I am spending the night in Lakeview, OR, the self-styled 'Tallest Town in Oregon' since its elevation is 4,800 feet (c. 1,500 m) above MSL.
Pretty impressive, eh?
I am en route to Reno and the AWRA IWRM Conference. I am taking the long way simply because I wanted to see this part of Oregon. Very pretty, especially the last part through the Sprague River Valley.
Books, Films, and Reviews
Summer reads from @NASciences: Women' s Adventures in Science (9 books for aspiring scientists) and more! http://is.gd/c8MPdx
Bottled Water, Drinking Water/TapWater, and Source Water Protection
MT @raulpacheco Incentives against bottled water: quick fill,automated,cold water filling fountains @IUBloomington pic.twitter.com/kz4ebqzZwF
But is it sustainable? Via @PopSci Pure Genius: How Dean Kamen's Invention Could Bring Clean Water To Millions http://is.gd/pWMmY2
Tracy Lake (CA) project to help recharge local groundwater http://is.gd/xv3jbn @lodinews #cawater (tnx @MavensNotebook)
On @NPR's Morning Edition: story on the need for water meters and water savings,with @PeterGleick interview. http://n.pr/1wAfDxx #cawater
MT @MavensNotebook CA Supreme Ct to rule in Delta property rights case,#BDCP comments, drought legislation #cawater http://wp.me/p2XWwm-4NL
@MavensNotebook: Report: Snowmelt’s path shows impact from Sierra to Pacific,#cadrought = drastic measures http://is.gd/uAUBuq #cawater
From @Mdettinger El Nino and the #cadrought: what does ESP say next year will bring? via @climate_guy http://is.gd/M3gkON #cawater
From @MavensNotebook: Profiting from #cadrought, controversial tunnel job claims, #fracking, more! http://is.gd/yXPhlm #cawater
@MavensNotebook: Save Our Water campaign, @NRDC Beach Report, House holds hearings on @EPA rule change,more! http://is.gd/nJSx6M #cawater
RT @MavensNotebook Get involved! Check out this extensive list of #cawater meetings, conferences, and events: http://ow.ly/vZLWo
@CA_DWR Water Plan eNews Wed Update-25 June 2014-Grant Guidelines~Water & Energy~ Drought Rpt~Utility Costs http://is.gd/TRJ6zW #cawater
RT @AWRAHQ Jerry Brown's Bold, $25-Billion Plan to Get Water to the West http://is.gd/9Pp2Zd @GOVERNING #cawater
MT @GlobalCalgary News Hour special commemorating the first anniversary of #abflood http://bit.ly/1qrSXNh #yyc
From @CdnWaterNetwork MT @ProEarthPics Boreal Forest & Wetland. Athabasca Delta, Alberta. Photo by Garth Lenz. pic.twitter.com/fSv9A7qJgz
From @Waterlution 25 Canadian SYPs (20-35)! Transformative Leaders of Future Program 2014-15. Apps due: 15 July http://is.gd/6KEqW6
MT @CdnWaterNetwork #CWNSYP Workshop: Paddling Together: Integrative Water Knowledge http://ow.ly/ytABH Aug 25-29,North Bay-apply online
RT @CdnWaterNetwork 'Low Water Blues' Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River economic impacts (report) http://ow.ly/ytHHB via @CGLRGreatlakes
RT @Keith_IWA: @HalifaxWater employs “transformative” leak reduction http://ht.ly/yw0W1 #waterinnovation #water @IWAHQ
Climate, Climate Change, and Meteorology
RT @bberwyn Calculating the climate impact of jet contrails http://wp.me/J91e
In @TheEconomist: Climate change and the economy: The cost of doing nothing. http://econ.st/1sHhzpg Via @ClimateComms
RT @Evolutionistrue Doonesbury takes on climate-change denialism http://wp.me/ppUXF-u43
@EPA $ Opp: 'Systems-Based Strategies to Improve USA’s Ability to Plan/Respond to CC Water Scarcity/Drought http://is.gd/FMIbw5 due:5 Aug
MT @DaveGriggsMSI: In @nytimes 'The Coming Climate Crash' by Hank Paulson http://is.gd/Hui6sx
RT @safeeqkhan Regional weather extremes linked to atmospheric variations http://phy.so/322593582 via @physorg_com
