There is a heavy dose of Canadian content this week. I spent much of the week
in Ottawa, Ontario, attending the Canadian Water Network's conference, Connecting Water Resources 2013.
You'll note I have a separate category devoted to the conference, and have included the hashtag #CWR2013. When you click on that link, you'll be taken to a Twitter 'bin' that contains all Tweets - mine and others - pertaining to the conference.
It was an excellent meeting. Always enjoy heading north of the border.
Note - if you are new to this summary: to access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', '', or '' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Happy World Water Day!
Books, Films, and Reviews
Documentary film: 'Mekong' (@cgiarwater)
Bottled Water and Tap/Drinking Water
RT @APrippleeffect Where is that Poland Spring, anyway?
RT @bryancallahan Lacking infrastructure: Clean drinking water an uphill battle for villagers
Presentation: 'Moving From Reactive to Preventive Management of Drinking Water Safety' #CWR2013
RT @cbdawson CA: Nitrate,perchlorate, other contaminants in Inland groundwater drinking-water supplies (@PEcom_news)
Ever heard of dirty water bills? Nine clean water bills introducted in CA #cawater
RT @BCWaterNews UCSB Water Action Plan the First of Its Kind in UC System
RT @markgrossi Support for water bond fading, poll shows #cawater@alexbreitler
RT @WaterPuppetry Take your water personally @LTelfer @H2OAlliance@WWFCanada
RT @UVicNorth Pro-development Arctic Council, led by Canada, begins to take shape @alaskadispatch
A Canadian Collection: Struzik, Haggerty, Conant, and...Jarvis?
Alberta @WaterPortal Latest Water News
Hey - @WilliamShatner, aka Capt. James T. Kirk, born in Montreal on World Water Day, 1931. Live long and prosper!
Just had a delightful phone conversation with Canadian journalist-author Ed Struzik. Smart guy. &
RT @CanGeographers RT @CanGeo: Proposed changes to Ontario's Endangered Species Act raise concerns.
MT @dmayhood In science,they are rock stars. MeFi weighs in on closure of#ExperimentalLakesArea @SaveTheELA
RT @selinayoung Check out these amazing people - @CanadianWater WATER's NEXT
RT @SnowHydro Interesting summary of #science & #environment situation in Canada in this European article
RT @mello76 Water Conversation: Edmonton and Okotoks via@wordpressdotcom @AENV_SRD
RT @rivrchik Interview with Canada's Environment Watchdog.... Via@WaterMattersAB
RT @cbtinfo What's happening with the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council: @kricdotca
RT @CPAWSbc New video with AMAZING footage from the Flathead Valley. Let's get this place protected!
MT @SnowHydro More on the #ELC's #muzzling case sent to the Info Commissioner in @TheTyee via @dupuisj
Via @jeremyj_schmidt Too many First Nations reserves living with contaminated water in third-world conditions
RT @WaterPuppetry The Blue Bash | Apr 24 #Toronto | Register here: @CanadianWater @WaterCanCharity
Canadian Water Network Conference #CWR2013
Note: There were a lot of Tweeps at the meeting. Be sure to visit #CWR2013 to see them all and get a more balanced perspective than what I can provide. Many of the presentations will be on the CWN WWW site; all plenary session presentations were video-recorded and will be available.
@CdnWaterNetwork's Connecting Water Resources 2013 - Day 1 #CWR2013
@CdnWaterNetwork's 'Connecting Water Resources 2013' - Day 2 #CWR2013
@CdnWaterNetwork's 'Connecting Water Resources 2013' - Day 3 #CWR2013
Weekly Water News Summary 16-22 March will be delayed c. 24 hours. Been flying all day,returning from great @CdnWaterNetwork event #CWR2013
At #YOW waiting for flights home: ORD>PDX>@flyEUG. Really enjoyed @CdnWaterNetwork#CWR2013 and meeting Tweeps & others! Hope to return soon
ONT Asst. Deputy Minister Mantel: Stand at Niagara Falls for a year, 20% of world's fresh water flows past. Duhhh..I don't think so #CWR2013
@cfishman @PeterGleick What he meant was that since Great Lakes have 20% global FW (wrong!) Niagara Falls must drain all that in one year. Wrong again #CWR2013
RT @BlueEconomyca Excellent panel #CWR2013 w/ three super heros."If climate is a shark, water is its teeth"
Incredible, inspirational closing keynote at #CWR2013 by Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo @shawnatleo
Kim Sturgess, Alberta WaterSMART CEO & founder: 'Canadians have a complete intolerance for failure.'#CWR2013
Nicholas Parker commiserating with USA: "We know what it's like to have difficult people south of the border." Ha ha #CWR2013
Nicholas Parker, last soeaker before coffee: As Liz Taylor said to one of her husbands, "Don't worry, I won't keep you long." #CWR2013
@UN has 30 agencies that deal with water, more than USA or Canada. #CWR2013
Bill Cosgrove: Things have gotten worse with world's water because water professionals are talking to ourselves. #CWR2013
#CWR2013 focusing on Canada's Blue Economy Initiative today. See @BlueEconomyca reports:
Global Risks 2013 (@davos) - see where water supply crises rank among 50 global risks: #CWR2013
At #CWR2013 banquet tonight, string quartet serenaded us with James Brown's 'I Feel Good', among other contemporary tunes.
