I'm wrapping up a short visit to Norman, OK, for a meeting of the External Advsory Board of the University of Oklahoma's WaTER Center. As usual, we EAB members were impressed with the work the
Center's people are accomplishing and the level of support provided by the University.
Makes one's mouth water.
The two photos show two different versions of 'Water for Emerging Regions - H2O FER and H2O 4ER - from Dave (WaTER Center Director) and Frances Sabatini's vehicles.
Note - if you are new to this summary: to access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter
clicking on a link beginning with '#' will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Books and Book Reviews
New Book - 'Water Trading and Global Water Scarcity: International Experiences' http://is.gd/nlqwmS
Book from @AGI_Updates: 'Dawn of the Anthropocene: Humanity's Defining Moment' http://amzn.to/Shlzb1
Noah Hall: A Compelling Call for a New Water Ethic – Reviewing@cynthiabarnett's “Blue Revolution” http://is.gd/kGtPns
@aguanomics reviews Fred Pearce's 'The Land Grabbers: The New Fight over Who Owns the Earth' http://is.gd/BLY402
Bottled Water and Drinking/Tap Water
MT @greenroofsuk Self filling water bottle takes its cue from Namib beetle http://ow.ly/1PJVjr
MT @PurificWaterUSA Bottled water contains disinfection byproducts,fertilizer residue,pain medication http://goo.gl/nz3jM @ewgtoxics
A Water Wonks! Visit Maven's Manor (aka Chris Austin or@Aquafornia) http://mavensmanor.com/ #cawater
Via @chanceofraincom Pub: California's Water Market, By the Numbers: Update 2012 http://is.gd/t3HkGN
RT @Earth_News Disruption of water delivery could devastate L.A. County economy http://bit.ly/V8uqwg @latimes
RT @edmontonjournal Canada's last asbestos mine may have future as Mars stand-in http://edmjr.nl/Yg5gjF
Great way to start the week: 45-minute chat with Bernadette Conant, Executive Director of @CdnWaterNetwork
RT @rivrchik MT @CanadianWater: Sewage treatment at issue in Victoria (BC) byelection (CBC) http://bit.ly/WrN952
MT @WaterTAPOntario Drinking Water Initiatives in Canada: Three RFPs, due 3 Jan http://is.gd/30CN3x
MT @ourwaterbc BC must prepare to face CC; hydroelectric facilities pose major risks. http://ow.ly/fpXlT @WCELaw @pembina@Sierra_BC
MT @KBalp @SEAlbertawaters Env Minister Peter Kent asked Manitoba to take over Exp Lkes Area http://bit.ly/UqHbDX RT@WaterPollution9
Canada's Fisheries Minister defends cutting Experimental Lakes water facility. http://is.gd/oTUG9r
BC coal mining again a concern in Canadian Flathead River watershed. http://is.gd/oh3WHB
CWR Journal 37(4): Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) Workshop on Temporary Streams (@SnowHydro) http://bit.ly/V6S24m
Climate Change, Climate, and Meteorology
RT @carbonmeme Doha climate talks: what to expect - Guardianhttp://bit.ly/U5vO1L
RT @WorldBank What does #water look like in a #4degrees world?http://bit.ly/106TjME
MT @climateprogress NYT Warns On CC: ‘Fear Death By Water’, Rising Seas Likely To Swallow Up City If We Don’t Act Soonhttp://bit.ly/UHT1I4
RT @SmithsonianMag The Arctic might be running out of ice, but it's running out of snow even faster. http://ow.ly/fwEPv
MT @sejorg@Envirowire: Infographic: The politics of climate changehttp://aje.me/Tezu02 via @AJEnglish
RT @gravelbar Interactive graphic on coastal city flooding with sea rise http://is.gd/4N36eL
Effects of acidic ocean waters showing up decades early.http://is.gd/NuuHn0 (via @seattletimes)
From @TheAtlantic: 5 Charts About Climate Change That Should Have You Very, Very Worried. http://is.gd/f32jD3
@AJEnglish Infographic: The Politics of Climate Changehttp://bit.ly/Uo2dDi
Tell me about it! RT@jfleck "*Pineapple Express* is so much better at many levels." http://j.mp/WUjl62
RT @Earth_News Ice loss in Greenland since 1960 – interactivehttp://bit.ly/X5cTt5 @guardian
Boulder scientists highlight record polar melting. http://is.gd/EYw8hP
@UNEP Report: Policy Implications of Warming Permafrost.http://is.gd/LBEOzg Could significantly amplify global warming.
