Happy Halloween! A 'picture' of me from Gayle Leonard.
Tomorrow I'm off to the AWRA Annual Conference in the DC area. It's AWRA's 50th anniversary. Great organization made possible by great, engaged people. Talk about WaterWonks!
User's Guide - if you are new to this summary: Each of the items here is a Tweet from my WaterWired Twitter account for the week ending today, arranged by category. It is not a comprehensive summary of the week's water news; it is my summary.
To access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' (hashtag) will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Scroll down to 'Positions Open' to see the jobs. All my individual job Tweets are archived at #JobWaWi. Previous weekly summaries are archived at: #WaWiNews or click here.
Featured Five
@stevenbjohnson's @nytimes Op-Ed: Ebola’s Information Paradox http://nyti.ms/10sJMUS (via @CaptDocMike)
Co-founder of @weatherchannel: man-made climate change no longer scientifically credible http://dexpr.es/1s90QF4 @Daily_Express
Great! Via @KateGalbraith Don't miss: @TexasTribune's amazing 15-part multimedia project on shale boom & its effects http://bit.ly/1thrHV0
Interactive map of California water rights. http://bit.ly/1tlaDxc #cawater (tnx @chanceofraincom)
RT @CoralReefFish Should we save the Devils Hole Pupfish? Great article about "useless" species http://bit.ly/1sQTW7E via @onEarthMag
Books, Films, and Reviews
Will be using Hendriks' book 'Introduction to Physical Hydrology' for my UG/G winter class on same. http://amzn.to/1wCdPa6
New book: 'Water & Sanitation Related Diseases & the Environment: Challenges, Interventions & Preventive Measures' http://bit.ly/1tidEwR
@tmtall reviews David L. Sedlak's book, 'Water 4.0' http://bitly.com/1xnYJBA #FLwater
Bottled Water, Drinking Water/TapWater, and Source Water Protection
Via @circleofblue: Arsenic in drinking water linked to 50 percent drop in breast cancer deaths http://bit.ly/1pYOsYA @UCBerkeleyNews
Symposium: 'Mono Lake at 20: Past, Present & Future',Sacramento,17 Nov 8-5:30 PM' Webcast, too. Reg req'd. http://bit.ly/1zkQpqA #cawater
MT @StanfordWoodsIE Live in CA? Cool @WaterintheWest infographic breaks down $7.5 billion #Proposition1 http://stanford.io/12g6fVN #cawater
RT @hiltzikm How a big water company is trying to swamp a public initiative with a torrent of campaign cash http://fw.to/Qs40YnB #CAwater
From @MavensNotebook: Reservoir and #cawater conditions for 27 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1xwaWnR
MT @MavensNotebook Daily Digest, early: More on Prop 1; confusion over drought maps prompts workshop; more #cawater http://wp.me/p2XWwm-6dK
RT @Earth_News Prop. 1 aims to relieve #cadrought — but not this one http://bit.ly/1sGBAWR @latimes #cawater
MT @WaterFdn: @ABC reports: Rice harvest is the latest victim of #CAdrought. http://abcn.ws/1wG14rB #cawater
From @kalw: What Proposition 1 has in store for California's water http://bit.ly/1u47Om2 via @EnvReddit #cawater
Interactive map of California water rights. http://bit.ly/1tlaDxc #cawater (tnx @chanceofraincom)
@CA_DWR #cawater Plan eNews Special Edition~California Water Plan Update 2013 Release http://bit.ly/1vl1dym
From @CA_DWR Final Update 2013 California Water Plan! http://bit.ly/1rDsdHf #cawater (tnx @LISABEUTLER)
@CA_DWR News Release: @CA_DWR-led Process Updates California’s Strategic Water Roadmap http://bit.ly/1wJ5CNQ #cawater
@CA_DWR #cawater Plan eNews - 29 Oct 2014: Update 2013 Release~ Drainage Grants~Mono Lake~Conservation Ideas~More http://bit.ly/100o3mB
Hey, California! Resurrect The Reber Plan to Solve Those Pesky Water Shortages! #cawater #CAdrought http://bit.ly/1tIhCBo
RT @WaterFdn “What’s sometimes more difficult to see are the opportunities this #cadrought actually affords us.” http://bit.ly/1zdH6sH