Link to global warming (1880-2010) video mentioned by Uldis Silins in his #CWR2013 talk
David Marshall of on Britannia Mine clean-up. Success story! #CWR2013
Don Lowry @EPCOR: OIlsands' most progress has been in water - lots of low-hanging fruit in water#CWR2013
Maggie Catley-Carlson to Brian Doucette (@suncorenergy): 'What's your baseline?' #CWR2013
Brian Doucette (@suncorenergy) Gee, all this oilsands stuff sounds neat. Will have to digest this.#CWR2013
Could Helmi Ansari's (@PepsiCanada) surprise over higher costs from conservation have been reduced with a few phone calls/emails? #CWR2013
Don Lowry,@EPCOR: 'Courage to lead is a very rare commodity.' Govt. officials, water scarcity often conflated:fear to charge more. #CWR2013
Wed. morning Plenary and Panel at #CWR2013 - "Critical Water Connections: The Nexus, Trade and Supply Chains"
#CWR2013 Heard Don Lowry, @EPCOR CEO, say 85% of AB's water is north of Edmonton. Does AB know how much it has? Does that include GW?
#CWR2013 Pepsico Canada making strides in water, energy conservation. Water & wastewater pricing an issue - penalized $ for conservation.
Enjoying @CdnWaterNetwork meeting #CWR2013 @CanadianWater @WaterTAPOntario@jcganter @H2oMilwaukee @WaterAlliance
Ben Grumbles (@WaterAlliance) - need to have people learn their ''drip codes' (watersheds, aquifers) just like their ZIP codes #CWR2013
Rob de Loe, U of Waterloo: still 'optimistic' about water and collaborative potential. #CWR2013
@flyEUG @ 4:45 AM PDT: starting long trek to Ottawa and @CdnWaterNetwork meeting. Arrive#YOW @ 7 PM EDT
@MikeChristieTO @CanadianWater OMG! They could not have received my check so soon!
@CanadianWater @WaterTAPOntario Yes - arrive tonight #YOW @ 7. Plane is late out of DC. Won't make reception, but will be there Tuesday.
Climate, Weather, and Climate Change
RT @BCWaterNews Climate factors into Columbia River Treaty talks (@thecolumbian)
RT @physorg_com New research suggests #tropicalcyclones could develop on Saturn's largest moon Titan
Conferences, Symposia, and Calls for Papers/Abstracts
Amsterdam International Water Week Conference, 5-6 November: Call for Papers due 15 May
RT @WEForg Registration OPEN for 16 April Water Infrastructure Summit in DC #w4jsummit Sign up today!
@theAGU Chapman Conference:Seasonal to Interannual Hydroclimate Forecasts & Water Mgmt, 28-31 July. Abst: 27 Mar
UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, 11-13 June, Lake Tahoe, CA - registration now open.
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
Via @watercrunch SC residents raising a stink over Charlotte’s sewage sludge @charlotteobserv
Not a real surprise, but here is someone's two cents: 2013 International Year of Cooperation
Building India-Pakistan Water Cooperation in Indus Basin, 20 March, 10 AM - noon, @StimsonCenter(DC)
From @GWPnews - Tuesday Twofer: 1) Transboundary Water Cooperation;
2) Economic Value: Water Secure World
Droughts and Floods
Mirage? MT @cfishman 90% of NM in serious drought & here's how UNM is helping @jfleck: U of NM wasting water:
Responding to Drought: @WMOnews - @GWPnews Integrated Drought Management Program Launched
Just spoke with a prospective student who grew up in Charlottesville (UVA) but went to Whitman. Great school, right @jfleck?
