I trust my USA friends are enjoying Thanksgiving weekend.
Here in Corvallis we are preparing for the invasion of the Oregon Ducks (ranked #5 in the USA), as the annual 'Civil War' football game takes place at high noon tomorrow. We Beavers (ranked #16) took it in the shorts last year and are angling for revenge and the right to claim the revered Platypus (what else?) Trophy for the first time since 2007.
Mary Frances and I will head to the cinema to see Skyfall...
Note - if you are new to this summary: to access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Note added on 24 November 2012: We lost, 48-24.
Bottled Water/Tap Water
Whiskey Fix: A Surprising Water Treatment Solutionhttp://shar.es/GSXLa
RT @ICareAboutWater How plastic bottled water is harming you and the environment http://fb.me/Nz060kzG
Via @LADWP @newton_jim of @latimesopinion opines on senseless waste of water to control Owens Valley dust @LANowhttp://is.gd/mzqGFg
MT @Desal_Response San Diego gets rain barrel rebateshttp://is.gd/RE1WZn (yet @SDCWA says we need desal when they're JUST starting this!)
MT @rachaelgleason MT @waltonwater: Imperial Irr. District won't be part of CO River water pact between US, Mexico http://is.gd/adVQ8i
MT @highcountrynews California air board says @LADWP must control dust pollution from Owens Lake, now dryhttp://lat.ms/10tmusm
RT @globeandmail Canada loses bid for more tuna, rebuffs push to protect sharks http://bit.ly/QqB03s
Via @HuffPostCanada Ontario says no to fracking until the evidence says it's safe. http://is.gd/Czvfio
Good one! @CdnWaterNetwork: Connecting Water Resources 2013: Changing the Water Paradigm, 18-21 March,Ottawa, ONT.http://is.gd/bQCi72
RT @FreshwaterFutur Ottawa set to transfer unique freshwater research lab to UN group http://soc.li/gKTHZJY
Uh-Oh, Canada! Tar Sands Toxic Tales http://bit.ly/109GJeF
@Waterlution CSR for Bluer Good-hear NA's brightest thinkers & build network 22-24 Nov http://bit.ly/SXFf6m @BusinessLinkAB@CityofEdmonton
RT @SnowHydro ALBERTANS: If you can't make a public S Sask Regional Plan session, go online http://bit.ly/AiIoVw via @AENV_SRD
Climate Change, Climate, and Meteorology
@UNEP report warns of widening climate gap http://is.gd/WqtRfY (via@denverpost)
RT @GOOD One more annoying thing caused by climate change: confusion http://ow.ly/fkokm
RT @_ColinS_ Regional Models Do Not Add Much Value to Climate Change Projections http://is.gd/Nh62nx
@MarkBoslough: Humankind Can Bet on Global Warming -- and Win! http://bit.ly/104Q3k3
RT @climateprogress Must-See Video: Science Girl Explains How Dirty Energy Causes Dirty Weather http://bit.ly/10AU67O
RT @nytimesgreen C.I.A. Closes Its Climate Change Officehttp://nyti.ms/TOnYaG
Conferences and Calls for Abstracts/Papers
Workshop: CC Science for Effective Resource Management & Public Policy in Western US, 27-28 March, UNLV. http://is.gd/K7Udlr
Good one! @CdnWaterNetwork: Connecting Water Resources 2013: Changing the Water Paradigm, 18-21 March,Ottawa, ONT.http://is.gd/bQCi72
Call for Abstracts - UCOWR Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, 11-13 June 2013. Deadline: 5 Dec. http://is.gd/cF5krp
Call for Papers: Workshop on water policy analysis, Natl. Univ of Singapore, 26-28 Feb. Due: 7 Dec. http://is.gd/d0ulDC
@CdnWaterNetwork CWR 2013 Changing the Water Paradigm: Call for Poster Abstracts due 11 Jan. http://is.gd/KgtMpw
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
RT @PeterGleick An Historic Step Toward Saving the Colorado River and Delta http://huff.to/108g6re via @HuffPostGreen
Giving Thanks for the Tana River Delta...and Praying for Peacehttp://bit.ly/R2iSgp
Droughts and Floods
MT @USGS_Idaho Flooding isn't a springtime-only hazard. Stay informed & safe with Northwest River Forecast Centerhttp://1.usa.gov/mjmybk
RT @rachaelgleason @TxWaterJournal: TCEQ has updated its Texas#drought information page. http://is.gd/xGZhkv
Groundwater inundation. RT @DianeN56 Sea level rise could have dramatic affect on Hawaii. http://bit.ly/RK2jTs
RT @Oregonian Storm surge could cause heavy wind and flooding through Pacific Northwest http://ORne.ws/Q3ry4M
MT @theburntcity: @USACE_HQ Cuts Missouri River flow, will potentially exacerbate Mississippi low levels http://abcn.ws/TTCnCy
Writing faculty description for 'Geography of Water' position. Looking for someone schooled in physical & social sciences. Thoughts?