MT @MavensNotebook Here's what's happening today in #CAwater, 10/26/2014 - http://eepurl.com/6Jya1
@CapRadioNews California Releases Comprehensive Water Plan http://is.gd/7VsJhk #cawater
Via @WaterCouncil Oldman Watershed Council Film Project http://bit.ly/1zkSIKy
Here is one > @bconantcwn More great reading on Canadian #H2OWomen - revisit @SnowHydro July blog post http://bit.ly/1m9p7Mz @KirkwoodLab
@CWRA_Flows News - 29 October 2014 http://conta.cc/1yKWutv
Wheatland County (AB) gets award for work with Gleichen Water Tower http://bit.ly/1zPlIes @WaterPortal @S_Standard pic.twitter.com/vEO0O4Axkd
MT @bconantcwn Dude! Party in the pond! @KarenKidd12 research made it to late night TV! http://fb.me/27A0XUoo6 via @CRI_News
Via @CBCNews: Nova Scotia report: Evaporating #fracking waste viable disposal method. http://bit.ly/1wDLjS4
Oh, yeah, Canada! MT @ClimateHotNews Most Canadians Say Environment Trumps Energy Prices @Bloomberg http://ow.ly/Du4Z6
Report from @powi_munk 'Protocols for Adaptive Water Governance: The Future of the Columbia River Treaty' http://bit.ly/10z1XbB
RT @cdnsciencepub Nice! We made the list: #18 & #CanJPhys #96. See @naturenews Top 100 Papers of All Time http://fb.me/6UELsT3ic
Climate, Climate Change, Adaptation, and Meteorology
RT @ClimateCentral Why low global oil prices may impact greenhouse gas emissions: http://bitly.com/1oGyKX2
RT @zaibatsu These States Have Tried To Hide Scary Climate Data From The Public: http://ow.ly/DCm6v @businessinsider
Morons...MT @graceonline: @NPR Guts Its Environment & Climate Team,now ‘Part Of The Problem’ http://thkpr.gs/3584246 via @climateprogress
Winter's coming! RT @KEZI9 @MarisaWoloszyn: Snow across the passes this morning. @OregonDOT @KEZI9 #KEZIwx
@usgao: 'Climate Change: @USDA’s Ongoing Efforts Can Be Enhanced w/ Better Metrics & More Relevant Info for Farmers' http://1.usa.gov/1rAxpvl
Co-founder of @weatherchannel: man-made climate change no longer scientifically credible http://dexpr.es/1s90QF4 @Daily_Express
Researchers resolve the Karakoram glacier anomaly, a cold case of climate science http://bit.ly/1DTy6IT @EurekAlertAAAS
@EPA Report: Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 3rd edition http://1.usa.gov/1wC4XQ4
RT @PrincetonWater The future will not be dry: absorbing lessons in urban resilience @ConservationMag http://ow.ly/Dzr8u
Conferences, Webinars, Workshops and Calls for Abstracts/Papers
Symposium: 'Mono Lake at 20: Past, Present & Future',Sacramento,17 Nov 8-5:30 PM' Webcast, too. Reg req'd. http://bit.ly/1zkQpqA #cawater
@CUAHSI Webinar: Larry Band, @UNC 'Green infrastructure, groundwater & the sustainable city', 31 Oct, 3:30-4:30 EDT http://bit.ly/1ucX9Wh
@StanfordWoodsIE Symposium: 'Breaking Through to Global Sustainability' 11 Nov, 2:30 - 5 PM PST. RSVP http://stanford.io/ZRiHKc
@iwaterforum 1-day meeting: 'Management of Groundwater Resources for Irrigation & Co-users', London, UK, 7 Nov http://bit.ly/ZRRuXz
@OECD Global Forum on Environment: New Perspectives on the Water-Energy-Food-Nexus, Paris, 27-28 Nov. http://bit.ly/1yyRc84
Florida Section of @AWRAHQ November meeting, St. Augustine, 21 Nov 2014, noon - 5 PM http://bit.ly/1v5nP5L #FLwater
@AWRAHQ Conference Update - 3 - 6 November, Tysons Corner, VA (DC area) http://bit.ly/1tcRjkf
Webinar from @TheWaterChannel: 'Biocharculture', 4 November, 1330 GMT http://bit.ly/13191yy
30 October 2014: @CUAHSI Virtual Poster Session on 'Field Data Management Solutions' 12-2 PM EDT. http://bit.ly/1yJpba8
Posters and Abstracts for @CUAHSI's online Poster Session 'Field Data Management Solutions' http://bit.ly/1p68RQy
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
In @ABQJournal by @AP: NM Supreme Court denies request in water fight http://bit.ly/106b4je
Via @NOLAnews Louisiana sues @USACEHQ for $3 billion cost of repairing MR-GO damaged wetlands http://bit.ly/1thXg0U
