Now that I have moved into my new office I have to put everything all back together.
Piles of books litter the floor. It takes me a long time to reshelve them because I'll come across a book I used in the Pleistocene Epoch and have to sit down and flip through it.
Here are a few 'oldies but goodies', all but a few used as textbooks.
Mass, momentum, and energy transport. Not for the faint of heart.
Great groundwater article by C.E. Jacob.
Structural geology unlike that found in other books. Stress tensors, anyone? Then followed by a dollop of Morris Muskat.
We just celled this 'Garrels and Christ' after the authors. My first exposure to aqueous geochemistry.
This book was very helpful because we had very few 'canned' computer programs back in the early 1970s. CL & W got me through many a numerical predicament.
Speaking of numerical methods, this publication from the Illinois State Water Survey, got me on the path to groundwater flow modeling with PLASM - The Prickett-Lonnquist Aquifer Simulation Model. The senior author, the late Tom Prickett, was one of the nicest guys around.
This USDA report by Irish hydrologist J.C.I. Dooge played a big part in my dissertation.
Finally, a classic 1953 USGS Professional Paper by Luna B. Leopold and Thomas Maddock, Jr. Still cited lo these 60 years. Get a PDF here.
Nice circular coffee stain (big cup!).
"Who ever converses among old books will be hard to please among the new." - William Temple
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