Hard to believe February is almost upon us.
California takes over from Canada as the most populated category this week. All about the drought, for sure.
The picture above is a cloud created by Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde (story here).
Note about job postings: Regarding listing of previous job postings: I am no longer going to publish an exhaustive list of previous weeks' position openings. Reason: I archive all my job postings on Twitter anyway and they can be accessed there by going to #JobWaWi and clicking on 'All' at the top right, just below 'Results for #JobWaWi'. This will show all job announcements that have been posted via Twitter (which I started doing in August 2013), which is the only way I post position openings. The jobs are shown in chronological order, with the newest first. This archive may contain job postings by others. You do not need a Twitter account to do this!
Note - if you are new to this summary: This is a weekly summary of my
water-related Tweets (Twitter feeds) categorized by topics. Most entries contain a hot link. To access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually).Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Thursday Twofer Books: 1) 'Just Water: Theology, Ethics & Global Water Crisis'; 2) 'Canada's Groundwater Resources' http://bit.ly/1kmJdAs
Bottled Water, Soft Drinks, and Drinking/Tap Water
Via @raulpacheco Higher education institutions in Canada where bottled water sale is banned. http://buff.ly/1jP7EX1
Via @tmtall: Plain water or sugar water? http://is.gd/f0xEVq
Video: 'Care for Some Dupé Bottled Air with Your Bottled Water?' http://bit.ly/1epPLsS
RT @peakwater Mexico City bets on tap water law to change habit http://is.gd/y9rxvi
Wyoming to spend another $400,000 on water for Pavillion homeowners http://is.gd/FSjLgh @CSTribune
West Virginia water follow-up by @aguanomics: Moral hazard and poisoned water http://is.gd/sdeZGM
Mulroy as (Robert) Moses. Could she do @LADWP job? Do fish swim? But I was hoping she'd fix #sacdelta cc: @the_wrangler @chanceofraincom
@the_wrangler I had to strain to avoid that comparison. But both made their reputations in the desert!
MT @BoomCalifornia: Pat Mulroy as new @LADWP chief? @chanceofraincom & @the_wrangler agree on one thing: http://is.gd/6NGByK @LAObserved
Infographic from @PacificInstitut: What to Expect from California’s Drought http://is.gd/X4ZNfD #cawater
Via @CntrClimSec: @StanfordDaily discusses California drought with Daniel Swain http://is.gd/TX7VDw #cawater
By @chanceofraincom: Bullshit is just bullshit http://is.gd/pEpLA4
“We might see half a million acres go fallow in this drought,” - Jay Lund @UCDavisWater http://is.gd/bOyUOr @csmonitor #cawater
MT @thirstygecko IPCC AR5: much of CA winter rain expected to increase or be < internal variability (12.22) pic.twitter.com/VPilnzJMde #cawater
RT @chanceofraincom Girding the grid for 20% water savings http://is.gd/27nu9g #cawater
MT @TDSIanJames Canal from Sea of Cortez, desalination to preserve Salton Sea? @EcoMediaCompass http://is.gd/WYfOVw #cawater
MT @MavensNotebook Legislators > @usbr: “It would be unconscionable for the Bureau not to honor rescheduled water.” http://ow.ly/sXBnz
@jfleck @the_wrangler @chanceofraincom No one can 'fix' #sacdelta b/c boss is always a judge. It's the 'ESA approach' to water management.
@matt_weiser @jfleck @the_wrangler @chanceofraincom That's my point, Matt. #sacdelta needs a boss,not a judge. Mulroy will never get a shot.