Ethics, Gender, and Related
@edbourque @NedBreslin Just Another Karachi Targeted Killing...
RT @GrundfosUSA Is water a commodity or a human right? via @Guardian
Via @H2OEthics The missing (water) ethics in the mining industry: New article by Carnegie Council
E-Newspapers and E-Newsletters
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVD Daily▸via @TapItWater @amwater @WaterWired@SavetheWater @OkWaterWise
▸ …?
RT @h2oMatters Read The Water Matters Weekly via @AvonLakeWater @WaterWired@epaWater @TxWRI ▸
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVD Daily ▸ @NedBreslin @KangenHealth
@SavetheWater @WaterWired @WaterAidNigeria ▸ …?
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out! … … ▸ Top stories today via @MavensNotebook @Just_BLUE_It @WaterWired
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily @WaterWired @SavetheWater @EPAgov@SaveOurWater @MiaFarrow
@unicefusa …?
RT @worldresources Climate change & energy daily is out! … … ▸ Top stories today via @DanJWeiss @talkingclimates
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVD Daily ▸ via @Waterwired @fridgefilters@SavetheWater @Water @350 @amwater ▸ …?
Water Ethics Newsletter - March 2013 (@H2OEthics)
RT @SFWMD Water Watch for March 19, 2013.
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily on @waterwired @UNICEF @UNW_WWD@SavetheWater @GE_Water
@Care @Water …?
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ @WaterPM @WaterIntel @SavetheWater@WaterTechOnline @WaterWired
▸ …?
RT @The @WaterFootprints Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via@WaterWired @DropInTheBucket @dcwater
@UNESCO Water e-Newsletter: Water Cooperation
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newseltter - 22 March 2013
H2OSU Newsletter - 18 March 2013. Conferences, meetings, funding opportunities, etc.
MT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking #Water SVDs Daily ▸ @thankyouWATER @amwater @tdower@SavetheWater @Waterwired @Water
▸ …?
RT @worldresources Climate change & energy daily is out! … … ▸ Top stories today via @climatereserve @eesionline
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out! … … ▸ Top stories today via @WalksforWater @save_our_water @NEPADWater
RT @cbdawson Article on new Columbia Co., WI, groundwater maps attempts some hydrogeo education, too
Groundwater Research Paper Highlights Studies on High Plains (aka Ogallala) Aquifer
Groundwater Goodies: 1) TB GW: Guaraní Aquifer System; 2) MN DNR: Evaluation of Models & Tools
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
RT @OregonianEnviro Sealed 'black cells' stall tank waste cleanup at Hanford nuclear reservatio
Infographics and Visuals
Infographic: Biggest Moments in Science 2012
Video: Wild waves stir up foam spectacle on Australia's Sunshine Coast.
Link to global warming (1880-2010) video mentioned by Uldis Silins in his #CWR2013 talk
Moore's Law strikes again! RT @Intel From 4 to 64 bits in 30 years. They grow up so
@UNESCO Infographics: World Water Day
Journals, Publications, and Reports
Global Risks 2013 (@davos) - see where water supply crises rank among 50 global risks: #CWR2013
MT @pkwouters Launched in Manila last week: Asian Water Development Outlook 2013 (@ADB_HQ)
Opportunities and Events
RT @WaterPuppetry The Blue Bash | Apr 24 #Toronto | Register here: @CanadianWater @WaterCanCharity
MT @Alex_Verbeek UN International Year of Water Cooperation: The Hague
Not a real surprise, but here is someone's two cents: 2013 International Year of Cooperation
MT @ConsrvationGeog Cool opp for PhD students MT @EcoAgPartners: Opp to review #IPCC report via @ArthurCPetersen
Via @Indiawater - @zenrainman: World Water Day - on cooperation and sharing
RT @jlsabo #asu hosting significant event on water reuse March 26-27; join conversation at #asuReuse
@PNWSAWWA Lunch & Learn Event - Portland,OR, 17 Apr 11:30-1:30 PM: 'Payment for Ecosystem Services' $20 Register:
RT @jfleck Len Duda, fast-moving science celebrity, at the #ABQ science fair
@WaterPuppetry @RichardMcLellan @worldresources @nextstarfish
@waterbudgetThanks,Korice! Not Tweeting much; flights all day. Nice avatar!
