This is a preview (c. 26 minutes) of the latest film in Jim Thebaut's 'Running Dry' franchise.
Here is the blurb:
Running Dry: Beyond the Brink is filmmaker Jim Thebaut's latest addition to the Running Dry franchise. It will be a documentary that will be presented in theaters around the world. Its focus is the impact of drought and water scarcity and its connection to energy, health, agriculture, food supply and international security.
Disclosure notice: Jim is a friend of mine, and I donated funds in the name of Oregon State University to support this film's production.
"A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water." -- Proverbs 11:25
Jim Thebaut's 'Running Dry - Beyond The Brink' ... I found the comment from Karlene Maywald, Minister of the River, Government South Australia ... who noted essentially “that we need to wake up and make the tough political decisions (about water) NOW ... if we wait most likely it will be quite disastrous” ... This is a position I can easily support providing one caveat is added which is that full disclosure and transparency be provided and that “we” (the public) ALWAYS have a seat at the table and our voices are heard and our questions fully and truthfully answered .... anything short of this and we will and cannot achieve an ethical resolution to the water crisis this planet we share is facing ............
Posted by: PAUL F MILLER | Thursday, 08 December 2011 at 03:01 PM