It's Ann's birthday today. My younger sister (on the left below) would have been 61 but for 9/11. RIP, Annie.
Note - if you are new to this summary: to access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', '', or '' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Enjoy the rest of 2012, and have a safe and happy start to the New Year!
Books, Films, and Reviews
Via @ShaleGasExpert. Review of Matt Damon's anti-fracking opus, 'Promised Land'
MT @MichaelEMann: @nytimes The bugaboo of "Agenda 21". See my @PopSci review of book "by" @glennbeck
Great review of 'Dam Nation' by Emily Green (@chanceofraincom) in@highcountrynews
Emily Green Graces 'Dam Nation: How Water Shaped the West & Will Determine Its Future' (@chanceofraincom)
Bottled Water and Tap/Drinking Water
MT @H2OEthics Nearly 2 gallons of water to make a plastic bottle & only a quarter gallon to fill it. Only Tap Water Delivers via@AWWAACE
MT @PeterGleick As if I didn't have enough reason to dislike Donald Trump
Bottled Water: Trumped By The Donald?
Via @theburntcity Atmospheric rivers: California's next 'big one' might be megastorm (@eurekaTS) #cawater
RT @PacificCouncil Scientists get glimpse at sea level rise in San Diego
RT @sacbee_news Sacto 911: Sierra records second avalanche death
Even the water commutes! RT @LAObserved California Aqueduct running high and very blue.
RT @latimes New Lake Tahoe plan to allow higher-density development
RT @kericadair Siskiyou County judge rules in ranchers' favor in water suit #cawater
RT @geographile @Aquafornia: Inland water districts appeal endangered fish ruling #California
MT @SaveLakeWpg Anxious optimism pervades "Beside the Lake" piece in @WinnipegNews. Anatomy of Lake Manitoba flood
RT @CANRACCanada A very difficult loss for the environmental community.
@highcountrynews: A mining rush in Canada’s backcountry threatens Alaska salmon (subs. req.)
MT @OkWaterWise Enjoy following us on Twitter? For more posts LIKE #Okanagan WaterWise on Facebook at:
Happy Boxing Day to Canadian friends:@rivrchik,@SnowHydro,@CanadianWater,@CdnWaterNetwork,@bchydro,
@OkWaterWise,@cbtinfo,@CWRAED, others
Climate, Climate Change, and Meteorology
MT @MichaelEMann West Antarctic Warming Faster Than Thought (@nytjim). Study builds on '09 @NatureMagazine article:
@Oregonian Portland to receive 50 inches of rain in 2012 (4th wettest year since 1940)
RT @nytimesscience West Antarctic Warming Faster Than Thought, Study Finds
RT @jfleck Roswell, NM, is under a fire weather watch: #nmwx
RT @EI_Climate Kerry expected to elevate climate change as secretary of state: LA Times
MT @EI_Climate Rapid Environmental Changes May Have Helped Drive Human Evolution: RedOrbit
RT @KateGalbraith Texas Bird Count Gives Scientists Alarming Climate Change Clues
MT @capitalweather Top 5 Washington, DC, weather events of 2012:
RT @ClimateComms New Hawaii senator pledges to tackle climate change
RT @BoraZ Climate Model Coverage: Far from Model Journalism by @KarthikaM at #SciAmBlogs
Conferences and Calls for Papers/Abstracts
Oregon Soil Quality Network Workshop & OR Soil Science Society Meeting, 28 Feb - 1 March
WEDC Conf: Delivering WASH Svcs in Uncertain Environment,1-5 July,Kenya. Info: Call PDF:
MT @IdahoDEQ hosts conferences, workshops, trainings during year. See what is planned the next few months
RT @WASHfunders For more information on World Water Week 2013 (September 1-6, Stockholm, Sweden):
Conflict, Cooperation, and Water Security
RT @jfleck via @theburntcity - Native rights and the "intractable conflict" that is Klamath:
RT @OregonianEnviro Idaho water lobbying group joins battle against Caldwell over drains
Great article by @jfleck:"Is this going to be another Klamath?”
Droughts, Floods, and Disasters
MT @PeterGleick Very real threat of sea-level rise to USA. Posted a month before Superstorm Sandy hit.
RT @guardian Woman rescued from floodwaters as Britain braces for more bad weather
Fighting development in floodplains (@highcountrynews)
RT @IEEESpectrum Sandy & Utilities: Power companies' post-storm performance arguably good--not to minimize problems
RT @jfleck latest round of US winter weather "put only a slight dent in the Great Drought of 2012"
MT @MySAWS Farmers Fight Texas Environmental Agency (@TCEQNews) via @HispanicBizMag
RT @ASCETweets Students Learn Water Resources Engineering at ASCE Workshop
MT @USGSwaterCA Want to teach children Earth,water science? USGS Kids site has coloring pages,puzzlers,projects,more!