@MavensNotebook's Daily Digest: Political storms brewing over #cadrought,more drought news,rain is coming! http://wp.me/p2XWwm-3aX #cawater
See @MavensNotebook's California Drought Special http://is.gd/4JJJKK #cadrought #cawater
Via @sltrib California drought has ranchers selling cattle http://is.gd/7xslZS #cadrought #cawater
Via @MavensNotebook House Republicans attempt to include California drought legislation in Farm Bill fails http://is.gd/Z4AfXP #cawater
RT @americanrivers Key enviro law suspended in California under drought emergency http://ow.ly/sVegq Via @grist
RT @DrJamesOJenkins Is solar-powered desalination answer to water independence for California? @guardian #cawater
RT @americanrivers RT @latimes: California's drought, seen from the edge of space http://lat.ms/LqOUBo #CAwater
@Oregonian As California drought continues, federal officials could seize water http://is.gd/7MaDd5 #cawater
RT @MercNews California drought: Playlist of songs that will help you remember the rain http://bit.ly/1fmOOF4 #cawater
@JerryBrownGov's Final California Water Action Plan http://is.gd/XnXuLn #cawater
@CA_DWR California Water Plan eNews - Wednesday Update - 29 Jan 2014 - Action Plan - Drought Forum - More! http://is.gd/SuDePt #cawater
Western drought on @nprnews: Drought Forces CA Farmers To Cut Back On Planting http://is.gd/4KwSVt #cawater
No 'Moses' Mulroy for @LADWP: LA Mayor @ericgarcetti names Marcie Edwards as GM http://is.gd/xGMSIY (via @the_wrangler)
MT @ucanrwater CA is dry, and it isn't going to get better any time soon says @EricHolthaus in @Slate http://slate.me/1n1Z4nB #cawater
Via @raulpacheco Higher education institutions in Canada where bottled water sale is banned. http://buff.ly/1jP7EX1
MT @CanGeographers Montreal’s biggest water reservoir will go back into service. http://is.gd/sWVBod @mtlgazette
RT @CBCQuirks Transport of Alberta oilsands products risky, U.S. study warns http://fw.to/kozWAUW
RT @HuffPostCanada Rick Mercer: It's not a polar vortex, it's called winter (video) http://huff.to/1fn0mJ9
Check out @NRCan Alfonso Rivera's new book, 'Canada's Groundwater Resources' http://bit.ly/1kmJdAs
Climate, Weather, and Climate Change
Great Lakes have most ice in decades thanks to bitter winter http://is.gd/FIVYLh @JournalSentinel
MT @PCNEnvironment: @fema caught Between Climate Change and Congress http://bloom.bg/1ecg1us @BloombergNews
RT @MySAWS Dry West, Wet East: A Sign of Climate to Come? http://ow.ly/sUkJz via @popmech @h2oMatters
RT @ClimateCentral What a year of weather looks like from space (pretty stunning): http://bit.ly/1iDKLb9 pic.twitter.com/OQAvAp0sh3
RT @CBCQuirks New genes for old forests as Canada warms - says @UBCscience scientist http://is.gd/77I63z via @ottawacitizen
RT @HuffPostCanada Rick Mercer: It's not a polar vortex, it's called winter (video) http://huff.to/1fn0mJ9
Conferences, Symposia, Webinars, Talks, & Calls for Papers/Abstracts
In SLC on 29 Jan @ noon? Go hear @cynthiabarnett at U of Utah 'Blue Revolution: A Water Ethic for America' http://is.gd/yg9tSn
Soc. of Women Engineers - Regional Conference, Portland, OR, 28 Feb - 2 March http://jcon.swe.org/ Pgm: http://is.gd/GSOLHC
@CUAHSI Spring 2014 Cyberseminar Series 'Snow Hydrology' Fridays, 3-4 PM EST on 7,14 & 21 Feb and 7 March http://is.gd/t2cnMN
@AWRAHQ Summer Specialty Conference on IWRM! Abstracts due 18 February http://is.gd/6YFnQP #AWRASum14 #AWRAIWRM14
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
In @highcountrynews Hopi lawsuit against wastewater snowmaking gets green light in Arizona http://is.gd/Eo24ja