RT @sciam Big Waves in Jet Stream Means Extreme Weather http://bit.ly/1l3AbGp
RT @carbonmeme U.S. Supreme Court cuts back climate change regulation via @reuters http://bit.ly/1meqnyb
RT @grist Now climate hawks have their own super PAC http://bit.ly/1rrljHf
MT @ClimateTreaty Climate change ignorance is "risky business," say Paulson & Bloomberg - @ThePlainDealer http://bit.ly/1maVaHp
RT @EnergyCollectiv Rising Seas: Adapting to Changing Coastlines [VIDEO] by earth_warming http://goo.gl/fb/LylKG
@UN_ClimateTalks Time to set the record straight on #climatechange myths: http://on.mash.to/1jPaDNn Via @mashable pic.twitter.com/mY3oJsXYb1
MT @PrincetonWater: @NASA & @NOAA water vapor animations over oceans help weather forecasters http://ow.ly/ytK3K @ScienceDaily
Study links Greenland ice sheet collapse, sea level rise 400,000 years ago http://is.gd/SrQ1zK @oregonstateuniv
Via @SnowHydro Well,if the money men say #climatechange is real, it must finally be true http://bit.ly/1pHlcpN @WKYT
Conferences, Webinars, Workshops and Calls for Abstracts/Papers
@IWAHQ World Congress, Lisbon, 21-26 September 2014. Early registration rates expire 30 June. http://is.gd/cPSpmD #iwa2014lisbon
@ngwatweets Workshop — Groundwater Quality & Unconventional Gas Development: Is There a Connection? Abs. due: 29 June http://is.gd/MvCqSj
@CUAHSI Cyberseminar, 24 June, 9 AM PDT: Velocities, celerities,residence time distributions of headwater hydrographs http://is.gd/t2cnMN
MT @theAGU Missed #AGUSPC? Highlights of @SecretaryJewell's speech & thoughts from Congress Reps on science, politics http://ow.ly/yp0qw
Webinar, 30 June, 10-11:30 AM PDT: Analyzing Water-Energy Nexus: Case Studies that Examine the Crucial Connection http://is.gd/8mNCN3
Via @waterlaws SCOTUS Justice Scalia will come to Boise to talk at water law conference, 25 Aug.http://is.gd/v8yDlm @IdahoStatesman
Final Program! @AWRAHQ Summer Specialty IWRM Conference, 30 June - 2 July, Reno. http://is.gd/yz7S7T #AWRAIWRM14 #AWRASum14
@AWRAHQ Webinar: 'Citizen Science' by Pierre Glynn of @USGS, 15 July 1 PM EDT. http://is.gd/zGlUg2
MT @CdnWaterNetwork #CWNSYP Workshop: Paddling Together: Integrative Water Knowledge http://ow.ly/ytABH Aug 25-29,North Bay-apply online
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
El Paso jumps into fight over Rio Grande water http://is.gd/Cgp0gb @CrucesSunNews
MT @matt_weiser @PeterGleick: No accident that areas of ISIS control in Iraq are Euphrates/Tigris.Water is strategic. pic.twitter.com/gTZ1DNXQRn
Droughts, Floods, and Disasters
MT @GlobalCalgary News Hour special commemorating the first anniversary of #abflood http://bit.ly/1qrSXNh #yyc
Midwest Flooding Crisis: Mississippi River Crests in Minneapolis, But Concerns Remain http://is.gd/7EANzk @weatherchannel
Rainstorms in south China leave 26 dead, 3 missing and cause economic losses of $650 million http://bit.ly/1sxOfl2 @globeandmail
From @Mdettinger El Nino and the #cadrought: what does ESP say next year will bring? via @climate_guy http://is.gd/M3gkON #cawater
MT @TxWaterJournal Why wait till well runs dry to know worth of water? Start conserving today and talking to others. http://fb.me/3ncWypytR
RT @HPUWCD Wichita Falls still #struggling with worst #drought on record http://ow.ly/yqSfQ via @amarilloglobe
Parts of SE CO enduring longer drought than during Dust Bowl, says KUNC, also interviewing @CIRESnews' Klaus Wolter http://bit.ly/1jnhY76
Education and Communication
Check out the Black Geoscientists blog: http://is.gd/cZFnar (tnx to @highlyanne and @DNLee5)