@dethsqudsalvadr NSF & EPA fellowships, but these are 2 to 3 year deals .Most grad schools don't admit w/o aid & provide RA/TA..
Shout-Out to @OSUHydrophiles - @AWRAHQ Outstanding Student Chapter Award Winners! http://bit.ly/10mj0rG
@UnescoIHE 2013 Education & Training Guide http://is.gd/JXwYsn
RT @BoraZ Science careers start with young girls.http://is.gd/gVku24
Give a Crap - It's World Toilet Day! Where Are All Those A-List Celebrities? http://bit.ly/UaJLxK
@Intel Honors Innovators for Solving Global Water Issues at Tech Awards Gala http://is.gd/kQBfOL
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
@denverpost editorial: No reason to rush on oil shale.http://is.gd/c08gcX
RT @kericadair NY's fracking struggle moves past Nov. 29 policy deadline http://bit.ly/RWYIRX via @wilberwrites
Via @HuffPostCanada Ontario says no to fracking until the evidence says it's safe. http://is.gd/Czvfio
Journals, Papers, Infographics, and Reports
@USDA_ERS Pub: Nitrogen Management on U.S. Corn Acres, 2001-10. http://is.gd/PPTYec
GSA Today (@geosociety) article: 'The Evolution of Creationism'http://is.gd/7X22GP
Paper by @aguanomics: 'All-in-Auctions for Water' (free download)http://is.gd/VzoFuW
'Value of Water' Infographic from Xylem via @MGhydrohttp://is.gd/2FkZW2
Give thanks to @MGhydro's Nov 2012 List of Reports on Water and Related Issues http://is.gd/x4A3tf
@MGhydro's J. of Blah: 'Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought' http://is.gd/YDEOah
RT @DFID_Research Unlocking the Potential for Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro): Proposals invited (10 Jan) http://ow.ly/fv84v
@theAAG Council has selected @deepseadawn to receive@theAAG's 2013 Distinguished Teaching Honors. Congratulations, Dawn!
@CaptDocMike Thanks, Mike. Your opinion means a lot!
@SaveTheWater @H2OTrust You're kind....thanks...and Happy Thanksgiving!
Complete list - new Board of Governors, @wwatercouncilhttp://is.gd/Llrovz
Policy, Planning and Management
Good advice from @WaterAlliance President Ben Grumbles: 'Weatherizing Water' http://is.gd/vsyVaQ
RT @ASPANational Give Thanks for Infrastructurehttp://is.gd/6ATH4M
Positions Open
Position Open: City of Albuquerque (NM) Principal Engineer - Stormwater mgmt, design, compliance, etc. Closes: 26 Novhttp://is.gd/USBfvG
Position Open: UTEP - TT Assistant Professor in Earth System Science. OUF; apply by 10 Jan http://is.gd/6doH41 (free login req'd.)
Position Open: @environmentca (Burlington, ONT) - Postdoc - Impacts of shale gas on GW. Contact: jim.roy @ ec (dot) gc (dot) ca
Position Open: Central CT St U - TT Asst. Prof (Hydrogeology) Contact evansmaa (at) ccsu (dot) edu Review: 5 Janhttp://is.gd/zYl2hU
Positions Open (2): NIWA (NZ) - Fisheries Data Collector. Closes: 23 Nov Atmos. Chemist - Measurements. Closes: 30 Novhttp://is.gd/eXJDGX
Position Open: Portland State U - TT Asst. Professor - Environment Biogeochemistry App review: 1 Dec. http://is.gd/KU2LvY
Position Open: NOAA - Fish Biologist, (Sacramento, CA) Closes: 28 Nov http://is.gd/smLsSu
Position Open: DoI-BIA - Supervisory Forester (Ft. Defiance, AZ). Closes: 4 Dec. http://is.gd/TaPxOV
Position Open: USFWS - F & W Biologist in NY or MA. Closes: 3 December. http://is.gd/2jFHYl
Position Open: Penn State - Faculty Position in Cyber-Enabled Geosciences. OUF; App review: 3 Jan. http://is.gd/TQIf2Y
Position Open: @IUCN - Secretary General, Ramsar Convention (Switzerland). Closes: 15 Jan http://is.gd/GXMRGP
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/IxOJdN
Position Open: U. Bremen - Associate Scientist, Ocean & Society. Contact Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, dhebbeln @ uni-bremen (dot) de
Positions Open (3): MI State U - Faculty: hydrologic sciences; geomicrobiology; & endowed chair. OUF; review: mid-Dec.http://is.gd/C4yth5
Position Open: MRC (search firm) - Principal Hydrogeologist (Nevada) - needed ASAP http://is.gd/t7hqQl
Position Open: Montana State Univ - TT Assistant Professor of Watershed Hydrology. OUF; app review: 9 Jan 2013http://is.gd/ZKEAEC
Position Open: Colorado State Univ - TT Assistant Professor in Watershed Science. Apps due: 15 January 2013.http://is.gd/ST9OP9
Position Open: @USGS - Supervisory Hydrologist (Anchorage, AK). Closes: 26 Nov. http://is.gd/aDpSnC
Position Open: World Water Council - Executive Director (Marseille, FR) http://is.gd/8hVxqf