@MGhydro @SnowHydro @theburntcity IMHO: 1) Klamath is pretty much an ESA-driven issue 2) No Columbia compact = future problems among states
By @jfleck in @ABQJournal: U.S. Supreme Court allows Texas water suit against New Mexico to proceed http://is.gd/IMq8E0
Southern Idaho farmers told to brace for water shutdown http://is.gd/VcwIw0 @SFGate @AP
TX Ag Law blog: Supreme Court Allows Texas to Proceed with Lawsuit Against New Mexico http://is.gd/KeONB3
Droughts, Floods, Fires, and Disasters
MT @jfleck In a drought, who runs out of water, and who pays? http://is.gd/39c4uB
RT @NRDC Smarter, safer flood Insurance in a warmer, riskier climate http://j.mp/1ek6mOJ
See @MavensNotebook's California Drought Special http://is.gd/4JJJKK #cadrought #cawater
RT @MySAWS How Can Supercomputers Survive a Drought? http://ow.ly/sZsWc via @HPCwire
Via @sltrib Salt Lake County Council chair expects summer water rationing http://is.gd/8JdPP9
Western drought on @nprnews 1/3: Ridge Of High Pressure Blocks Snow From Oregon Ski Resort http://is.gd/umbRRf
Western drought on @nprnews 2/3: Drought Forces CA Farmers To Cut Back On Planting http://is.gd/4KwSVt #cawater
Western drought on @nprnews 3/3: In Las Vegas, Lawns Are The Biggest Water Waster http://is.gd/eXgwIt
RT @NCGE1915 The Daily Geography Educator is out! http://is.gd/hF0WAr Stories via @DrLyndaYorke @simon_tabor
First one of my grad students just turned 60. More will soon follow. Wow....
Just posted a copy of Nancy Wells' thesis, 'Water Ethics in Elementary Education' http://is.gd/8eqHVf
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 31 January 2014 http://is.gd/MjqSvd
From @Slate: Map of Publicly Funded Schools That Are Allowed to Teach Creationism http://is.gd/MUibw8
Nothing like deriving Bernoulli's equation to give class an appreciation of Newton's 2nd Law (F = ma) and force balance approach.
E-Newspapers and E-Newsletters@CGIAR-on-Twitter Daily is out! http://paper.li/CGIAR/1323244172 … … Stories via @CIFOR
RT @NCGE1915 The Daily Geography Educator is out! http://is.gd/hF0WAr Stories via @DrLyndaYorke @simon_tabor
@CGIAR-on-Twitter Daily is out! http://paper.li/CGIAR/1323244172 … …
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out! http://paper.li/medindoagua/agua-water … … Stories via @WaterWired @PraveenaSridhar
Catch up on last week's geosciences & environmental sciences news from Elaine Hanford! https://bitly.com/1esv5jY
H2OSU Newsletter - 27 January 2014 - meetings, events, opportunities, etc. http://is.gd/bMH0ZF
MT @H2OTrust Tactful Clean DW SVDs Daily ▸ @WaterforSoSudan @SavetheWater @WaterWired @OurWaterCounts @PeterGleick http://is.gd/a80yie
RT @H2OEthics Water Ethics Newsletter - January 2014 - http://eepurl.com/NcTzT
RT @h2oMatters Read The Water Matters Weekly via @DenverWater @circleofblue @PeterGleick @ChesapeakeBay http://ow.ly/t1RqV
The @WaterTreatment_ Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterTreatment_/1313650670 … … Stories via @WaterWired @amwater @LADWP
Ethics, Faith, Human Rights, and Gender
RT @raulpacheco Water and gender: The unexpected connection that really matters http://buff.ly/1jSuqNE
In SLC on 29 Jan @ noon? Go hear @cynthiabarnett at U of Utah 'Blue Revolution: A Water Ethic for America' http://is.gd/yg9tSn
A Vehicle for Water Ethics: Nancy Wells' 'Water Ethics in Elementary Education' http://bit.ly/19UMOVi
Pope drafting encyclical on man and environment. Earth to Pope: 'humans' would be better. http://is.gd/nODmzu @SFGate
RT @H2OEthics Water Ethics Newsletter - January 2014 - http://eepurl.com/NcTzT