E-Newsletters and E-Newspapers
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out! http://paper.li/medindoagua/agua-water … … Stories via @WaterPortal @Sanitation2015
The @WaterTanks Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterTanks Stories via @LovLikeJesus @WaterWired @SmartCompany
From @OSUCEOAS: 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 27 June 2014 http://is.gd/TR5t2a
The @WaterStJournal Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterStJournal Stories via @waterguru2 @MD_Basin_Auth
RT @h2oMatters Read The Water Matters Weekly stories via @IrrigationAssoc @h2oBloggers http://bit.ly/1l3GdXq
From @iwra_water: IWRA Newsetter - June 2014 http://is.gd/25O9aQ
@CELPWater: Washington Water Watch - June 2014 Edition http://conta.cc/1ntot9m
The @WaterTreatment_ Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterTreatment_/1313650670 … … Stories via @WaterIsLife @WaterWired
RT @worldresources Climate change & energy daily is out! http://is.gd/T3jtMF Stories via @Fahrenthold @Dlashof
Catch up on weekly geoscience and environmental science news-Elaine Hanford's BBs! http://bit.ly/1ny3QJa #EJHBB
The @WaterStJournal Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterStJournal Stories via @dianaisac @johnwsauer
The @WaterTreatment_ Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterTreatment_/1313650670 … … Stories via @OfficeofWater @WaterWired
Now available. @H2OEthics Water Ethics Newsletter - June 2014 - 'Ethics of Open Defecation' http://is.gd/k93NAt
Ethics, Gender, and Rights
MT @ACurtright Woman who created Kevlar,a Margaret Morrison (@CarnegieMellon) dead @ 90. http://wapo.st/1qA5Uqg pic.twitter.com/VV3g3d7gHD
MT @raulpacheco 'Women of Indiana U"-exhibit @IUBloomington of powerful women from IUB. Dr. Elinor Ostrom #WOW5Ostrom pic.twitter.com/XDr8kRfFAI
RT @USAID New blog: If you ‘Let Girls Learn,’ You Save Lives Too http://ow.ly/ytB4Q #LetGirlsLearn @UNICEF @gatesfoundation
MT @TheWilsonCenter Two proposed responses to climate change: mitigation & adaptation. A third option? Suffering. http://j.mp/1itudEa
RT @grist What the Voting Rights Act has in common with climate and environment http://bit.ly/1yOt27a
Now available. @H2OEthics Water Ethics Newsletter - June 2014 - 'Ethics of Open Defecation' http://is.gd/k93NAt
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
MT @twdb We measure GW in TX. Between 2012 & 2013 Rita Blanca aquifer had greatest decline of -8.68 ft. Stats at http://bit.ly/1hEyELK
RT @lgrammel The groundwater wells visualization that I designed went online - click on well to explore http://is.gd/o18e93
Paper: 'Water Banks: Using Managed Aquifer Recharge to Meet Water Policy Objectives' http://is.gd/DCSQY3
Paper: 'The Economics of Groundwater Replenishment for Reliable Urban Water Supply' http://is.gd/3zrIIv
@Miigwanikwe @Agricola_ent @SSOComposter @charitywater @Water Infographic is WRONG! GW unavailable for humans?? Duh. http://is.gd/7ZLv0u
@Miigwanikwe More misinformation about availability of GW for human consumption @Eco_Em http://twitter.com/Miigwanikwe/status/482153111012646912/photo/1pic.twitter.com/tG2111aHSJ See http://is.gd/7ZLv0u
4 lessons about handpump sustainability in Ghana http://wp.me/p2w9uE-dR via @thewatercyclist
Article: 'Manually Drilled Wells: Providing water in Nigeria’s Megacity of Lagos and beyond' http://is.gd/MAQxVK Via @thewatercyclist
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
@DustinMulvaney @profpeppard @jeremyj_schmidt @ShaleGasExpert @jordanbrianl @MarkKobaCNBC: Frack effects (H2O use,pollution):scale critical!