Droughts, Floods, Fires, and Disasters
MT @AGI_Policy: @USFS scientists studying how #wildfires affect US watersheds http://bit.ly/1uPtJrK
RT @johncurtinEA Parts of western Sweden 'like Venice' after 90mm of rain #Stromstad http://goo.gl/lRgm32 @Britt_W pic.twitter.com/g5lrS3m1uo
MT @MyDesert Help may arrive for those still dealing w/ damage from Sept. 8 "700-year" flood http://desert.sn/12J7j4Y pic.twitter.com/X27d6728A7
MT @westgov Drought Update: @NOAA winter outlook-warm West; LA slashes water use; Phoenix plans for not-so-rainy day http://ow.ly/DhJgj
RT @Earth_News Prop. 1 aims to relieve #cadrought — but not this one http://bit.ly/1sGBAWR @latimes #cawater
Education and Communication
Morons...MT @graceonline: @NPR Guts Its Environment & Climate Team,now ‘Part Of The Problem’ http://thkpr.gs/3584246 via @climateprogress
Will be using Hendriks' book 'Introduction to Physical Hydrology' for my UG/G winter class on same. http://amzn.to/1wCdPa6
RT @theurbanologist By September 2016, adjuncts at Tufts will be paid $7300/course. That's change I can believe in. pic.twitter.com/doQR4T9nHx
Winter grad course in US Water Management texts: @aguanomics; @cynthiabarnett & Brian Richter of @nature_org. Should be a wild ride.
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 31 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1DDEja6
PhD Assistantships (4): @boisestatelive: Improve modeling of weather & snowpack dynamics in complex terrain http://bit.ly/1yMSB7h #JobWaWi
E-Newsletters and E-Newspapers
@CWRA_Flows News - 29 October 2014 http://conta.cc/1yKWutv
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 31 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1DDEja6
RT @medindoagua The Água & Water Daily is out! http://paper.li/medindoagua/agua-water … … Stories via @OurWaterCounts @H2ODVA @GetWaterSmart
RT @WhoDat35 The Environmental Daily is out! http://paper.li/WhoDat35/environmental … … Stories via @jfleck @ejgertz
@Pauldedigitect 's Water paper is uit! http://paper.li/pauldedigitect/water … … Bijdrages door @WaterWired @debiebschiedam @GreenpeaceNL
RT @watersecurity The Daily #Anthropocene is out! http://bit.ly/1w74o0L Stories via @LCChip @blacktom1961 @saltsburg_kim
Catch up on weekly geo & enviro-science news - including Ebola - via Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards! http://bit.ly/1xw8JZK #EJHBB
From @oregonstateuniv: H2OSU Newsletter - 27 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1zE7n4A
RT @PauldeDigitect's Water paper is uit! http://paper.li/pauldedigitect/water … … Bijdrages door @Oasendrinkwater @AWP_zuiverwater @WaterWired
From @PNWclimate October 2014 Climate CIRCulator Newsletter http://bit.ly/1xErw5b
The @WaterFootprints Daily is out! http://paper.li/WaterFootprints Stories via @CentralBasin @WallyWaterdrop @WaterWired
Ethics, Gender, and Rights
@UN Releases Handbook on Human Rights to Water and Sanitation http://bit.ly/1wJpxx9 via @IISDRS
Here is one > @bconantcwn More great reading on Canadian #H2OWomen - revisit @SnowHydro July blog post http://bit.ly/1m9p7Mz @KirkwoodLab
RT @CoralReefFish Should we save the Devils Hole Pupfish? Great article about "useless" species http://bit.ly/1sQTW7E via @onEarthMag
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
'Groundwater Is Sexy, If You Live Under a Rock.' How to Sell It? 'Bernays-it'! http://bit.ly/ZSiGFT @groundwatergeek
MT @thebulletin Central Oregon groundwater at acceptable levels. Some declines; water well pumping not in danger. http://j.mp/1DfPBRC
@iwaterforum 1-day meeting: 'Management of Groundwater Resources for Irrigation & Co-users', London, UK, 7 Nov http://bit.ly/ZRRuXz
@jfleck @JayFamiglietti Addressed in my 'Irrational Exubernace' post http://bit.ly/1saaytK Assessing GW stocks not sexy; GW flows are.
