Had a very good Thanksgiving and I suspect I will survive Black Friday.
The graphic? Some thoughts of one of my students - thinking about village-scale water and sanitation projects in Honduras.
Note - if you are new to this summary: This is a weekly summary of my water-related Tweets (Twitter feeds) categorized by topics. Most entries contain a hot link. To access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually).Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Books and Reviews
Book: 'Biochar: a Potential Application to Storm Water Treatment' http://is.gd/dHvGoB
Middle school youngster on holiday gift list? Get @jfleck's 'The Tree Rings' Tale'- book about science that matters http://is.gd/R8sYM8
RT @JeremiahOsGo This Is the Man Bill Gates Thinks You Absolutely Should Be Reading http://pulse.me/s/EAps9 via @wiredscience
Via @jorge_salazar: From @drshow archives - @danfagin,'Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation' http://wamu.fm/1dASMfA
MT @SFriedScientist Last CC refugees fight for survival in grim view of our future -'Fleet: The Complete Collection' http://wp.me/pNPMD-4c5
Bottled Water and Drinking/Tap Water
Via @WaterPollution9 @EPA awards $174M to improve #cawater drinking water systems,reduce pollution @LakeCoNews http://dlvr.it/4N6zdb
@nbc's 'Parks & Recreation' episode lampoons 'fluoride wars' http://is.gd/TYAHyZ
@H2OTrust @columbiawater: World's Largest Ultraviolet System Now Purifying New York City's Water http://is.gd/cYxRmu @motherboard
Via @WaterPollution9 @EPA awards $174M to improve #cawater drinking water systems,reduce pollution @LakeCoNews http://dlvr.it/4N6zdb
@USGS pub: 'Land Subsidence along Delta-Mendota Canal in Northern Part of San Joaquin Valley,CA, 2003–10 http://is.gd/HPd6c7 #cawater
@MavensNotebook: @USGSwaterCA hydrologist discusses subsidence in the Central Valley http://is.gd/6nZUpl #cawater
Insanity, California Groundwater, Yogi Berra, and The Mamas & The Papas #cawater http://bit.ly/1jyoKWW
@cbdawson Okay, good point. So we'll leave it to the legislature and governor who've done such a good job with GW management?
Letter to editor of @SLOTribune: Owner water rights in peril http://is.gd/ANMTaL #cawater
Westlands officials ponder big buy-in on Bay Delta Conservation Plan http://is.gd/J3X2rz #cawater #sacdelta
@CA_DWR Water Plan eNews - Wednesday Update-27 November 2013: Land Subsidence,River Forum,Desal Grants, more!http://is.gd/CXi5aN #cawater
RT @TheUCCHM: #Aquifer at Risk: Forums to focus on #water http://ow.ly/rcIVa @MyDesert
RT Kerry Freek now at @mabelsyntax Three reasons Ontario needs to support the Great Lakes Protection Act. http://bit.ly/17NNU4a
RT @HuffPostCanada: Canada's info czar takes aim at texts on gov't BlackBerrys #cdnpoli http://huff.to/Iut9zb
RT @CanGeographers Canada’s real international shame — and it’s not Ford: Burman http://is.gd/XPbmWb @TorontoStar
RT @CanGeographers Proposal to bury nuclear waste in Ontario wins local support http://is.gd/dCx1kJ via @CTVNews
@mabelsyntax interviews Canadian photographer/filmmaker Edward Burtynsky about Watermark (film) & Water (exhibition) http://is.gd/JaWd3Y
RT @bconantcwn Worth a view-How Olds,Alberta manages water MT @ahernemj:re metering/loss control (from 8,000 town) http://is.gd/hL3HIQ
RT @CdnWaterSummit Announcing @edwardburtynsky as our #watersummit 2014 luncheon keynote speaker! June 2014 http://ow.ly/rgTug
RT @UVicNorth Hydro project threatens salmon http://is.gd/sdctuq @PGCitizen