Shilling for the @WorldCoal Association? Cornerstone, Volume 2, Issue 1 http://bit.ly/1nuPZTY
RT @WhoDat35 In Leftover Marcellus Rocks, a Threat to Water Supplies: Radiation http://is.gd/4uuHU9 #fracking
In @CornerstoneMag V. 2(1): Mike Hightower: Reducing Energy’s Water Footprint-Driving a Sustainable Energy Future http://bit.ly/1nuPZTY
Opportunities and Events
MT @theAGU Wanna know a secret? All famous directors entered AGU’s Student Video Contest! Joke. But enter today! https://rlm.ag/g7hhu
@securingwater Now accepting applications for the #DesalPrize http://is.gd/KVD0TK Call for apps: http://is.gd/bgcbdT
WASH Conferences and Events: @WASHadvocates' June 2014 Newsletter http://is.gd/dw24rb
Via @AGI_Policy DC hearings on landslide hazards,23 June: House 10-11 AM ET http://is.gd/MDSyTO Senate 1-2 PM ET: http://is.gd/2asheH
MT @Jeff_Jacoby 45 yrs ago, Cuyahoga River burned. Remember pic? No, you don't. http://wapo.st/UxlKVC & @watercrunch http://is.gd/z7o4El
From @Waterlution 25 Canadian SYPs (20-35)! Transformative Leaders of Future Program 2014-15. Apps due: 15 July http://is.gd/6KEqW6
RT @GWPnews The GWP Regional Days kicking off in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. pic.twitter.com/kdVn7pzlQJ
Personal, People, and Quotes
"Eternal boredom is the price of constant vigilance." - Unknown
Honored to be selected for @GWPnews Steering Committee. Final selection in September at Sponsoring Partners meeting http://is.gd/Q8Q4mE
Just had a nice chat with @danielgbates (@GlobalCitizenM) on hydrophilanthropy, greenwashing, water projects, etc.
MT @BugfarmRincon: @KHayhoe - Climate Change Evangelist http://youtu.be/T1eGJLqxxKQ via @YouTube
Love chairing conferences, especially when 'The dog ate my PowerPoint' and other lame excuses start to hit my inbox.