Hey - @WilliamShatner, aka Capt. James T. Kirk, born in Montreal on World Water Day, 1931. Live long and prosper!
A Canadian Collection: Struzik, Haggerty, Conant, and...Jarvis?
Just had a delightful phone conversation with Canadian journalist-author Ed Struzik. Smart guy. &
Policy, Planning, Economics, and Management
Asset Management Use in Water Sector Predicted to Grow in Next Five Years
@IISD_WIC Water Policy & Practice: Water Update 21 March 2013
@aguanomics: Structural failure at the Corps of Engineers (@USACEHQ)
RT @TexasWaterNews The overlooked costs of Texas' water plan h/t Corpus Christi Caller-Times
Via @WEForg RT @waterworldmag: New campaign by @WEForg shows how investing in water can put people back to work.
Positions Open
Positions Open (3): U of WY (WyCEHG) - Postdocs - land surface interactions with water, etc. OUF; review: 1 May
Pos. Open:@EPAwater Internship Natl NPS Prj# EPA Water 2013-265 Info Gina.Wampler @ orau . org
Position Open: @usfs (Milwaukee,WI) - Supervisory Biological or Physical Scientist Closes: 27 March
Positions Open: Visiting Prof (Goyder Inst, Adelaide,AU) - Water Policy; 3-4 month positions Exp. of Interest:
MT @afreedma Calling all science writers - @ClimateCentral is looking for a new climate science reporter
Position Open: @usfs_rmrs (Boise,ID) Postdoctoral Fellow - Hydrology (estimating streamflow). 1 year, 3 more possible
Position Open: EAWAG (Switzerland) - Sr. Scientist, Hydrological & Water Quality Modeling. Closes: 17 May
Position Open: King Cty (Seattle,WA) - WQ Planner/Project Mgr I River/Stream WQ & Quantity Scientist) Closes: 5 April
Position Open: King County (Seattle) - WQ Planner/Project Mgr I (Ecotoxicologist) Closes: 5 April
Position Open: Northwestern U - Lecturer to teach UG courses in Critical Zone Porcesses in ES Pgm. OUF; App rev: now
Positions Open: - Various: Scroll down to 'Job Opportuntiies'
Position Open: Nature Publishing Group (UK) - Asst/Assoc/Senior Editor (Earth Sci) PhD preferred @AGUCareerCenter
Position Open: Warm Springs Tribes (OR) - Hydrologist (Asst. Watershed Specialist) (scroll down) Closes: 29 March
Positions Open (3): U of WY (WyCEHG) - Postdocs - land surface interactions with water, etc. OUF; review: 1 May
Positions Open: Various - GIS, WatSan, Hydrogeologist, et al. Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Positions Open: Marie Curie Fellowships. All research areas eligible. Deadline: 14 August
Position Open: @chesapeakebay Fdn - PA Watershed Restoration Manager (Harrisburg). Closes: 24 March
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities' - VA Tech & NC State faculty, TNC, etc.
Via @SnowHydro The truth behind that job advertisement for a lectureship/assistant professorship (via@D_Aldridge)
Position Open: GNS Science (NZ) - Head of Department (Hydrogeology). Closes: 5 April
Position Open: VA Tech - Asst. Professor, Hydroinformatics.
Position Open: Illinois State Water Survey - Head, Groundwater Section. Closes: 31 March
Position Open: Via @iAgua Ingeniero de Tuberías Área Hidraúlica (en Ghana)
Position Open: U OK (Geog) - 1-yr fac position, teach adv GIS, two others. PhD Rev: 2 Apr Email: Dr A. Tarhule atarhule @ ou edu Download U_OK_GEOG_Temporary
Positions Open: @UnescoIHE - 3 Postdocs (Ecosys Svcs,Env Flows,Irrigation) for Kenya project. Closes: 25 Mar Contact: Download Kenya_Postdocs_IHE
Position Open: Ctr Limnology (EPFL) - Coordinator/Scientist (Lausanne). OUF: Rev: 1 Apr. [email protected]
Download LIMNO_Center_Coordinator_announcement_2013
Position Open: @GannettFleming -Water/Wastewater Engineer (South Plainfield, NJ)
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: @USDA_ARS - Research Soil Scientist (Riverside, CA). Closes: 25 March
Position Open: @greeleywater Water Resource Engineer (Greeley, CO). Closes: 31 March
Position Open: IMSG (@NOAA contractor) - Environmental Modeling (College Park, MD)
Position Open: UC-Santa Barbara - Postdoc, Mtn Hydrology & Water Chemistry. Apply by 1 April, then OUF.