@CTVNorthernNews Sudbury's MP puts forth bill to protect lakes & waterways. http://owl.li/r6AYu
@CWRA_Flows 'Flood Forecasting: Fact v. Fiction?' Workshop, 31 Jan, Winnipeg, MB http://is.gd/O9YHGD Regis: http://is.gd/JtZ9u9
RT @edmontonjournal Memo told Joe Oliver that oilsands leak was unexplained http://edmjr.nl/IrFmnB
BC set to rewrite rules for water users http://is.gd/V8nu2O @BlackPressMedia
MT @CBCQuirks Science this week:Icicle formation from @UofTNews;pine beetles @UAlberta chemicals-Arctic gulls @UQAM http://www.cbc.ca/quirks/
Climate, Weather, and Climate Change
RT @globeandmail Global leaders reach last-minute deals at UN climate summit http://bit.ly/I8GU5W
Via @KHayhoe: Report-'Climate Change in the American Mind:Americans' Global Warming Beliefs & Attitudes,April 2013 http://is.gd/oaL44l
RT @UCLAIoES Rich-vs.-poor nations' clash stalls work toward 2015 climate pact: http://ow.ly/raesO @cjwilliamslat @latimesworld
RT @spogburn: @NOAA - The slowest Atlantic hurricane season since 1994 comes to a close http://ow.ly/rcLvQ
MT @theburntcity Mushrooms can change the weather, scientists reveal http://fw.to/sovDlBN @Telegraph
Conferences, Symposia, Webinars, and Calls for Papers/Abstracts
RT @theAGU RT @NASASocial: Follow these #NASASocial folks who will attend @theAGU's #AGU13 in San Francisco http://goo.gl/ec5TPx
'Water Governance & Water Security: Sources of Power in Water Politics', Lexington, KY 27 Feb-1 March. Abst: 30 Nov http://is.gd/u6J1t7
@USGS Webinar 'Effects of Pumping on Streamflow Depletion' get PDF, audio/video @ http://is.gd/8keZQi (look on RHS)
@CWRA_Flows 'Flood Forecasting: Fact v. Fiction?' Workshop, 31 Jan, Winnipeg, MB http://is.gd/O9YHGD Regis: http://is.gd/JtZ9u9
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
RT @MishalHusainBBC Prince Hassan of Jordan on Syrian refugees: 'We're not running out of patience, we're running out of water' #r4today
By @TurtonWater: 'Water Wars in the Anthropocene: A South African Perspective' http://is.gd/UaMK3q
Montana: Feds, tribes reach deal on Fort Belknap water: http://bit.ly/1i9RSZo via @helenaironline
CRS Report: 'US-Mexico Water Sharing - Background and Recent Developments' http://bit.ly/18kF3ax
MT @blackspring48: On @ajam - @JayFamiglietti on Global Water Security: http://youtu.be/W-3MtSK-kbk via @youtube
MO Gov Nixon asks KS Gov Brownback to back off of study on diverting water from Missouri River http://buff.ly/18jlbog via @LJWorld
Texas lawmakers threaten IBWC - want it to get Mexico to abide by 1944 Rio Grande treaty http://is.gd/IkXeuz (TX Ag Law blog)
Journal - Global Dialogue, Volume 15, No. 2 - Water: Cooperation or Conflict? http://bit.ly/1a4EdZH
Droughts, Floods, Fires, and Disasters
RT @Mdettinger Cascade of models id's $1.3 trillion and 150M people at flood risk worldwide http://is.gd/dcW7Kr
Is 'Cadillac Desert' now 'Volvo Desert'? See @jfleck http://is.gd/MY8K1e
RT @physorg_com Typhoons spread Fukushima fallout, study warns http://phy.so/304860207
@aguanomics asks, 'God's will?' http://is.gd/rz3RXk
RT @deseretnews Americans may be acting stingy in the wake of Typhoon #Haiyan http://desne.ws/0E7G0NP
RT @ClimateCentral Microgrids can insulate cities from storms while also reducing their CO2 emissions: http://bit.ly/Ip5Dne
Great question from a student today: 'Why do countries not care enough to provide their citizens with safe water and sanitation?'
@MGhydro Thought you'd ask. Answer: 'Because they're run by scumbags.' Joking (??) - will use it as a basis for class discussion next week.