Via @waterlaws SCOTUS Justice Scalia will come to Boise to talk at water law conference, 25 Aug.http://is.gd/v8yDlm @IdahoStatesman
"A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works." - John Gaule
MT @generalelectric Happy 190th birthday, Lord Kelvin (aka William Thomson)! http://is.gd/5r6dIH
No top down today en route to #AWRAIWRM14. Raining here & over Cascades.Sorry,Platita (yes,I name my car). #AWRASum14
Policy, Planning, Law, Governance, Economics, and Management
Q & A on Texas Water Law with attorney Martin Rochelle http://is.gd/qF0wn3 @TexasTribune
Via @SnowHydro Well,if the money men say #climatechange is real, it must finally be true http://bit.ly/1pHlcpN @WKYT
In @TheEconomist: Climate change and the economy: The cost of doing nothing. http://econ.st/1sHhzpg Via @ClimateComms
From @tmtall Water efficiency ratchet http://is.gd/EYzOJJ #FLwater
@tmtall asks: are water use catch shares a wacky idea? http://is.gd/kY24bc #FLwater
TX Ag Law blog: Texas Supreme Court: Implied Surface Use Includes All Pooled Tracts http://is.gd/kHjKF9
Cogent Comments from South Asia on @siwi_media, @www_team @GWPnews & IWRM http://bit.ly/1p4wR60
@IISDRS Water Policy & Practice - Water Update -26 June 2014 http://is.gd/nSFzDu
Cogent Comments from South Asia: SIWI, WWW, GWP & IWRM http://bit.ly/1p4wR60
Positions Open #JobWaWi
Position Open: @siwi_media (Pretoria, SA) - SIWI Pgm Manager, Africa Regional Centre. Closes: 10 July http://is.gd/EewPMr #JobWaWi
Joshua Newton's Water Jobs and More - 26 June 2014 http://bit.ly/1jjHSIT #JobWaWi
Position Open: U of GA - Associate Director, @GeorgiaSeaGrant College Program. Full consideration: 8 Aug http://is.gd/GdKndO #JobWaWi
Position Open: NM Env Dept (Santa Fe) - Geoscientist-Pollution Prevention, GW Quality Bureau Closes: 8 July http://is.gd/hMd6Ju #JobWaWi
Position Open: @WinrockIntl (Arlington,VA) - Program Officer, Environmental Resources Trust. Closes: 11 July http://is.gd/sRfjLK #JobWaWi
Position Open: @IWMI_Water_News (Myanmar) - IWMI Representative. Closes: 7 July http://is.gd/ZX0EEw #JobWaWi
Position Open: @IIDEnergy (Imperial, CA) - Engineering Technician (Irrigation & Drainage). Closes: 10 July http://is.gd/VIIPvZ #JobWaWi
Position Open: @MTEConsultants (Kitchener, ON) - Environmental Scientist - Groundwater Resources http://is.gd/gkzCSM #JobWaWi
Position Open: @TroutUnlimited (Twisp,WA)-Construction Contract Mgr-instream flows,salmon hab. Apply:15 July http://is.gd/OtudYM #JobWaWi
Positions Open (2): @USACEHQ (Vicksburg,MS)-Research Civil Engr/Res Phys Scientist/Architect Closes: 30 June http://is.gd/MNpcIF #JobWaWi
Position Open: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (Mission, OR)-Water Resources Pgm Mgr. Closes:18 July. Scroll to (41) http://bit.ly/SHzeNn #JobWaWi
Positions Open (2): NM Tech (Socorro) Two T-T Asst/Assoc Profs in Hydrology. OUF; App review: 1 Oct http://is.gd/Kfih4m #JobWaWi
Position Open: NM Tech (Socorro) - T-T Assistant Prof in Geochemistry. OUF; App review: 1 Oct http://is.gd/Kfih4m #JobWaWi
Position Open: @IIDEnergy (El Centro, CA) - Engineer (Power Generation). Closes: 9 July http://is.gd/Fq731Q #JobWaWi
Position Open: NM Env Dept (Santa Fe) - Geoscientist, GW Quality Bureau, Mining Compliance. Closes: 29 June http://is.gd/ssL98S #JobWaWi
Position Open: NM Env Dept (Santa Fe) Env Scientist Specialist - Remediation & Brownfields. Closes: 11 July http://is.gd/Jo7KZI #JobWaWi
Previous Weeks' Positions Open - Go To #JobWaWi
Then click on 'All' below 'Results for #JobWaWi'
Almost 50! Joshua Newton's Water Jobs! 24 May 2014 http://bit.ly/1jgxXCB #JobWaWi
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Go To #WaWiNews