RT @dezertmagazine Rain Shadow Desert: Why the Rain Often Skips The Desert... http://fb.me/1TLqqkPvR
RT @ClimateTreaty Time To Lead On Climate Changehttp://bit.ly/Vei4Tu
Conferences and Calls for Abstracts/Papers
Water for Mega-Cities: Challenges and Solutions",Beijing, 16-18 Sept 2013. Call for Abstracts open. http://is.gd/8lx6U3
@ngwatweets 2012 Groundwater (one word!) Expo, 4-7 December, Las Vegas. Always a great show. http://groundwaterexpo.com/
DISCCRS: Climate Change Research Symposium and Resources for Early-Career Scholars,12-19 Oct. Apps due: 28 Febhttp://is.gd/Kj5UIA
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
Article - 'No Wars for Water: Why Climate Change Has Not Led to Conflict' But Will Nonstationarity Prevail? http://bit.ly/R9ADKF
Droughts, Disasters, and Floods
RT @AWRAHQ Some cities find small steps key to storm protectionhttp://reut.rs/UEGBhT via @reuters
RT @Earth_News Flooding leaves trail of destruction across Britain - video http://bit.ly/WRRcws @guardian
@EPAgov Hurricane Sandy Response and Recovery site.http://www.epa.gov/sandy/
MT @guardianeco UK Village left to mop up again as new flood defences fail http://gu.com/p/3c49b/tf
From @MGhydro: The Costs of Natural Disasters. http://is.gd/Fd0BcY
How the Yampa River, and its Dependents, Survived the Drought of 2012. http://is.gd/4mWXgQ
As Great Lakes plummet, towns try to save harbors.http://is.gd/sPAGko (@sltrib)
NWRI Drought Response Workshop presentations now online.http://is.gd/CqkLa0
MT Gov. Schweitzer asks Obama not to release Fort Peck Reservoir water to float barges on MS River. http://is.gd/YnhR6j
RT @rain_harvest USA: Another drought in Texas looming?http://ow.ly/fJwpX
RT @Oxfam Infographic: If we don't act on #climate change, the bill for dealing w/ extreme weather may be even higherhttp://bit.ly/TnrY2I
MT @columbiawater@jeffkart:Climate modeling 101 - helps public understand how models work & their value http://bit.ly/TBwRXl @MetcalfURI
From @USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship. Apps due: 23 Jan 2013. http://is.gd/RVu75G
Students! Hydro Research Foundation to award 8-10 2013 Fellowships,worth $46.4K - $79.6K each! Apps due: 1 Marchhttp://is.gd/5nXFj0
RT @WASHadvocates Great editorial on @allafrica about World Toilet Day & #sanitation http://ow.ly/fEfmP #WTD2012 @WorldToilet
Just concluded External Advisory Bd meeting of @OUWaterCenter, which is doing great things. Excellent support from U of OK.
