Note that all of the offenders are men.
Check out Gayle Leonard's Thirsty in Suburbia blog for more. Three of these photos - the hoser, toilet sitter, and the one following it are from Gayle's site. Julie Watson provided the first picture. I have no idea who that is.
Happy Halloween!
By the way - faint-hearted readers should stop right now.
Now - three in the 'water and sanitation' theme (from Gayle Leonard's site):
Looks sorta like Dustin Pedroia...
Don't ask....
And the most egregious offenders:
And while you're trick-or-treating, have something to eat!
Oh yeah - happy birthday, Nevada! Remember Chic Hecht today!
"From ghoulies and ghosties and long leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night, good Lord, deliver us!" -- Scottish proverb