1) Preparing for the Third Decade (Cycle 3) of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
The final report of the NRC NAWQA committee has hit the streets! Yes, yours truly was a committee member so consider this a shill alert!
You can download a free PDF here or order a hard copy.
Here is the blurb:
The first two decades of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program have provided a successful and useful assessment of U.S. water-quality conditions, how they have changed over time, and how natural features and human activities have affected those conditions. Now, planning is underway for the third decade (Cycle 3) of the Program outlined in the Science Plan, with challenges including ensuring that the NAWQA remain a national program in the face of declining resources, balancing new activities against long-term studies, and maintaining focus amidst numerous and competing stakeholder demands.
The Science Plan for Cycle 3 articulates a forward-thinking vision for NAWQA science over the next decade, building on the previous cycles' data, experience, and products.Preparing for the Third Decade (Cycle 3) of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program explains the national needs outlined in the plan, NAWQA's need to emphasize collaboration with other USGS and external programs, other federal agencies, state and local governments, and the private sector.
Here is the Executive Summary: Download 13464_EXS-6
Good stuff - would I Iie?
2) @MGhydro's Nov 2012 List of Reports on Water and Related Issues
Matthew Garcia has posted his latest list!
Since it has been about a month since my last post of reports on water and related issues, it's about time for another. Either the stream seems to have slowed a bit, or I've caught up on the mass of reports that I had bookmarked and collected previously for eventual posting here. Either way, I think that I'll make this a monthly thing, so check in here again around mid-December for the next list.
Plenty of worthwhile displacement behavior here!
3) USGS GeoHealth - Environmental Health Newsletter, Vol. 9 No. 3
Download GeoHealthNewsletter_v09_n03
You can read it online here.
Glad to see the USGS doing this. Lots of good information here.
"Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things." - Tobler's First Law of Geography (thanks to Matthew Garcia)
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