Via @JamesWMercer Webinar 'Alternatives for Managing the Nation's Complex Contaminated GW Sites,12 Dec, 1 PM ESThttp://tinyurl.com/cn98xlk
From IAH: Groundwater eNews, Issue 05/12, November 2012.http://is.gd/p0GbzE
Great piece by @craigtimes: Florida's vanishing springs.http://ow.ly/fytP5 via @cynthiabarnett@H2OEthics
@USGS Pub: More baseflow to Virginia's streams - up to 70%?http://is.gd/of6qv5
Hey, my former home. Martis Valley (Truckee, CA, area) GW Management Plan http://is.gd/wouQWN
MT @craigtimes RT @FLDEPNews DEP sets the record straight on#springs efforts, re: @craigtimes series in @TB_Timeshttp://ht.ly/fGXbz
Via @JamesWMercer Webinar 'Alternatives for Managing the Nation's Complex Contaminated GW Sites,12 Dec, 1 PM ESThttp://tinyurl.com/cn98xlk
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
@TheWeek Infographic: America's Energy Addictionhttp://bit.ly/XThJel
MT @oilgasTicker Deep-rooted environmental concerns persist over shale oil. From @AJWasahihttp://bit.ly/10Po0p8
RT @circleofblue For First Time, Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production http://is.gd/GHxtZB
Future of nuclear waste in Idaho & elsewhere is up in the air.http://is.gd/YDcgZg
NYT: With #fracking ban Longmont (CO) lands in the thick of a dispute. http://is.gd/TqrDLZ
MT @kericadair NY to seek extension to finish fracking rules & health study review; draft rules soon http://bit.ly/UX6pZ6 via @wilberwrites
Groups upset at Wyoming's shield for industry fracking secrets.http://is.gd/CZ9Iyy
Journals, Papers, and Reports
New issue of GeoHealth - @USGS's Environmental Health Newsletter http://is.gd/3ZBSP3
Tuesday Trifecta: 1) Final NRC NAWQA Report; 2) @MGhydro's Awesome Pubs List; 3) @USGS GeoHealth Newsletterhttp://bit.ly/UVDlRx
Policy, Planning Economics, and Management
@PeterGleick@jfleck. Western water management reset button? I'm in!
RT @circleofblue Final Murray-Darling Basin Water Plan Signed into Law. http://eepurl.com/scG-T
Finding common threads in global water crises.http://tinyurl.com/cuyawv9
@RFF_org Seminar (reg. req'd) & Webcast: Whither Markets for Environmental Regulation of Air, Water & Land? 5 Dechttp://is.gd/N97OMK
Positions Open
Position Open: U of Saskatchewan - Asst. Dir., Global Inst. for Water Security. Closes: 18 Dec http://is.gd/ZwDV9x (tnx @jeremyj_schmidt
Position Open: U of Idaho - TT Asst. Professor,Area Extension Educator-Water Quality (Coeur d'Alene).
Closes: 1 Janhttp://is.gd/QG7aVP
Position Open: @IWMI_Water_News - Postdoc - Integrated SW/GW Modeler (Lao PDR). Closes: 30 Nov. http://is.gd/pldcCu
Positions Open (4): U of WA - 4 TT profs in FW sciences. Info: jebaker @ uw . edu; dennisl @ uw . edu App review: 4 Janhttp://is.gd/BZMHe5
Positions Open: Sprigg Geobiology Centre (U Adelaide) - three geobiology positions Close: 15 Jan http://is.gd/rEzJsq
Position Open: Willamette Partnership (OR) - Ecosystem Services Specialist, Full-time, Temporary. Closes: 14 Dec http://is.gd/Qh4GVb
Positions Open (3): Ohio State - 3, 2-year postdocs to study regime shifts in Logone floodplain,Cameroon. Apps: 31 Dechttp://is.gd/aMsN6G
Position Open: Horizons Regional Council (NZ) - Senior Hydrology Technician. Closes: 5 Dec. http://is.gd/1Intq5
Position Open: UTEP - TT Assistant Professor in Earth System Science. OUF; apply by 10 Jan http://is.gd/6doH41 (free login req'd.)