@jfleck reports on @JayFamiglietti's 'Draining the global groundwater bank'. http://bit.ly/102G0k4 See earlier post http://bit.ly/1saaytK
Paper: 'Innovation for Making Potable Water Available in Saline Groundwater Areas' (PDF - open access) http://bit.ly/1vhW2zd
@SlideShare 'Managed Aquifer Recharge-ASR: Regional Exp & Needs for Further Coop. & Knwledg Xchanges in Arab Region' http://slidesha.re/1wruhKf
Just heard the 'megawatershed' guys are back, this time working in Mexico. Note to: @conagua_mx Cuidado! http://bit.ly/1zRungs
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
Occasional paper from @KazakhstanUNSC: 'Energy Security in Kazakhstan – Powering the Future' http://bit.ly/1yFOCJy
From @NSF: New tracers can identify #fracking fluids in the environment http://1.usa.gov/1w92Sez
TVA's Watts Bar 2. Via @nytimes In Tennessee, Time Comes for a Nuclear Plant Four Decades in the Making http://nyti.ms/1vBEaTN
@SharonKellyEsq Looks at Future of #Fracking: Abandoned leaking wells dot Bradford,PA (photos & video) http://bit.ly/130yF6L @Earthworks
Via @CBCNews: Nova Scotia report: Evaporating #fracking waste viable disposal method. http://bit.ly/1wDLjS4
Great! Via @KateGalbraith Don't miss: @TexasTribune's amazing 15-part multimedia project on shale boom & its effects http://bit.ly/1thrHV0
Personal, People, and Quotes
"Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal." – Robert Heinlein
Excellent choice! Former @EPA scientist Jim Wigington selected as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of @AWRAHQ http://is.gd/03v0wO
"Keep calm and have a cupcake." - Sign @ Funny Dolphin Hostel, Sevastopol, Crimea http://n.pr/1G2qeqt
“The science of hydrology would be relatively simple if water were unable to penetrate below the earth's surface." - Harold Thomas
Tickets to Budapest for @GWPnews meeting being booked. Leave @flypdx 21 Nov, return 27 Nov. I'm sure @united will serve wonderful TG dinner.
UG student said she wants to follow my career path. Told her she first needs to take a course in chaotic systems.
@tmeixner @MGHydro Was being flip; 'random walk' far more descriptive than 'chaotic systems' especially since it's not my personal life!
