Three great things to read.
1) Water Volume 4, Issue 3 - September 2012
Ivan Bono, Emilio Del Giudice, Luca Gamberale and Marc Henry
Article: Emergence of the Coherent Structure of Liquid Water
Water 2012, 4(3), 510-532; doi:10.3390/w4030510
Yasutoshi Shimizu, Kanako Toyosada, Mari Yoshitaka and Kyosuke Sakaue
Article: Creation of Carbon Credits by Water Saving
Water 2012, 4(3), 533-544; doi:10.3390/w4030533
El-Sayed E. Omran
Article: A Proposed Model to Assess and Map Irrigation Water Well Suitability Using Geospatial Analysis
Water 2012, 4(3), 545-567; doi:10.3390/w4030545
Bas van de Sande, Joost Lansen and Claartje Hoyng
Article: Sensitivity of Coastal Flood Risk Assessments to Digital Elevation Models
Water 2012, 4(3), 568-579; doi:10.3390/w4030568
Othman A. Al-Mashaqbeh, Ayoup M. Ghrair and Sharon B. Megdal
Article: Grey Water Reuse for Agricultural Purposes in the Jordan Valley: Household Survey Results in Deir Alla
Water 2012, 4(3), 580-596; doi:10.3390/w4030580
Colin Sowder and E. Ashley Steel
Technical Note: A Note on the Collection and Cleaning of Water Temperature Data
Water 2012, 4(3), 597-606; doi:10.3390/w4030597
Eduardo Leite Souza and Enedir Ghisi
Article: Potable Water Savings by Using Rainwater for Non-Potable Uses in Houses
Water 2012, 4(3), 607-628; doi:10.3390/w4030607
Muthia Elma, Christelle Yacou, David K. Wang, Simon Smart and João C. Diniz da Costa
Review: Microporous Silica Based Membranes for Desalination
Water 2012, 4(3), 629-649; doi:10.3390/w4030629
Paola C. Rúa-Gómez, Arlen A. Guedez, Conchi O. Ania and Wilhelm Püttmann
Article: Upgrading of Wastewater Treatment Plants Through the Use of Unconventional Treatment Technologies: Removal of Lidocaine, Tramadol, Venlafaxine and Their Metabolites
Water 2012, 4(3), 650-669; doi:10.3390/w4030650
Xingqiang Song and Björn Frostell
Article: The DPSIR Framework and a Pressure-Oriented Water Quality Monitoring Approach to Ecological River Restoration
Water 2012, 4(3), 670-682; doi:10.3390/w4030670
Jonathan D. Tonkin, Liam A.H. Wright and Bruno O. David
Short Note: Mussel Spat Ropes Assist Redfin Bully Gobiomorphus huttoni Passage through Experimental Culverts with Velocity Barriers
Water 2012, 4(3), 683-689; doi:10.3390/w4030683
Tianyu Qiu and Philip A. Davies
Article: Comparison of Configurations for High-Recovery Inland Desalination Systems
Water 2012, 4(3), 690-706; doi:10.3390/w4030690
Jose A. Amador and Janet A. Atoyan
Article: Structure and Composition of Leachfield Bacterial Communities: Role of Soil Texture, Depth and Septic Tank Effluent Inputs
Water 2012, 4(3), 707-719; doi:10.3390/w4030707
Raed Bashitialshaaer, Magnus Larson and Kenneth M. Persson
Article: An Experimental Investigation on Inclined Negatively Buoyant Jets
Water 2012, 4(3), 720-738; doi:10.3390/w4030720
Tiemen A. Nanninga, Iemke Bisschops, Eduardo López, José Luis Martínez-Ruiz, Daniel Murillo, Laura Essl and Markus Starkl
Article: Discussion on Sustainable Water Technologies for Peri-Urban Areas of Mexico City: Balancing Urbanization and Environmental Conservation
Water 2012, 4(3), 739-758; doi:10.3390/w4030739
2) The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate: A Workshop Report
An important topic - and you can freely download a PDF!
On September 8-9, 2011, experts in solar physics, climate models, paleoclimatology, and atmospheric science assembled at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado for a workshop to consider the Sun's variability over time and potential Sun-climate connections.
While it does not provide findings, recommendations, or consensus on the current state of the science, The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate: A Workshop Reportbriefly introduces the primary topics discussed by presenters at the event. As context for these topics, the summary includes background information on the potential Sun-climate connection, the measurement record from space, and potential perturbations of climate due to long-term solar variability. This workshop report also summarizes some of the science questions explored by the participants as potential future research endeavors.
3) @MGhydro's Excellent List of Water Publications
Matthew Garcia has done an excellent job puling together about 40 publications on water and related topics. This is a great list and a real service to us all.
“Water is the driving force of all Nature." - Leonardo da Vinci
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