Position Open: @environmentca (Burlington, ONT) - Postdoc - Impacts of shale gas on GW. Contact: jim.roy @ ec (dot) gc (dot) ca
Position Open: Central CT St U - TT Asst. Prof (Hydrogeology) Contact evansmaa (at) ccsu (dot) edu Review: 5 Janhttp://is.gd/zYl2hU
Position Open: Portland State U - TT Asst. Professor - Environment Biogeochemistry App review: 1 Dec. http://is.gd/KU2LvY
Position Open: DoI-BIA - Supervisory Forester (Ft. Defiance, AZ). Closes: 4 Dec. http://is.gd/TaPxOV
Position Open: USFWS - F & W Biologist in NY or MA. Closes: 3 December. http://is.gd/2jFHYl
Position Open: Penn State - Faculty Position in Cyber-Enabled Geosciences. OUF; App review: 3 Jan. http://is.gd/TQIf2Y
Position Open: @IUCN - Secretary General, Ramsar Convention (Switzerland). Closes: 15 Jan http://is.gd/GXMRGP
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/IxOJdN
Position Open: U. Bremen - Associate Scientist, Ocean & Society. Contact Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, dhebbeln @ uni-bremen (dot) de
Positions Open (3): MI State U - Faculty: hydrologic sciences; geomicrobiology; & endowed chair. OUF; review: mid-Dec.http://is.gd/C4yth5
Position Open: MRC (search firm) - Principal Hydrogeologist (Nevada) - needed ASAP http://is.gd/t7hqQl
Position Open: Montana State Univ - TT Assistant Professor of Watershed Hydrology. OUF; app review: 9 Jan 2013http://is.gd/ZKEAEC
Position Open: Colorado State Univ - TT Assistant Professor in Watershed Science. Apps due: 15 January 2013.http://is.gd/ST9OP9
Position Open: World Water Council - Executive Director (Marseille, FR) http://is.gd/8hVxqf
Position Open: Inter-Fluve, Inc. - River Restoration Engineer/Geomorphologist (Madison, WI). OUF. http://is.gd/OQYaki (tnx @drjerque)
Positions Open - Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/gO4HXh
Position Open: Utah State University - Aquatic Ecologist/Project Manager. OUF; review begins 7 Dec. http://is.gd/6D1LCg
Position Open: @usbr - Science Advisor, Office of Commissioner (DC or CO). Closes: 7 Dec, http://is.gd/2bK4Ij
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/R1UIMi
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to opportunities'http://is.gd/wmJAKf
Position Open: AZ State Univ - TT Asst. Prof. Isotope Geochemistry Closes: 1 Dec http://is.gd/fLtCw
Position Open: @NOAA - Director, Climate Program Office (Silver Spring, MD). IPA sssignment. Closes: 28 Dec. http://is.gd/LTm1Nb
Position Open: College of Charleston (SC) - TT Asst. Professor, Water Systems Science. Closes: 6 Jan 2013 http://is.gd/7v5LsG
Position Open: Natural Heritage Institute (SF, CA) - Hydrologist/Water Reso. Engr. (Dam Reoperation). Scroll down pagehttp://is.gd/Obkbh8
Positions Open: AZ State University - Interdisciplinary Postdocs (2 yrs) Closes: 31 Dec http://is.gd/bDNIan
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/oVVDz7
Position Open: MWH (Sacramento, CA) Water Resources Internhttp://is.gd/5WmlyK
Position Open: MWH (Sacramento, CA) - Associate Water Resources Engineer. http://is.gd/5nnOLM
Position Open: Interested in #scipolicy? Apply for AGU Spring 2013 Public Affairs Internship starting Jan 2013 in DC http://bit.ly/U23USN
Position Open: GeoCorps - GIS Specialist - NPS - Conservation & Outdoor Recreation (COR) Division in DC Apply now!http://is.gd/AFNfTQ
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/p3xv9t
Positions Open: Western U. & U of Waterloo (Canada) - PhD & Postdocs in GW Hydrology,Biogeochemistry & Microbiology.http://is.gd/WS0URz
Positions Open - Inst. for Global Environ. Strategies (Japan) is hiring a number of positions. Visit: http://is.gd/Xb2sTB
Position Open: U of OK - PhD student for project 'Land Mgmt Impacts on WQ in NZ Rivers' Apply by 1 Dec http://is.gd/D6uwfS