MT @CaptDocMike Early Neolithic Water Wells-four wooden water wells found in Leipzig region via @pinterest
MT @portlandwater What resource below your feet serves as PDX’s secondary source of DW? groundwater101 begins 1/26.
RT @zenrainman This well is your well, this well is my well.. … … #water#groundwater
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
Infographic: The Kyoto Protocol - Has It Worked?
Via @Frack_Off US 2nd biggest fracking company Chesapeake faces cash crunch
@Telegraph: US to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil as China's water runs dry. (Via @wateraus)
Journals, Reports, and Publications
Check out latest issue of open-access journal: Water 4 (4) - December 2012
RT @Waterkeeper Magazine-Now Available in a new format & viewable on all mobile devices. Please check it out!
RT @NedBreslin Where is the next generation of innovators? Interesting infographic
Season's Greetings from WaterWired!
Neville Isdell Opines on @CocaCola, Water, and Other Issues
@DrJohnsonMD @EI_Climate Don't think physics is Kerry's forte, but hot air does rise.
Christmas cheer: 'rewarded' with marionberry tart for getting neighbor's paper during inclement (i.e., daily) weather. Lunch!
RT @latimes EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to step down
RT @grist New Hawaii senator says climate change is urgent
@alexbreitler @KQEDnews @laliferis: Rebecca Tarbotton, head of Rainforest Action Network, dies on Mexican vacation
Policy, Planning, Economics, and Management
RT @UN_Women How women & girls are faring: Charting progress on Millennium Development Goals. (via@jonhutson)
RT @TheEarthScience Utility's water plans worry some Etna (Ohio) residents
Positions Open
Position Open: Oxfam - Emergency Sanitation Researcher (Oxford, UK). Closes: 5 Jan See
Position Open: NM Env Dept - Geoscientist - Supervisor, GW Quality Bureau (Santa Fe) Closes: 10 Jan
Position Open: @EPAgov - Environmental Protection Specialist (DC) Closes: 4 Jan
Position Open: U of Kurdistan - Lecturer, Nat. Resources Engineering & Management. Closes: 30 Dec
Position Open: USDA-ARS - Interdisciplinary: Research Soil Scientist/Research Microbiologist (AZ) Closes: 25 Jan
Position Open: Wasco County (OR) Soil & Water CD - Watershed Council Coordinator. Closes: 11 Jan
Position Open: @EPAgov - Director, Office of Ecosystems,Tribal & Public Affairs (Seattle) Closes: 24 Jan
Position Open: @CdnWaterNetwork - Expressions of Interest for Scientific Director. Closes: 18 Jan
Position Open: UNC-Chapel Hill - TT Asst. Prof, SW/GW Interactions. OUF; app review: 20 Dec.
Position Open: @ORISEconnect @EPAgov - Post-Graduate Internship, Healthy Watersheds Project. Renewable,up to 3 years
Position Open: U of NM - Open-rank TT Professor, Environmental & Water Reso. Engineering. OUF; app review 2 Jan.
Position Open: WildEarth Guardians - Wild Rivers Program Director (Santa Fe, NM) Closes: 15 Jan #Jobs
Position Open: Stockholm Environment Institute - Sr. Research Fellow, Land & Water Reso. for Sus. Dev. (Bangkok). OUF
Position Open: @USGS - Regional Director, Pacific Region (Sacramento, CA). Closes: 24 Jan.
Position Open: USDA-NRCS - Asst. State Conservationist (Raleigh, NC). Closes: 24 Dec.
Positions Open: U. of Aberdeen - 2 F-T faculty positions in hydrology/water science. Closes: 25 Jan
Position Open: Tualatin Riverkeepers (OR) - F-T Environmental Education Coordinator. Closes: 7 Jan @OregonTrees
Position Open: AfricaRice - Postmaster -Gender in Rice Research for Development (Benin). Closes: 2 Jan. (Via@CGIAR)
Position Open: State of WA - Municipal Stormwater Permit Mgr (Lacey, WA). OUF; app review begins 10 Jan.
Position Open: LSU - PhD assistantship in extreme value analysis in hydrometeorology. Contact Jun Xu (yjxu @ lsu (dot) edu)
Positions Open: AZ State University - Bisgrove Postdoctoral Scholars Program. Apps due: 18 January
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities' Many new!