Position Open: DOE - FERC - Fish Biologist (Washington, DC). Closes: 26 Nov. http://is.gd/cfSref
Position Open: Indiana Univ. of PA - TT faculty in Dept. Geog & Reg. Planning - Energy & Env. OUF; App rev: 1 Feb 2013.http://is.gd/OkTHri
Position Open: Inter-Fluve, Inc. - River Restoration Engineer/Geomorphologist (Madison, WI). OUF. http://is.gd/OQYaki (tnx @drjerque)
Positions Open - Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/gO4HXh
Position Open: Utah State University - Aquatic Ecologist/Project Manager. OUF; review begins 7 Dec. http://is.gd/6D1LCg
Position Open: @usbr - Science Advisor, Office of Commissioner (DC or CO). Closes: 7 Dec, http://is.gd/2bK4Ij
Positions Open (2): Asian Inst of Tech - Faculty-water engineering & (hydraulic & irrigation) & mgmt. Close: 30 Nov http://is.gd/Oe4oRX
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/R1UIMi
Position Open: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (Fiji) - Policy & Research Adviser. Closes: 26 November http://is.gd/e2BhSL
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to opportunities'http://is.gd/wmJAKf
Position Open: AZ State Univ - TT Asst. Prof. Isotope Geochemistry Closes: 1 Dec http://is.gd/fLtCw
Position Open: @NOAA - Director, Climate Program Office (Silver Spring, MD). IPA sssignment. Closes: 28 Dec. http://is.gd/LTm1Nb
Position Open: College of Charleston (SC) - TT Asst. Professor, Water Systems Science. Closes: 6 Jan 2013 http://is.gd/7v5LsG
Position Open: Natural Heritage Institute (SF, CA) - Hydrologist/Water Reso. Engr. (Dam Reoperation). Scroll down pagehttp://is.gd/Obkbh8
Positions Open: AZ State University - Interdisciplinary Postdocs (2 yrs) Closes: 31 Dec http://is.gd/bDNIan
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/oVVDz7
Position Open: MWH (Sacramento, CA) Water Resources Internhttp://is.gd/5WmlyK
Position Open: MWH (Sacramento, CA) - Associate Water Resources Engineer. http://is.gd/5nnOLM
Position Open: Interested in #scipolicy? Apply for AGU Spring 2013 Public Affairs Internship starting Jan 2013 in DC http://bit.ly/U23USN
Position Open: GeoCorps - GIS Specialist - NPS - Conservation & Outdoor Recreation (COR) Division in DC Apply now!http://is.gd/AFNfTQ
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/p3xv9t
Positions Open: Western U. & U of Waterloo (Canada) - PhD & Postdocs in GW Hydrology,Biogeochemistry & Microbiology.http://is.gd/WS0URz
Positions Open - Inst. for Global Environ. Strategies (Japan) is hiring a number of positions. Visit: http://is.gd/Xb2sTB
Position Open: U of OK - PhD student for project 'Land Mgmt Impacts on WQ in NZ Rivers' Apply by 1 Dec http://is.gd/D6uwfS
Positions Open (2): New Mexico Tech - Two T-T Assistant Profs. of Chemistry. OUF; review of apps on 1 Nov. http://is.gd/Vjs8Eg
Position Open: Atlanta Regional Commission - Division Chief, Natural Resources. http://is.gd/7tQYSu
RT @WorldBank Check out our new World Bank #jobs website, now easier to use: http://bit.ly/S9WEqT
Position Open: Oregon Water Resources Congress (Salem, OR) - Policy Coordinator F-T. OUF; ideal start Dec 2012.http://is.gd/fzEHrU
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'.http://is.gd/nJjnAT
Position Open: OSU - Asst/Assoc Professor,Heavy Isotope Geochemistry. Full consideration: 15 Dec; Close: 15 Janhttp://is.gd/owuxtY
Position Open: U of Vermont - T-T Asst. Professor, Geochemistry. OUF; priority to apps by 1 Nov. http://is.gd/KPc45L
Position Open: Water for Waslala (Nicaragua) - Project Manager. Starts: January 2013 http://is.gd/xEfDgz
Positions Open: Various US agencies - hydrologists, civil engineers, and related. http://is.gd/gnEQ9c
Positions Open (3): Public Health Agency of Canada - Postdocs, waterborne diseases. http://is.gd/jsQRJv
Position Open: USEPA - Postdoc, wastewater reuse (Cincinnati, OH). Check to verify closing date before applying. http://is.gd/CiHmNK
Position Open: UCSC - Asst. Professor, Geochemistry or Crustal Dynamics. OUF; initial review: 7 Nov. http://is.gd/GBVB0Z
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/xtLe3o
Position Open: Cornell University - Postdoc, bioenvironmental microsensor development (Fall 2012) http://is.gd/pDp9KX
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Last Six Months
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 17 - 23 November 2012http://bit.ly/UyUmRn