Position Open: Wisconsin DNR - River Hydrologist (2 years). Modeling expertise.
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: U of Hawaii (Oceanography) - Postdoctoral Researcher in Wetland Hydrology & Biogeochemistry; 2 years.
Position Open: @GannettFleming -Environmental Engineer/Geologist (Irvine, CA)
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Positions Open: Various - Scroll Down to 'Job Opportunities'
Positions Open (3): Various in Marine Science: Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Positions Open: Numerous - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: U of SC - Coastal Training Program Assistant (Georgetown, SC). OUF.
Positions Open: @Heifer - Three openings - Grant writer, Web developer, Assoc. Dir. of Philanthropy
Position Open: U of Lausanne - Lecturer, Biogeosciences. Apply by 15 April
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Position Open: UCLA Inst of Environ & Sustainability - Postdoctoral researcher, water policy in CA. 2 years.
Positions Open: @USAID - Foreign Svc Population/Health/Nutrition. Many vacancies (US citizens only)
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'
Positions Open: @USDA - Various Postdoctoral positions
Positions Open: Several - @wwrglobal, @UNICEF, @oxfamgb, U of Nebraska, UNC. Scroll down to 'Opportunities'
Positions Open: Inter-Fluve - Engineer or Geomorphologist (Cambridge, MA) OUF. & Madison, WI OUF
Position Open: @ORISEconnect @EPAgov - Post-Graduate Internship, Healthy Watersheds Project. Renewable,up to 3 years
Position Open: Stockholm Environment Institute - Sr. Research Fellow, Land & Water Reso. for Sus. Dev. (Bangkok). OUF
Positions Open: Various - scroll down to 'Job Opportunities' Many new!
Position Open: @CGIAR Vacancy: Communications Specialist I/II (Washington, DC)
RT @WorldBank Check out our new World Bank #jobs website, now easier to use:
Previous Weekly Water Summaries (Last Six Months)
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 16 - 22 March 2013 #CWR2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 9 - 15 March 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 2 - 8 March 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 23 February - March 1, 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 16 - 22 February 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 9 - 15 February 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 2 - 8 February 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 26 January - 1 February 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 January 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 - 11 January 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 29 December 2012 - 4 January 2013
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 22 - 28 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 15 - 21 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 8 - 14 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 1 - 7 December 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 17 - 23 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 10 - 16 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 3 - 9 November 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 20 - 26 October 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 6 - 12 October 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 29 September - 5 October 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 15 - 21 September 2012 #iah2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 8 - 14 September 2012
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 1 - 7 September 2012
Science, Medicine, and Technology
Via @keithjs A Dangerous Fixation- synthetic nitrogen born 100 years ago; it’s why half of us are alive.
MT @SnowHydro Science & art - two sides of same brain? Post by @Curious_JaneO on@theresaliao's blog
Streams, Lakes, Dams and Ecosystems
Once had lots of sharks MT @ElPorvenir Lago de Nicaragua is largest freshwater body in Central America. #WWD2013
MT @KirkHerbertson Laos invites selected foreign media to controversial #Xayaburi Dam & report favorably @XHNews
Water Quality
RT @Salem_Statesman ODOT constructing filtration rain gardens
RT @highlyanne Salt marsh decline from excess nutrients...
Water Supply, Use, Reuse, and Conservation
Florida: the non-problem of growing demand for water (@tmtall)
RT @OPBnews Bend City Council adopts controversial surface water system overhaul
RT @jlsabo #asu hosting significant event on water reuse March 26-27; join conversation at #asuReuse
Itron Smart Water Meters Reducing Water Loss in India
No prospective students have asked,'How much longer are you going to be around?'
Oh yeah - my Medicare approval came today.
Medicare? MT @SnowHydro Do you suffer from solastalgia (via @Mdettinger) Many people do ( ); how do we deal with it?
'Courage to lead is a very rare commodity.' - Don Lowry, CEO, EPCOR
"Take off, hoser!' - Bob and Doug McKenzie