Positions Open (2): New Mexico Tech - Two T-T Assistant Profs. of Chemistry. OUF; review of apps on 1 Nov. http://is.gd/Vjs8Eg
Position Open: Atlanta Regional Commission - Division Chief, Natural Resources. http://is.gd/7tQYSu
RT @WorldBank Check out our new World Bank #jobs website, now easier to use: http://bit.ly/S9WEqT
Position Open: Oregon Water Resources Congress (Salem, OR) - Policy Coordinator F-T. OUF; ideal start Dec 2012.http://is.gd/fzEHrU
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'.http://is.gd/nJjnAT
Position Open: OSU - Asst/Assoc Professor,Heavy Isotope Geochemistry. Full consideration: 15 Dec; Close: 15 Janhttp://is.gd/owuxtY
Position Open: U of Vermont - T-T Asst. Professor, Geochemistry. OUF; priority to apps by 1 Nov. http://is.gd/KPc45L
Position Open: Water for Waslala (Nicaragua) - Project Manager. Starts: January 2013 http://is.gd/xEfDgz
Positions Open: Various US agencies - hydrologists, civil engineers, and related. http://is.gd/gnEQ9c
Positions Open (3): Public Health Agency of Canada - Postdocs, waterborne diseases. http://is.gd/jsQRJv
Position Open: USEPA - Postdoc, wastewater reuse (Cincinnati, OH). Check to verify closing date before applying. http://is.gd/CiHmNK
Position Open: UCSC - Asst. Professor, Geochemistry or Crustal Dynamics. OUF; initial review: 7 Nov. http://is.gd/GBVB0Z
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/xtLe3o
Position Open: Cornell University - Postdoc, bioenvironmental microsensor development (Fall 2012) http://is.gd/pDp9KX
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Last Six Months
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 November 2012http://bit.ly/UxJRzR
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 17 - 23 November 2012http://bit.ly/UyUmRn
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 10 - 16 November 2012http://bit.ly/101rx37
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 3 - 9 November 2012http://bit.ly/SK09lK
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 20 - 26 October 2012http://bit.ly/Y4OG3H
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 6 - 12 October 2012http://bit.ly/UQbpCH
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 29 September - 5 October 2012 http://bit.ly/VD5uyq
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 15 - 21 September 2012http://bit.ly/UwfWau #iah2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 8 - 14 September 2012http://bit.ly/PfIWjM
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 1 - 7 September 2012http://bit.ly/Os0nML
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 - 31 August 2012http://bit.ly/NAAA9q
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 11 - 17 August 2012 http://bit.ly/NJhwBK
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 July 2012
It's Baaack! TGIF! Biweekly Water News Summary, 16 - 29 June 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 May 2012http://bit.ly/L4hAsj
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 -11 May 2012 http://bit.ly/J2dkik
RT @ArroyoLover 'Friendship and money: oil and water.' --Mario Puzo
"Science is not a taxicab that we can get in and out of whenever we like" - Arthur Schopenhauer (tnx http://huff.to/RU5bx6 )
"Maybe it's just time to hit the 'reset' button with respect to how we manage water in the US West." -overheard,AWRA JAX conference
Science, Technology, and Medicine
Video: America's Top Young Scientist - Her Solar-Powered Jug Cleans Water http://bit.ly/Tmlf9m
RT @HuffPostScience On the age of the planet: What on Earth are politicians thinking? http://huff.to/RU5bx6
RT @physorg_com Researchers observe drop of resistance in the flow of a #superfluid Fermi #gas http://phy.so/273399689
Stream, Dams, Lakes and Ecosystems
NYT: Trees have narrow safety margins for water supplies.http://is.gd/BW5DbA