Just posted a copy of Nancy Wells' thesis, 'Water Ethics in Elementary Education' http://is.gd/8eqHVf
Check out @profpeppard's new book: 'Just Water: Theology, Ethics & the Global Water Crisis' http://bit.ly/1kmJdAs
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
MT @CoyoteGulch Republican River Basin (CO): Over-pumping will be part of permanent well record under new rule http://wp.me/p9nEF-de1
RT @USGS_Idaho Via @KMVTNews Groundwater Flow Model Being Created In Wood River Valley: http://bit.ly/1nvMVKE
RT @txawwa Rio Grande Water Users Fear Groundwater Pumping Project http://trib.it/1hK5arr via @TexasTribune
Study Links Groundwater Recovery To Decline In Coal-Bed Methane Production http://is.gd/tPQ8sD @WaterOnline
RT @GroundwaterMike Map to illustrate some of the aquifers supporting agriculture that are at risk @ESTA_UK pic.twitter.com/tTBIBGk1BW
Check out @NRCan Alfonso Rivera's new book, 'Canada's Groundwater Resources' http://bit.ly/1kmJdAs
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
Mora County (NM) sued again over its #fracking ban. http://is.gd/UveHsS
@NASciences Workshop Rpt 'Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources in Appalachian Basin' Free PDF http://is.gd/2n7Qea
RT @ClimateDesk Public support for #fracking in Britain falls for a second time http://gu.com/p/3m8pn/tw via @guardian
#Fracking in TX saves water? Read @aguanomics: Want some bias with that? http://is.gd/Mmyj5w
Infographics, Videos, and Visuals
Infographic from @PacificInstitut: What to Expect from California’s Drought http://is.gd/X4ZNfD #cawater
RT @medsin MDG 7: To Ensure Environmental Sustainability pic.twitter.com/KXc8H64eFa
@Astro_Wakata Patagonia glacier – amazing art of the nature. pic.twitter.com/Wg55hMzFJC
Video: 'Care for Some Dupé Bottled Air with Your Bottled Water?' http://bit.ly/1epPLsS
@HuffPostScience: Bill Nye explains why he's doing debate on creationism in Kentucky http://huff.to/1eAPqGG
RT @Smithsonian Quicksand: scientific fact or fiction? [video] http://ow.ly/t2O1u
RT @ClimateCentral What a year of weather looks like from space (pretty stunning): http://bit.ly/1iDKLb9 pic.twitter.com/OQAvAp0sh3
Via @GeologyDotCom 4000 Cubic Meter Rockfall Video http://is.gd/Yxx2fy
No, not MT city! RT @capitalweather Gorgeous views of Great Falls covered in ice: http://wapo.st/MzqWEM
MT @SciencePorn By balancing temperature, humidity & lighting,a Dutch artist created a cloud in the middle of a room. pic.twitter.com/Hsv4RCWQcb
@BBCNews How to make clouds indoors: The art of Berndnaut Smilde http://is.gd/4K6Hvr
RT @USDA_NRCS Unlock the Secrets in the Soil with this new video series: http://1.usa.gov/1em7zsG #soilhealth pic.twitter.com/qriOOka8wg
Journals, Reports, and Publications
Report from @BlueEconomyca: 'Blue City: The Water Sustainable City of the Near Future' http://is.gd/el1BVF
New Journal: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs): Water, 1(1) - January/February 2014 http://bit.ly/1nfQaWg
People, Personal, Awards, and Quotes
From @tmtall Some misguided water expressions http://is.gd/azO8vj
5 of @jordanbrianl's fave tweets: http://goo.gl/lF1jdC via @ProfCharlesHaas @circleofblue @snedesai @WaterWired @TheValueofWater
"We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows,so does the shore of our ignorance." - John Wheeler
@bew5005 Welcome, Brett! Glad to have you aboard.
First one of my grad students just turned 60. More will soon follow. Wow....
@mabakerusu That's a good way to look at it, Michelle. I've already had some former grads who have retired.