Will use J. Christian-Smith & @PeterGleick's H2O policy, @cynthiabarnett's 'Blue Revolution' books & @AWRAHQ rpts for US Water Mgmt course
@Cal lecturer's email to students goes viral: "Why I am not canceling class tomorrow" http://is.gd/wKi6be
Open Letter in Response to Message (http://is.gd/wKi6be ) from a Socially Unconscious @Cal Professor http://is.gd/iP2E3f
RT @Forbes Can hedge fund billionaire Paul Tudor Jones save America's public education system? http://onforb.es/1iBYPQv
Denver Pilots Partnership Model for Hyperlocal Urban Water Education http://is.gd/sU0qr3
RT @CanGeographers It's not just Harvard students who are ignorant about geography http://is.gd/sD3txu @georgiastraight
E-Newspapers and E-Newsletters
The @Water_Supply Daily is out! http://paper.li/Water_supply Stories via @WaterWired @BVWater @LPAWater
RT @h2oMatters Read The Water Matters Weekly: @DenverWater @H20Efficiency @AWWA @OurWaterCounts @NACWA @PeterGleick http://bit.ly/18BDqn
RT @CenterGeoCI Latest news and updates from the @ngwatweets Government Affairs http://is.gd/Lg2kKO
H2OSU Newsletter - 25 November 2013 http://is.gd/tMYmkG
The @Water_Supply Daily is out! http://paper.li/Water_supply Stories via @watercorpwa @DreamWater @WaterWired
Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geosciences; 2) Enviro-Sciences Awareness - 25 November 2013 http://bit.ly/1hfQymn
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newseltter - 27 November 2013 http://is.gd/ZEoN2x
RT @H2OTrust Clean Drinking Water SVDs Daily▸@WaterWired @SavetheWater @WaterTechOnline @waterforpeople @UtilityWeek http://is.gd/a80yie
Ethics, Faith, Human Rights, and Gender@WaterAidUK & @WatSanCollabCou Report: 'We Can't Wait: A Report on Sanitation & Hygiene for Women & Girls' http://is.gd/s5SrAg
RT @climateprogress Climate change disproportionately hurting Pakistan's women, report finds http://thkpr.gs/1j0SDC1
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
PhD thesis: 'Saline seepage in deltaic areas' http://is.gd/STC3Uo
Insanity, California Groundwater, Yogi Berra, and The Mamas & The Papas #cawater http://bit.ly/1jyoKWW
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
RT @CoyoteGulch First Small Hydro Project in Colorado Moves Forward Thanks to Regulatory Efficiency Act http://wp.me/p9nEF-cT2
@KateGalbraith in @nytimes RT @russellcris: Strong Rules on #Fracking in Wyoming Seen as Model http://nyti.ms/1dpxQIe
Infographics, Videos, and Visuals@nbc's 'Parks & Recreation' episode lampoons 'fluoride wars' http://is.gd/TYAHyZ
Video on @BW: hydrotheologian @profpeppard http://is.gd/WmALcM
Video: Making a Monkey of Us All. And Happy Thanksgiving! http://bit.ly/1a91lGp
RT @ezraklein Graphs to be thankful for: Global poverty is plummeting. http://is.gd/77OF4b pic.twitter.com/LsUmAdisW2
Journals, Reports, and Publications@TAMU Journal of Real Property Law Publishes Water Law Edition http://is.gd/OBo8KV
PhD thesis: 'Saline seepage in deltaic areas' http://is.gd/STC3Uo
CRS Report: 'US-Mexico Water Sharing - Background and Recent Developments' http://bit.ly/18kF3ax
Journal - Global Dialogue, Volume 15, No. 2 - Water: Cooperation or Conflict? http://bit.ly/1a4EdZH
Via @KHayhoe: Report-'Climate Change in the American Mind:Americans' Global Warming Beliefs & Attitudes,April 2013 http://is.gd/oaL44l
@USGS Pub: 'Methods for Estimating Water Consumption for Thermoelectric Power Plants in the US' http://is.gd/GLF8GM
People, Personal, and Quotes
The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving http://bit.ly/189tc9x
RT @rgj Genghis Khan tomb seeker wins @DRIScience Nevada Medal http://on.rgj.com/Ibqwlh
@MGhydro Thought you'd ask. Answer: 'Because they're run by scumbags.' Joking (??) - will use it as a basis for class discussion next week.