RT @Biofuelsworld Algae, invaders threaten Lake Erie - Columbus Dispatch http://dlvr.it/2XSHNs
Restoring sockeye salmon a big task http://is.gd/rxQOIT (@spokesmanreview)
CWR Journal 37(4): Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) Workshop on Temporary Streams (@SnowHydro) http://bit.ly/V6S24m
Twitter, E-Newspapers, and E-Newsletters
H2OSU Newsletter - 26 November 2012. Announcements, conferences, funding, etc. http://is.gd/GWkccC
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 30 November 2012.http://is.gd/1AyZRe
RT @WorldHygienePrg The Daily WASH is out!http://paper.li/worldhygieneprg/1305800094 … …
▸ Top stories today via @Approp
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily stories via@SavetheWater@WaterWired@WaterforPeople@BiancaJagger
http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 …
RT @h2oMatters Read The Water Matters Weekly w/stories via@ecomagination@YaleE360@waterwired@IRWDnews@aguanomics
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out!http://paper.li/medindoagua/agua-water … … ▸ Top stories today via@WaterWired@PeterGleick
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ via @utilityweek@TyentUSA@OMEGAM4N@WaterWired@SavetheWater
@UN ▸http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
MT @H2OTrust Marine Monday Clean DW SVDs Daily▸stories via@UN_Water@water_workers@waterwired@SavetheWater@UNDP
▸ http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily ▸ stories via@columbiawater @WaterWired @SaveTheWater TapItWater ▸http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
The @WaterUtilities Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterUtilities ▸ Top stories today via @WaterWired @OfficeofWater @IRWDnews
MT @ThePhoenixSun @worldresources: PDF: Climate displacement & migration, loss & damage & journey forward. http://bit.ly/YmOBeu
The @WaterStJournal Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterStJournal
RT @dietvorst E-Source Sanitation News is out!http://paper.li/dietvorst/1307204592 … …
▸ Top stories today via@hubwestminster @dietvorst @WaterWired
RT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily ▸ via@WaterWorldMag @CleanWaterNet @SavetheWater @WaterWired@EPA
▸ http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
WaSH and Development
RT@WorldBank 10 countries tackle sanitation problems through hacking. Blog: http://bit.ly/V8LMwT
From an ecumenical group of Christians - new website and resource: http://waitingforwater.org/
Free pub:Economic & Social Benefits & Barriers of Providing People w/ Disabilities Accessible Clean Water & Sanitationhttp://is.gd/LTQsZs
Water Supply, Use, Reuse, and Conservation
Hey, we do it in USA! MT @greenroofsuk Growing food in the desert: is this the solution to the world's food crisis http://ow.ly/fydkj
Via @cfishman. Wow! Part of New Delhi may get 24-hour water!http://is.gd/VRQmE1
Hmmm...GW Loses? RT @HuffPostScience Joan Rose: The New and Improved Water Cycle? http://is.gd/edDWKv
RT @watercrunch Lake Lanier water level sinks to three-year low. AJC #georiga http://watercrun.ch/V3YFCB
Train wreck coming on the Colorado River? http://is.gd/zBG7Do
Via @chanceofraincom Some western water tidbits...http://is.gd/gWspeg
MT @waterdeva1 The Water Tank Project,a landmark public art initiative re: water as a precious resource. http://goo.gl/uzeSz via@pinterest
RT @HuffPostCanada Why you shouldn't ride a manateehttp://huff.to/SmyUP7
WTF? MT @Improve_Intl Dr Mayne-INUS conditions: Insufficient but Necessary part of condition that is Unnecessary but Sufficient#TMICITW
Urban green myths. What, no beer,dogs?? http://is.gd/oD18to Tnx@mpreusch@Oregonian
"Water and sanitation for all." - WaTER Center motto
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