Policy, Planning, Law, Governance, Economics, and Management
'Chinese Water Mangement' on World Ocean Radio http://bit.ly/1tdpWIh
IWRM Pub from @NESCWVU: 'Managing Our Water Resources for People, the Economy, & Nature' http://bit.ly/1DUe5ly @GWPnews
Report from @powi_munk 'Protocols for Adaptive Water Governance: The Future of the Columbia River Treaty' http://bit.ly/10z1XbB
Tri-state (FL,GA,AL) water management group explored; Stakeholders OK 'transboundary' water sharing idea http://is.gd/Dzapxy @gtimes
From @CA_DWR Final Update 2013 California Water Plan! http://bit.ly/1rDsdHf #cawater (tnx @LISABEUTLER)
From @IISDRS Water Policy & Practice - Water Update - 30 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1tmOayh
Positions Open #JobWaWi
Position: @RiceUniversity (Houston) T-T (any level) in Water in an Energy Constrained World. Review: 1 Jan http://bit.ly/1w8YlZy #JobWaWi
Positions: Seattle, WA, area - 11 positions - Federal, municipal, private, academic, etc. Scroll to (20) @ http://bit.ly/1nQpn6t #JobWaWi
PhD Assistantships (4): @boisestatelive: Improve modeling of weather & snowpack dynamics in complex terrain http://bit.ly/1yMSB7h #JobWaWi
Position: Oregon WRD (Salem) - Hydrographer. Closes: 4 Nov http://bit.ly/1v5ploH #JobWaWi
Position: @UCRiverside T-T Asst Professor, Watershed Hydrology. App review: 5 Jan 2015 http://bit.ly/10vm8r4 #JobWaWi
Position: @UCRiverside T-T Asst Professor, GW Hydrology or Hydrogeology. App review: 1 Dec 2014 http://bit.ly/1rMBXQm #JobWaWi
Position: @UCRiverside T-T Asst Professor, Environmental Toxicology. OUF; App rev: after 27 Oct 2014 http://bit.ly/1zAyZrl #JobWaWi
Position: @UCRiverside Director, Environmental Dynamics & GeoEcology (EDGE) Inst. OUF; App rev: 15 Dec 2014 http://bit.ly/1oQNimW #JobWaWi
Postdoctoral Position: U of Aberdeen (Scotland)) - Ecohydrological Modeling. Closes: 27 Nov. http://bit.ly/1rw2LmQ #JobWaWi
Position: @EPA (Edison,NJ) - Director, Division of Environmental Science & Assessment. Closes: 24 Nov http://1.usa.gov/1tAQsLF #JobWaWi
Position: @USDA_ARS (El Reno,OK) - Supervisory Res Soil Scien,Res. Ecologist; Range Mgmt Spec. Closes: 5 Dec http://1.usa.gov/1zdQqg9 #JobWaWi
Position: @USGS (Corvallis,OR) Supervisory Biologist (Director,Forest & Range Ecosystems SC). Closes: 25 Nov http://1.usa.gov/1svRKSJ #JobWaWi
Position: @UTAustin, Jackson School T-T Asst Prof in Water Science. OUF; App rev: 15 Dec. Scroll to (30) http://bit.ly/1z2vkly #JobWaWi
Position: @Stanford - T-T Environmental Earth System Science/Earth Sciences (jr level). OUF: App rev: 15 Dec http://bit.ly/1pS84gU #JobWaWi
Position: U of Lausanne - Professorship (Asst/Assoc; Full?) in Vadose Zone Processes. Apps due: 15 Jan 2015 http://bit.ly/1DUj31G #JobWaWi
Position: @ASU (Tempe,AZ) - T-T or T Asst/Assoc Professor, Geog & Urban Planning. OUF: Review begins: 1 Dec http://bit.ly/1v9MuX9 #JobWaWi
Position: @ASU (Tempe, AZ) T-T or T Asst/Assoc Prof, Climate/Atmospheric Science. OUF; review: 10 Dec http://is.gd/6yuVh9 #JobWaWi
Position: @waDNR (Olympia) - State Lands Forest Hydrologist. OUF; First rev: 17 Nov http://bit.ly/1tfis7J #JobWaWi
Position: @penn_state -Goddard Chair in Forestry & Environment Conservation App rev: 20 Jan. Scroll to (31) http://bit.ly/1z2vkly #JobWaWi
Position: @IWMI_Water_News (New Delhi) - Office Head & Prin/Senior Researcher. Closes: 31 Oct (re-advertise) http://bit.ly/1wwFMON #JobWaWi
Joshua Newton's Water Jobs and More! - 29 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1nQpn6t #JobWaWi
Position: @Illinois_Alma (Urbana-Champaign) - T-T Asst Professor in Ecohydrology (# F1400171). Closes: 1 Dec http://bit.ly/1Dx2iYs #JobWaWi
Check out @GlobalWaterJobs: https://www.globalwaterjobs.com #JobWaWi