Policy, Planning, Economics, Law, and Management@TAMU Journal of Real Property Law Publishes Water Law Edition http://is.gd/OBo8KV
Texas Ag Law blog - Weekly Round Up - 29 November 2013 http://is.gd/huZsBX
@aguanomics asks the $64 ($75? $95?) question: 'Why bother with environmental economists?' http://is.gd/WLc0Wy
Everglades! @TB_Times Editorial: End the sweet deal for Big Sugar http://is.gd/LYGys0 (tnx @tmtall)
OMG! @tmtall on slashed budgets for Florida's WMDs: http://is.gd/24oOuM
Positions Open #JobWaWi
Positions Open: @DRIScience (Reno & LV) - Various - Postdocs,weather mod,computing, programming,techs, etc. http://is.gd/Q6dOM1 #JobWaWi
Positions Open: USGS (OKC, OK) - Student Trainees - Hydrology (F-T,paid!) Closes: 31 Dec http://is.gd/tkJpof
Position Open: @Sightline Inst - Senior Researcher - Analyst/Writer (Seattle or remotely). OUF http://is.gd/DqxLE5 #JobWaWi
Position Open: Western State CO Univ, T-T Prof (open rank),Integrative Land Mgmt. OUF, App review: 1 Dec http://is.gd/OVvE0r #JobWaWi
Position Open: Western State CO Univ, T-T Prof (open rank), Sust & Resilient Comm. OUF, App review: 1 Dec http://is.gd/OVvE0r #JobWaWi
Position Open: U of East Anglia (UK) - Reader/Chair in Environment & Intl Development. Closes: 13 Dec http://is.gd/DZJvJ2
Position Open: U of East Anglia (UK) - Lecturer/Sr Lecturer,Environment & Intl Development. Closes: 13 Dec http://is.gd/4XGU17
Position Open: Klamath Basin Monitoring Coordinator. Closes: 11 Dec.http://is.gd/Tu8gVQ
Position Open: NM Env Dept - Geoscientist Supervisor # 27304 - UST Pgm (Santa Fe) Closes: 6 Dec http://is.gd/yYUyU9
Position Open: NM Env Dept - Geoscientist Supervisor # 12249 - UST Pgm (Santa Fe) Closes: 7 Dec http://is.gd/TkpEvK
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities' http://is.gd/tMYmkG
Position Open: Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (OR) - Hydrologist. Closes: 9 Dec. Scroll down: http://is.gd/dIrcLw
Position Open: UMass-Amherst - T-T Asst Prof of Soils & Environment. OUF; App review begins 3 Feb http://is.gd/XwtN9g
Position Open: Clemson U Extension Service - Water Resources Engineer (Charleston) http://is.gd/KtTZTF #JobWaWi
Positions Open: NOAA Coastal Mgmt Fellowships for post-grads.Due: 24 Janhttp://is.gd/PKmhXL state proj: http://is.gd/I1qunI
Position Open: Central Contra Costa Cty Sanitary District - Director of Engineering. Closes: 13 Jan http://is.gd/OfBlBy #JobWaWi
Position Open: Central Contra Costa Cty Sanitary District - Director of Admin. Closes: 13 Jan http://is.gd/sigupB #JobWaWi
Position Open: MT Watershed Coordination Council (Helena) - Executive Director. Closes: 1 Dec http://is.gd/93OaFM
Previous Weeks' Positions Open #JobWaWi
Position Open: Carleton U (Ottawa) - T-T Asst Prof, Env Geog – Env Studies. Closes: 6 Jan or UF http://is.gd/QjC6Yw @SnowHydro #JobWaWi
Position Open: GNS Science (NZ) - Groundwater Scientist - Numerical Modeller No. 4188. Closes: 6 Jan http://is.gd/31653B #JobWaWi
Positions Open (2) @UCIrvine - T-T Asst Professors in Earth System Science. Selection process begins 6 Jan http://is.gd/S70mYr #JobWaWi
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities' http://is.gd/O1mMcy #JobWaWi
Position Open: @michiganstateu - Lyman Briggs Coll- T-T Asst Prof of Chem or Chem Education. App rev: 1 Dec http://is.gd/3jCRBn #JobWaWi
Position Open: U of Munich - Postdoc - Soil Science/Geomorphology. OUF. Apply ASAP http://is.gd/tzv9wV #JobWaWi
Position Open: @WorldBank - Global Practice Senior Director - Water. Closes: 5 Dec http://is.gd/M8BSMb #JobWaWi
Positions Open: @WorldBank Seeks 18 Dynamic Leaders to Help Meet Its Goals, Closes: 5 Dec http://is.gd/WdXutZ #JobWaWi
Position Open: @WorldBank Global Practice Senior Director,Environment & Natural Resources. Closes: 5 Dec http://is.gd/Metbtf #JobWaWi