Position Open: Central Connecticut State U. - TT Asst. Professor, Hydrogeology. Closes: 5 Jan
Position Open: Greenbelt Land Trust (Corvallis, OR) - Willamette Restoration Coordinator. Closes: 31 Dec
Positions Open: ETH Zurich - Postdocs - hydrology, (bio)geochemistry, geomorphology. OUF. Info: sarah.hertli @ env (dot) ethz (dot) ch
Position Open: Inter-Fluve, Inc. - Engineer or Geomorphologist (Madison, WI). OUF.
Position Open: UT-Knoxville - TT Asst. Professor, Water Resources (Engineering). OUF; app review: 2 Jan 2013.
Position Open: U of Idaho - TT Asst. Professor,Area Extension Educator-Water Quality (Coeur d'Alene). Closes: 1 Jan
Positions Open (4): U of WA - 4 TT profs in FW sciences. Info: jebaker @ uw . edu; dennisl @ uw . edu App review: 4 Jan
Positions Open: Sprigg Geobiology Centre (U Adelaide) - three geobiology positions Close: 15 Jan
Positions Open (3): Ohio State - 3, 2-year postdocs to study regime shifts in Logone floodplain,Cameroon. Apps: 31 Dec
Position Open: UTEP - TT Assistant Professor in Earth System Science. OUF; apply by 10 Jan (free login req'd.)
Position Open: @environmentca (Burlington, ONT) - Postdoc - Impacts of shale gas on GW. Contact: jim.roy @ ec (dot) gc (dot) ca
Position Open: Penn State - Faculty Position in Cyber-Enabled Geosciences. OUF; App review: 3 Jan.
Position Open: @IUCN - Secretary General, Ramsar Convention (Switzerland). Closes: 15 Jan
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: U. Bremen - Associate Scientist, Ocean & Society. Contact Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln, dhebbeln @ uni-bremen (dot) de
Positions Open (3): MI State U - Faculty: hydrologic sciences; geomicrobiology; & endowed chair. OUF; review: mid-Dec.
Position Open: Montana State Univ - TT Assistant Professor of Watershed Hydrology. OUF; app review: 9 Jan 2013
Position Open: Colorado State Univ - TT Assistant Professor in Watershed Science. Apps due: 15 January 2013.
Position Open: World Water Council - Executive Director (Marseille, FR)
Position Open: Inter-Fluve, Inc. - River Restoration Engineer/Geomorphologist (Madison, WI). OUF. (tnx @drjerque)
Positions Open - Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: Utah State University - Aquatic Ecologist/Project Manager. OUF; review begins 7 Dec.
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to opportunities'
Position Open: @NOAA - Director, Climate Program Office (Silver Spring, MD). IPA sssignment. Closes: 28 Dec.
Position Open: College of Charleston (SC) - TT Asst. Professor, Water Systems Science. Closes: 6 Jan 2013
Position Open: Natural Heritage Institute (SF, CA) - Hydrologist/Water Reso. Engr. (Dam Reoperation). Scroll down page
Positions Open: AZ State University - Interdisciplinary Postdocs (2 yrs) Closes: 31 Dec
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: GeoCorps - GIS Specialist - NPS - Conservation & Outdoor Recreation (COR) Division in DC Apply now!
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Positions Open: Western U. & U of Waterloo (Canada) - PhD & Postdocs in GW Hydrology,Biogeochemistry & Microbiology.
Positions Open - Inst. for Global Environ. Strategies (Japan) is hiring a number of positions. Visit:
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
RT @WorldBank Check out our new World Bank #jobs website, now easier to use:
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'.
Position Open: OSU - Asst/Assoc Professor,Heavy Isotope Geochemistry. Full consideration: 15 Dec; Close: 15 Jan
Position Open: Water for Waslala (Nicaragua) - Project Manager. Starts: January 2013
Positions Open (3): Public Health Agency of Canada - Postdocs, waterborne diseases.
Position Open: USEPA - Postdoc, wastewater reuse (Cincinnati, OH). Check to verify closing date before applying.
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: Cornell University - Postdoc, bioenvironmental microsensor development (Fall 2012)
Previous Weekly Water Summaries (Last Six Months)
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 22 - 28 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 15 - 21 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 8 - 14 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 1 - 7 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 17 - 23 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 10 - 16 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 3 - 9 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 20 - 26 October 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 6 - 12 October 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 29 September - 5 October 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 15 - 21 September 2012 #iah2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 8 - 14 September 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 1 - 7 September 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 - 31 August 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 11 - 17 August 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 July 2012
Science, Technology, and Medicine
RT @TheEarthScience Twin Cities forensic geologist digs into mysteries on new cable TV show
RT @HuffPostScience Astrobiologists are focusing on new ways to identify life in other worlds
RT @ScienceNOW End the year right: Check out @ScienceNOW's best-loved stories of 2012!