@UNEP Invites Nominations for 2014 Champions of the Earth Award - Due - 14 March http://is.gd/8OW3pI
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” - Bertrand Russell
Some great PhD quotes from Faruck Morcos. http://is.gd/Yrnya3
Policy, Planning, Law, and Management
MT @BarracudaInOz You should be tweeting about #WRDA too! Here's how & why: http://is.gd/pf9evF @IWLA_org @NWF
From @tmtall Florida water poker http://is.gd/5fFXhp
G. Tracy Mehan: 'Trust, Farmers, and Water Quality Trading' http://is.gd/CECmfb
@PacificInstitut 2013 Year-In-Review http://is.gd/xzBo61 @PeterGleick
Texas Ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 31 January 2014 http://is.gd/JztmBJ
China To Reform Water Rate Structure http://is.gd/2FKVP3 @WaterOnline
@ASA_CSSA_SSSA Science Policy Report - 29 January 2014 http://is.gd/DPwjEL
RT @tmtall Water idea poverty in Florida http://is.gd/6pPBeK
'No policy without a calamity'- Dutch saying RT @tmtall When does water policy reform happen? http://is.gd/30EZnM
Positions Open #JobWaWi
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 - 31 January 2014 http://bit.ly/1eDyix6
Position Open: Pierce County (Tacoma, WA) - Environmental Biologist. Closes: 14 February http://is.gd/cNLokb #JobWaWi
Positions Open: Various - Scroll down to 'Job Opportunities' http://is.gd/bMH0ZF #JobWaWi
Position Open: Vulcan (Seattle, WA) Philanthropic Sr. Project Development, Climate Foundation http://is.gd/yGk4rp #JobWaWi
They're Baaack - More Than 40! Joshua Newton's Water Jobs & More: 29 January 2014 http://bit.ly/1lmf205 #JobWaWi
Position Open: @americanrivers - Associate Director of Communications. App review: Now! http://is.gd/DUriXt #JobWaWi tnx @waterwords
Position Open: @calpoly (SLO) - T-T Asst. Professor, Soil & Groundwater Biophysics. OUF; Review: 10 Feb http://is.gd/HJvzsA #JobWaWi
Position Open: UT St U - PhD Res. Assistantship, Civil & Env Engr. Apps by 15 March http://is.gd/Xm9xTO #JobWaWi
Previous Weeks' Positions Open
Go to #JobWaWi and click on 'All' at the top right, just below 'Results for #JobWaWi' to show all job announcments that have been posted via Twitter (started in August 2013). The jobs are shown in chronological order, with the newest first. This archive may contain posts by others. You do not need a Twitter account to access this archive!
Previous Weekly Water Summaries (Last Three Months)
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 - 31 January 2014 http://bit.ly/1eDyix6
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary,18 - 24 January 2014 http://bit.ly/1hSteJA
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 11-17 January 2014 https://bitly.com/1i3WeR0
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 4 - 10 January 2014 http://bit.ly/KOR9OS
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 28 December 2013 - 3 January 2014 http://bit.ly/1bDXbab
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 December 2013 http://bit.ly/1ik5ZKA
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 14 - 20 December 2013 http://bit.ly/1fKdmaP
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 7 - 13 December 2013 http://bit.ly/1hREDeR
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 30 November - 6 December 2013 http://bit.ly/1hCQbCo
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 16 - 22 November 2013 http://bit.ly/1jrr1mO
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 2 - 8 November 2013#2013AWRA http://bit.ly/17d2exf
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 October - 1 November http://bit.ly/1dwytwg
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 19 - 25 October 2013http://bit.ly/1fZRLO7
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 October 2013http://bit.ly/16kKyPR
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 - 11 October 2013http://bit.ly/1fo0v01
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 28 September - 4 October 2013 http://bit.ly/18BJIBu