Position Open: Watersheds United Vermont - Coordinator. Closes: 18 Dec. More info and materials: watershedsunited @ gmail . com #JobWaWi
Positions Open -Eco-Planners (@WorldBank-funded project) in Malawi. Experts: 1) Legal; & 2) Comm/Educ/ICT http://is.gd/stYRNA #JobWaWi
Position Open: Dept of Ecology (WA) Water Quality Pgm Manager (Lacey, WA). OUF; Apps: 5 Dec for 6 Dec review http://is.gd/C9mtIl #JobWaWi
Position Open: MT Watershed Coordination Council (Helena) - Executive Director. Closes: 1 Dec http://is.gd/93OaFM #JobWaWi
More Than 40! Joshua Newton's Water Jobs: 15 November 2013http://bit.ly/1gSfujC #JobWaWi
Position Open: City of Santa Fe (NM) - Buckman Direct Diversion Public Relations Coordinator. Closes: 5 Dec Download BDD_Public_Relations_Coordinator%202014-061A
Position Open: City of Santa Fe (NM) - Buckman Direct Diversion Safety Officer and Training Administrator. Closes: 5 Dec Download BDD_Safety_Officer_and_Training_Administrator
Position Open: Calaveras County (CA) Water District - Water Resources Program Manager http://is.gd/lnAXDH #JobWaWi
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/OGgwNc #JobWaWi
Position Open: Western Oregon U (Monmouth) - T-T Asst. Professor, GIScience. Closes: 23 Dec http://is.gd/mkTOEF #JobWaWi
Position Open: Colo State U - T-T Asst Prof of Geography (Physical Geography). OUF; App rev: 1 Dec http://is.gd/psiKU0 #JobWaWi
Positions Open (2): @NSF (VA) - Hydrologic Sciences Program, 2 F-T Rotators, 1-2 yrs. Closes: 3 Feb http://is.gd/UjjhVM #JobWaWi
Position Open: OR Water Resources Congress (Salem) - Policy Coordinator. OUF; Ideal start: Jan 2014 http://bit.ly/1anPhUM #JobWaWi
Position Open: NM Bueau of Geology (Socorro, NM) Director, Hydrogeologic Programs/Sr. HG. OUF http://is.gd/2NbB0u #JobWaWi
Positions Open (3) - U of RI -Three faculty members, School of Oceanography. Scroll to 'Job Opportunities' http://is.gd/xjB2Tp #JobWaWi
Position Open: UNC-Pembroke - T-T Asst Professor, Environmental Geology. OUF: App review: 2 Dechttp://is.gd/zYCsfz #JobWaWi
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportuntiies'http://is.gd/jI5qQz
Position Open: @USDA_ARS - Administrator (DC) . Closes: 2 December http://is.gd/NfTyhX #JobWaWi
Position Open: @CdnWaterNetwork - Sr. Manager, Canadian Municipal Water Consortium. Closes: 2 Dec http://is.gd/fF0CDg #JobWaWi
Position Open: @CdnWaterNetwork - Communications Coordinator. Closes: 6 Dec http://is.gd/I0NHbq #JobWaWi
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities'http://is.gd/M8B57k #JobWaWi
Position Open: @UCalgary - Postdoc, Hydrogeology. Available immediately. http://bit.ly/HtEbnu #JobWaWi (@SnowHydro)
Position Open: MT Bureau of Mines & Geology - Hydrogeologist/Modeler (Butte). OUF; App review begins: 2 Dechttp://is.gd/4oa9wa #JobWaWi
Position Open: @UWO_RESTORE Postdoc, Colloid a/o Reactive Transport Modeling http://is.gd/cbTehs #JobWaWi
Position Open: U of Rennes (France) - Postdoc - Hydrologist (2 years) Crystalline rocks, tracers, etc. http://is.gd/jF3Vh8 #JobWaWi
Position Open: UT-Knoxville - Manager, Stable Isotope Laboratory. Review begins 25 Nov http://is.gd/AOifbl #JobWaWi
Previous Weekly Water Summaries (Last Three Months)
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 23 - 29 November 2013 http://bit.ly/1hm6OlT
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 16 - 22 November 2013 http://bit.ly/1jrr1mO
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 2 - 8 November 2013#2013AWRA http://bit.ly/17d2exf
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 October - 1 November http://bit.ly/1dwytwg
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 19 - 25 October 2013http://bit.ly/1fZRLO7
