine, p. 46-57.

*Nobody seriously wanted to listen to Wally Spencer in those days. The more he nagged the government and water engineers about having found an underground river in southern Nevada that might extend as far north as British Columbia and run all the way to the Pacific, the more they smiled with understanding what the wicked desert sun can do to a man prospecting on his own*.

The Columbia River averages 265,000 cubic foot/second = 525,619 acre foot/day = 171,273,976,490 gallon/day, so it sounds like Wally's river might be a *tributary* of the Columbia. If his underground *river* does extend to BC, then this could be the mother of all transboundary groundwater projects to be addressed by the State Department, and perhaps even more of a transboundary groundwater project than the newly discovered underground River Hamza in South America!

Peter Gleick

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Or in this case, even ANY evidence.

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