RT @highlyanne The gift of creativity in citizen science via @gedankenstuecke - crowd sourcing hypotheses!!
RT @KQEDscience The Big Science Stories Of 2012 In An Interactive Graphic
Streams, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
Article by @jfleck: Balancing People, Ecosystem
RT @NOAA_GLERL Lake Ontario water levels: compare monthly averages:
MT @Earth_News Drilling into Lakes Deep Beneath Antarctic Ice. @geologydotcom
Twitter, E-Newsletters, and E-Newspapers
MT @H2OTrust Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ via @CulliganMan@WaterWired @SavetheWater @fridgefilters @EPAgov
▸ … …
RT @wateraus The Water EngineeringAus Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @SMART_facility@watercrunch
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ via@coast2coastfilm @WaterWired @SavetheWater
@cleanh2oaction …
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out! … … ▸ Top stories today via@NoWaterNoLife @VaWaterCenter @WaterWired
RT @QuietWay Water for Kenya is out! … …
@CGIAR-on-Twitter Daily is out! ……
RT @REWNASPG Renewable Energy World NA Daily is out! … …
RT @wateraus The Water EngineeringAus Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @kajlofgren@CaptDocMike @WaterWired
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily via @WaterWired@SavetheWater @theEconomist @WomenforWater
@Reuters … …
@UN_Water Newsletter 16 - 21 December 2012
@iwra_water Newsletter (Volume 25, Issue 4) - December 2012
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily ▸via@ICareAboutWater @bloomvc @SavetheWater
@SaveOurWater@WaterWired ▸ … …
MT @h2oMatters Read Water Matters Weekly: Stories - @YaleE360@waterdeva1 @Waterwise @waterwired
@h2oTrends @MarGoH2O
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily via @SavetheWater@SaveourWater @CircleofBlue
@waterwired @UN_water\ …
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ @banthebottle@H2Opportunity @PeterGleick @waterwired
@SavetheWater ▸ …
RT @Agriculturenew1 2012 Agriculture & Forestry Year in Review - KATC Lafayette News
WaSH, Development, and Hydrophilanthropy
RT @WASHfunders Recommended Reading: Why Water? Private Sector Engagement & Market-Based Approaches
Naked @NedBreslin has an important message for you! @waterforpeople
Surprise! $5000 check from long-time friend to ACJ Foundation! Still time to donate for 2012:
Water Quality
MT @capitalpress Dredging proposed to ease Willamette River waste plume
Water Supply, Reuse, Use, and Conservation
MT @EWDolan Southwest USA will have less surface water over next decade, says study
RT @AlertNet Zimbabwe ill-prepared for rainfall extremes, farmers say #climate #Zimbabwe
LAT Op-Ed on Western US water: In an arid land, managing our thirst @SkollGlobal
From @jfleck: On Water Supply Importation
MT @EI_Water BLM approves Las Vegas water pipeline project.
@AvonLakeWater MT @EPAwater blog: "All I Want for Christmas Is…Some Water Saving Tips" by C. Catanese @EPAregion3
RT @PacificCouncil Options issued for shrinking Colorado River... #cawater
@lockwooddewitt @jfleck Showers+grit = shit. Courtesy of G. Hornberger, NAE member, who cracked me up while an NAS member spoke of 'snirt'
Twas the Night before Christmas' Environmental Impact Statement (@highcountrynews)
"Between boulders big as houses and through slopes of scrambled talus, the little stream meanders down the mountains. It glides over beds of polished rocks and slips past pads of moss. In huddles of wind-twisted trees, it floods the gaps between roots. From other streams it gathers volume until it is too wide for a person to leap across. Each riffle creates a small violence of water, and in curved and hollow places the stilled flow deepens. Mayflies ride across its rippled skin. Among the forests that crowd its shores, owls open the soft fans of their wings and dippers dive from the trees. Ponderosa pines armored in bark that smells like vanilla reach their stiff limbs across the water. Children gather to swing from ropes above pools that darken to jade. Anglers cast flies into eddies, droplets of water flinging from the arcs of their lines in a bright scatter. Retirees with binoculars in hand scan the banks for birds. Adventurers craving jolts of adrenaline pilot tipsy boats through whitewater that lifts in leaping peaks and gnashes in scissoring waves. Denverites on the plains below drink from it and grow their grass with it and flush their toilets with it, and they head to the mountains seeking solace and adventure in its flow. This stream is in their bodies and homes and souls. It is everything, it is life itself. And it is not enough." - Stephen Grace, commenting on a tributary of the South Platte River, from Dam Nation: How Water Shaped the West and Will Determine its Future (thanks to Emily Green in High Country News)
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