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 October 2013http://bit.ly/16kKyPR
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 - 11 October 2013http://bit.ly/1fo0v01
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 28 September - 4 October 2013 http://bit.ly/18BJIBu
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 September 2013http://bit.ly/1bMLCT
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 14 - 20 September 2013http://bit.ly/1duwBUg
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 31 August - 6 September 2013 http://bit.ly/14qjrr3
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 August 2013http://bit.ly/144TEV5
Science and Technology
After Changes, How Green Is The @nytimes? http://is.gd/QYjanc
Earth's worth to public health:scientists urge focus on new branch of environmental health http://is.gd/rxPB2n @mnt_healthnews
No ocean acidification in Florida! RT @tmtall See no evil http://is.gd/VMrt3e
RT @NIemanLab Can a contest get more journalists to write about science? http://nie.mn/1jGQHfm
RT @theAGU Come listen as young scientists share their passion for science in 3 minutes or less at #AGU Famelab. http://goo.gl/HyTPh0
RT @theAGU What does an English professor have to say about communicating science? #AGU13 https://rlm.ag/13tmoD
Streams, Lakes, Wetlands, Dams, and Ecosystems
RT @USFWSPacific USFWS Releases Annual List Of Candidates For Endangered Species Protection Protection http://is.gd/LDNxZn
@World_Waters: 'The Human Security Dimensions of Dam Development: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam' http://bit.ly/1hiooqF
RT @troutheadwaters “Emergency Response” for Streams and Rivers Becoming More Common http://p.ost.im/RCNEQT pic.twitter.com/wLDSx1E5Aw
Wyoming: Winter storm debris, helicopter, beavers help repair Casper area tributary http://is.gd/KnHVzO @CSTribune
Montana brine spill flows into ND creek near Marmath http://is.gd/YwwitR @billingsgazette
WaSH, Health, and Development
The Hyper-Efficient, Highly Scientific Scheme to Help the World’s Poor http://is.gd/IZmr6Q @wiredscience
How about a toilet? http://is.gd/EseZMR VIa @NickKristof MT @BillGates: What I want for Christmas this year: http://b-gat.es/1csxjAh
@WaterAidUK & @WatSanCollabCou Report: 'We Can't Wait: A Report on Sanitation & Hygiene for Women & Girls' http://is.gd/s5SrAg
Water and Land Quality/Contamination
Court: Stocking Fish Does Not Violate Clean Water Act http://is.gd/MKsUrm (TX Ag Law blog)
RT @MSWmagazine Wildfires Threaten Stormwater Runoff & Water Quality http://bit.ly/1fDJwXW
Via @CSTribune BLM: WY natural gas drilling not linked to Pinedale area #groundwater contamination http://is.gd/yNCRQf
The Environmental Disaster You’ve Never Heard Of http://is.gd/TWOtM6
Via @jorge_salazar: From @drshow archives - @danfagin,'Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation' http://wamu.fm/1dASMfA
Water Supply, Use, Reuse, Conservation, and Infrastructure
RT @NEPADWater Botswana: Government Addresses Water Crisis http://tinyurl.com/l38vyj5
RT @TxWRI There's "a body of scientific evidence that says graywater is safe for landscape use," - Dr. Calvin Finch http://ow.ly/raPAE
@USGS Pub: 'Methods for Estimating Water Consumption for Thermoelectric Power Plants in the US' http://is.gd/GLF8GM
Video: Making a Monkey of Us All. And Happy Thanksgiving! http://bit.ly/1a91lGp
RT @Piperhillwater In Oil and Gas Country, Water Recycling Can Be an Extremely Hard Sell http://nyti.ms/1dmainy
@twdb grants $4M to City of Grand Prairie to install water meters and metering system. http://is.gd/O4zQkb @HispanicBizMag
The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving http://bit.ly/189tc9x
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