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 10 - 16 November 2012http://bit.ly/101rx37
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 3 - 9 November 2012http://bit.ly/SK09lK
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 20 - 26 October 2012http://bit.ly/Y4OG3H
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 6 - 12 October 2012http://bit.ly/UQbpCH
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 29 September - 5 October 2012 http://bit.ly/VD5uyq
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 8 - 14 September 2012http://bit.ly/PfIWjM
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 1 - 7 September 2012http://bit.ly/Os0nML
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 - 31 August 2012http://bit.ly/NAAA9q
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 11 - 17 August 2012 http://bit.ly/NJhwBK
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 July 2012
It's Baaack! TGIF! Biweekly Water News Summary, 16 - 29 June 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 May 2012http://bit.ly/L4hAsj
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 -11 May 2012 http://bit.ly/J2dkik
Science, Technology, and Medicine
@nick_cayman Taking Stock: World Fish Catch Falls to 90 Million Tons in 2012 http://dlvr.it/2VyspL
GSA Today (@geosociety) article: 'The Evolution of Creationism'http://is.gd/7X22GP
RT @AlanYeakley Migrating steelhead return to White Salmonhttp://is.gd/UTtENZ
Twitter, E-Newspapers, and E-Newsletters
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 21 November 2012http://is.gd/1AyZRe
@H2OEthics November 2012 Newsletter. http://is.gd/9sR8iN
The @WaterStJournal Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterStJournal ▸ Top stories today via @H2OBuildingServ @sensafe
▸ http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
MT @H2OTrust Foul Friday Clean Drinking Water SVDs ▸ top stories via @WaterWorldMag @WaterWired @SavetheWater
▸http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
@theAGU Hydrology Section November 2012 Newsletter. Good stuff, especially 'The Fellows Speak' http://is.gd/QtjKQv
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily ▸ top stories via@SaveTheWater @WaterWorldMag @Senical @WaterWired
▸http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
RT @daviddavis The Poverty & Water Daily is out!http://paper.li/daviddavis/poverty-water …
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ stories via@CircleofBlue @WaterWired @CanadianWater @SavetheWater ▸
http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 …
The @WaterUtilities Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterUtilities ▸ Top stories today via @WaterWired @dwrcymru
H2OSU Newsletter - 19 November 2012. Announcements, Opportunities, etc. http://is.gd/IxOJdN
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ stories via@UN_Water @WorkWithWater @WaterAlliance @WaterWired ▸http://paper.li/H2OTrust/1314278134 … …
WaSH and Development
Via @guardian #WTD2012: public poo,crap compost and a golden turd - in pictures http://is.gd/alz1ui (tnx @chanceofraincom)
Crapping On Bill Gates' "Reinvent the Toilet" Winner.http://is.gd/JCme8O
RT @braimaha Make Your Voice Heard @WaterPost2015Development Agenda http://ow.ly/1PFPDF
Give Your Two Cents: Water in the Post-2015 Development Agendahttp://bit.ly/10wp4hv
Tanzania working for universal water access. http://is.gd/0YfDjQ (@WaterNetwork1)
RT @strasser Our latest in Kenya is the Orinie Primary School Rainwater Catchment System, serving 300 kids. http://bit.ly/QA27co
Water Quality
Loophole Lets Toxic Oil Water Flow Over Indian Land (WY)http://is.gd/7OGZr1
From National Water Quality Monitoring Council (http://is.gd/cNOuYV ) National Water Monitoring Newshttp://is.gd/dnaZQt
RT @Alwi_Eisner Maryland unveils interactive Surface Water Quality Mapping Web Site http://ow.ly/frpP4
Water Supply, Use, Reuse, and Conservation
RT @PrivateWaterLaw A new statewide water data site for Texas; excellent resource http://bit.ly/ZOhcbI
Court rejects NM ranch's plan to pipe groundwater to Rio Grande Valley. http://is.gd/f3zmhI (from @jfleck)
RT @gemswinc Brand New Photos! - Oregon's Sea Stacks -http://tinyurl.com/clxhcon by @RichLeighton ~just wow!
West wind soft as a sweet dream
My love warm as the sunshine
Sittin' here by me, she's here by me"
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