Twitter: Click on 'All' just below 'Results for #WaWiNews'
On the WaterWired blog - click here
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 June 2014 http://bit.ly/1vc8roH #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 14 - 20 June 2014 http://bit.ly/1oMSyYm #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 7 - 13 June 2014 (Triskaidekaphobia Day!) http://bit.ly/TQCB5r #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 31 May - 6 June 2014 https://bitly.com/1pWxNWy #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 May 2014http://bit.ly/1roJoSA #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 17 - 23 May 2014 http://bit.ly/1m1Bxn9
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 10 - 16 May 2014 http://bit.ly/1iSYpSG
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 3 - 9 May 2014http://bit.ly/1oxxsZR #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 26 April 2014 - 2 May 2014 https://bitly.com/1rVx9tD #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 19 - 25 April 2014 #WaWiNews http://is.gd/PszVpy
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 April 2014#WaWiNews http://bit.ly/1hUuo93
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 - 11 April 2014http://bit.ly/1n13u2k#WaWiNews
Reports, Publications, and Journals
Paper: 'Reducing Energy’s Water Footprint: Driving a Sustainable Energy Future',@Cornerstone_Mag,2 (1) Spr 2014 http://is.gd/Y8SGsB
Shilling for the @WorldCoal Association? Cornerstone, Volume 2, Issue 1 http://bit.ly/1nuPZTY
In @CornerstoneMag V. 2(1): Mike Hightower: Reducing Energy’s Water Footprint-Driving a Sustainable Energy Future http://bit.ly/1nuPZTY
@UNEP 2013 Annual Report http://is.gd/8bFeN8
Tuesday Dutch Treats: Middle East Water, UN Water, Post-2015 Agenda, 'Living with Water Scarcity' & More http://bit.ly/TrMUfO
Paper: 'Water Banks: Using Managed Aquifer Recharge to Meet Water Policy Objectives' http://is.gd/DCSQY3
Water, Volume 6, Issue 6 (June 2014) - Open Access http://bit.ly/TwtshL
Paper: 'The Economics of Groundwater Replenishment for Reliable Urban Water Supply' http://is.gd/3zrIIv
RT @CdnWaterNetwork 'Low Water Blues' Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River economic impacts (report) http://ow.ly/ytHHB via @CGLRGreatlakes
Science and Technology
Via @EI_Climate Earth's breathable atmosphere tied to plate tectonics?: @physorg_com http://bit.ly/UZA1Ln
Catch up on weekly geoscience and environmental science news-Elaine Hanford's BBs! http://bit.ly/1ny3QJa #EJHBB
MT @generalelectric Happy 190th birthday, Lord Kelvin (aka William Thomson)! http://is.gd/5r6dIH
Streams, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
RT @StroudCenter Hormones in Wastewater Disrupt Fish Reproduction over Generations http://ow.ly/ylgoQ @thefishsite
From @CdnWaterNetwork MT @ProEarthPics Boreal Forest & Wetland. Athabasca Delta, Alberta. Photo by Garth Lenz. pic.twitter.com/fSv9A7qJgz
RT @LakeScientist Researchers Investigate Longterm Drop In Northern Wisconsin Lake Water Levels (via @WPR) http://is.gd/bk86MW
Visuals and Infographics
MT @ACurtright Woman who created Kevlar,a Margaret Morrison (@CarnegieMellon) dead @ 90. http://wapo.st/1qA5Uqg pic.twitter.com/VV3g3d7gHD
From @CdnWaterNetwork MT @ProEarthPics Boreal Forest & Wetland. Athabasca Delta, Alberta. Photo by Garth Lenz. pic.twitter.com/fSv9A7qJgz
MT @raulpacheco 'Women of Indiana U"-exhibit @IUBloomington of powerful women from IUB. Dr. Elinor Ostrom #WOW5Ostrom pic.twitter.com/XDr8kRfFAI
MT @raulpacheco Incentives against bottled water: quick fill,automated,cold water filling fountains @IUBloomington pic.twitter.com/kz4ebqzZwF