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 September 2013http://bit.ly/1bMLCT
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 14 - 20 September 2013http://bit.ly/1duwBUg
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 31 August - 6 September 2013 http://bit.ly/14qjrr3
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 August 2013http://bit.ly/144TEV5
Science and Technology
RT @medsin MDG 7: To Ensure Environmental Sustainability pic.twitter.com/KXc8H64eFa
RT @CollinMaessen New post: Dr. Roy Spencer, Please Keep Your Religion Out Of Science http://wp.me/p1L2XS-ZO
@HuffPostScience: Bill Nye explains why he's doing debate on creationism in Kentucky http://huff.to/1eAPqGG
Unlocking Secrets of the Grand Canyon's Age http://is.gd/tjpgqo @NatGeo
Catch up on last week's geosciences & environmental sciences news from Elaine Hanford! https://bitly.com/1esv5jY
@nprnews Interview: Grand Canyon May Be Older (And Younger) Than You Think (former @UNM colleagues!) http://is.gd/C3fxUZ
RT @Smithsonian Quicksand: scientific fact or fiction? [video] http://ow.ly/t2O1u
@NASciences The National Academies Press Guide to the 2014 State of the Union Address http://is.gd/g286s8
RT @USGSLandCover Learn more about the #USGS land cover modeling project at EROS http://bit.ly/1lotvZo
RT @USDA_NRCS Unlock the Secrets in the Soil with this new video series: http://1.usa.gov/1em7zsG #soilhealth pic.twitter.com/qriOOka8wg
Streams, Lakes, Wetlands, Dams, and Ecosystems
Amen! Planet will still be here. RT @HuffPostGreen Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace: 'The planet does not need saving' http://huff.to/1eRBx7e
@jeremyj_schmidt Some (many?) species will go, new ones will come. Planet will remain,just look different.
RT @biofuelsworld Algae a threat to Lake Erie water http://dlvr.it/4n3kzf @LSJnews
Great Lakes have most ice in decades thanks to bitter winter http://is.gd/FIVYLh @JournalSentinel
WaSH and Development
MT @gayleleonard Girl from Ipanema at a toilet sit-in on Brazilian beach to protest crappy sanitation. http://is.gd/lk5RGm @Gawker
Looks like our Universities' WaSH Consortium is finally going places, thanks to @braimaha and @DRIScience
Via @DrGregAllgood @WorldVision Myth: saving lives leads to overpopulation. @BillGates & @melindagates explain: http://is.gd/IzzF9q
MT @bill_easterly No more on @JeffDSachs or if foreign aid works.Time for debate that matters more for world's poor http://bit.ly/1b4yFmP
MT @CatarinadeAlbuq Excited about right to Water & Sanitation? Share your experiences till Feb 10: http://buff.ly/1fmGaH4 #EngageHRWS
Water and Land Quality/Contamination
MT @KateGalbraith Oregon DEQ finds too much mercury in Rogue River http://is.gd/r2ImIf @SFGate
Bumbling, Blame and Bankruptcy in Wake of West Virginia Chemical Spill http://is.gd/WrvJAs @BillMoyersHQ
Excellent! On @nprfreshair How Industrial Chemical Regulation Failed West Virginia http://is.gd/z9mFcw
Water Supply, Use, Reuse, Conservation, and Infrastructure
Mexico to release 25K A-F to Rio Grande Valley - 9% of total owed to USA http://is.gd/tWJJTm @monitornews
VanDevelder (@pablomango): Between a rock and a dry place http://bit.ly/LakCm9 @SummitDailyNews
MT @txawwa Inside New York City’s Water Tanks, Layers of Neglect http://nyti.ms/1jVqM5C Video: http://nyti.ms/1jVzBwq
@latimes Op-Ed by @pablomango: Goldwater, Brower and the disastrous damming of the Colorado River http://is.gd/USHeIG
Is This The Future Of RO? http://is.gd/pU19OJ @WaterOnline
Lake Mead nearing critical 1,075-foot level http://is.gd/O8SK96 @MohaveDailyNews
So what did @chanceofraincom think was bullshit? (http://is.gd/pEpLA4 ) See http://is.gd/hnyKkd in @highcountrynews
Bagpipes! MT @AlongsideWild Grad Students: little known fact that AC/DC wrote this song about grad school: http://is.gd/IK2XqL
”The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” - Bertrand Russell (thanks to Faruck Morcos)