MT @jlsaboASU Snowmelt in @CAPArizona canal near CAFOs, Harquahala Valley; cities may trade off price of water & beef pic.twitter.com/IzYlFf86ZW
MT @Jeff_Jacoby 45 yrs ago, Cuyahoga River burned. Remember pic? No, you don't. http://wapo.st/UxlKVC & @watercrunch http://is.gd/z7o4El
RT @EnergyCollectiv Rising Seas: Adapting to Changing Coastlines [VIDEO] by earth_warming http://goo.gl/fb/LylKG
@Miigwanikwe More misinformation about availability of GW for human consumption @Eco_Em http://twitter.com/Miigwanikwe/status/482153111012646912/photo/1pic.twitter.com/tG2111aHSJ See http://is.gd/7ZLv0u
@UN_ClimateTalks Time to set the record straight on #climatechange myths: http://on.mash.to/1jPaDNn Via @mashable pic.twitter.com/mY3oJsXYb1
MT @matt_weiser @PeterGleick: No accident that areas of ISIS control in Iraq are Euphrates/Tigris.Water is strategic. pic.twitter.com/gTZ1DNXQRn
RT @lgrammel The groundwater wells visualization that I designed went online - click on well to explore http://is.gd/o18e93
WASH and Development
"Half the human population lacks truly safe water." - Glen Daigger, @IWAHQ president http://is.gd/G9gBdo tnx @artemis_project
MT @NedBreslin Aid as investment! @charlesjkenny right: no use just demanding a receipt. We should demand results http://tinyurl.com/qglyt5g
But is it sustainable? Via @PopSci Pure Genius: How Dean Kamen's Invention Could Bring Clean Water To Millions http://is.gd/pWMmY2
4 lessons about handpump sustainability in Ghana http://wp.me/p2w9uE-dR via @thewatercyclist
Article: 'Manually Drilled Wells: Providing water in Nigeria’s Megacity of Lagos and beyond' http://is.gd/MAQxVK Via @thewatercyclist
Water/Land Quality and Contamination
RT @WhoDat35 In Leftover Marcellus Rocks, a Threat to Water Supplies: Radiation http://is.gd/4uuHU9 #fracking
Residents fear proposed gravel pit will impact local water quality http://ow.ly/yk21S @WR_Record
RT @StroudCenter Hormones in Wastewater Disrupt Fish Reproduction over Generations http://ow.ly/ylgoQ @thefishsite
@NOAA, Partners Predict Average ’Dead Zone’ for Gulf of Mexico; Slightly Above Average Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay http://is.gd/7U12yK
Water Supply, Use, Quantity, Reuse, Conservation, Infrastructure
Proposed New Rules from @twdb Shed Light on Future Water Projects http://is.gd/qVgPyW @TexasTribune
Aging water infrastructure ‘nearing the end of its useful life’ http://is.gd/IYXEH0 Via @IMidwest
MT @jlsaboASU Snowmelt in @CAPArizona canal near CAFOs, Harquahala Valley; cities may trade off price of water & beef pic.twitter.com/IzYlFf86ZW
MT @naturenews Researchers are exploring unconventional fresh water sources to quench globe's thirst. http://is.gd/XpQ0kX @columbiawater
By @jfleck in @ABQJournal: Farms, bosque (riparian forest) biggest water users in central NM's Rio Grande Valley http://is.gd/kMgNSo
RT @Keith_IWA: @HalifaxWater employs “transformative” leak reduction http://ht.ly/yw0W1 #waterinnovation #water @IWAHQ
Let's hear it for @PANYNJ & @NY_NJairports! Only JFK & @LGA made list of world's 10 worst airports! http://is.gd/Czab51 @wallstCS
Cute. RT @BrianLehrer In case it helps, Brian co-signed @J_Klinsmann's permission slip for you. pic.twitter.com/CKKP8bYdvF
From @cleancharles: @A4WE's Dickinson on CRWA's #SmartSewering Project, 6/25 testimony to Congress on energy & water efficiency pic.twitter.com/DWUX4BDAc6
"Fasten your seat belts; it's going to be a bumpy night." - Margo Channing (played by Bette Davis), in All About Eve (thanks to Eric Fitch)
Love the drive down 395. We have a place in John Day and make this drive down to AZ on this awesome stretch of road.
Posted by: Dave Gunderson | Friday, 27 June 2014 at 02:48 PM