Position: @USDA_NRCS (Washington, DC) - Director, Soil Science Division. Closes: 28 Nov http://1.usa.gov/1wJoM8c #JobWaWi
Position: @USGS (Reston, VA) - Interdisciplinary Biologist/Ecologist/Physical Scientist Closes: 26 Nov http://1.usa.gov/1u9D6bq #JobWaWi
Position: Klamath Tribes (Chiloquin, OR) - Wildlife Biologist. Closes: 21 Nov Scroll to (19) http://bit.ly/1nQpn6t #JobWaWi
Position: @IIDEnergy (El Centro, CA) - Project Coordinator. Closes: 14 Nov http://bit.ly/1tm5Z29 #JobWaWi
Position: McKenzie River Trust (Eugene, OR) - Land Protection Manager. OUF. http://bit.ly/1nCGIQ6 #JobWaWi
Position: @NMSU (Las Cruces, NM) - T-T Asst Prof - Environmental Soil Microbiology. Closes: 31 Dec http://bit.ly/1FMpw0H #JobWaWi
Postdoc Position: @NMSU (Las Cruces, NM) - Environmental Science/Chemistry. Closes: 30 Jan 2015 http://bit.ly/1wmmUni #JobWaWi
Postdoc Positions (2-4): @iUTAHEPSCOR (SLC,UT) - Biochemistry, Ecohydrology & related. App rev: immediately http://bit.ly/1w1Cwev #JobWaWi
Position: @MetCouncilNews - Assistant Business Unit Manager - Wastewater Solids Management. Closes: 14 Nov http://is.gd/0TEn24 #JobWaWi
Previous Weeks' Positions Open - Go To #JobWaWi
Then click on 'All' below 'Results for #JobWaWi'
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Go To #WaWiNews
Twitter: Click on 'All' just below 'Results for #WaWiNews'
On the WaterWired blog - click here
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 25 - 31 October 2014. Scroll down to see 'Positions Open' http://bit.ly/1wN40CK #WaWiNews #JobWaWi
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 18 - 24 October 2014http://bit.ly/1rtnyIT #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 11 - 17 October 2014http://bit.ly/1sx5YGz #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 4 - 10 October 2014http://bit.ly/1sqN99p #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 27 September - 3 October 2014 http://bit.ly/1r9dB1K #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 20 - 26 September 2014http://bit.ly/1v6LW7G #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 13 -19 September 2014http://bit.ly/1tstdD8 #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 6 - 12 September 2014http://bit.ly/1qIAOMS #WaWiNews
Yes, I'm back! TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 30 August - 5 September 2014 http://bit.ly/1qsvMnv #WaWiNews
Reports, Publications, and Journals
From Florida Section of @AWRAHQ: 'The Watershed', October 2014. Lots of good info about #FLwater! http://bit.ly/10rWfIz
Excellent choice! Former @EPA scientist Jim Wigington selected as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of @AWRAHQ http://is.gd/03v0wO
Paper: 'Designing water abstraction regimes for an ever-changing and ever-varying future' Free before 5 Nov http://is.gd/IPPFG9
Water, Vol 6, Issue 10 (Oct 2014) - Groundwater, Climate Change, Economics, Runoff & More! (Open Access) http://bit.ly/1wwZ8U1
@usgao: 'Climate Change: @USDA’s Ongoing Efforts Can Be Enhanced w/ Better Metrics & More Relevant Info for Farmers' http://1.usa.gov/1rAxpvl
@EPA Report: Climate Change Indicators in the United States, 3rd edition http://1.usa.gov/1wC4XQ4
IWRM Pub from @NESCWVU: 'Managing Our Water Resources for People, the Economy, & Nature' http://bit.ly/1DUe5ly @GWPnews
Paper: 'Jordan’s Water Resources: Increased Demand with Unreliable Supply' (PDF-open access) http://bit.ly/1xEt5A5
Paper: 'Innovation for Making Potable Water Available in Saline Groundwater Areas' (PDF - open access) http://bit.ly/1vhW2zd
From @WHO and @UNICEF: 'Q&A on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Ebola' http://bit.ly/105I8Ye
Occasional paper from @KazakhstanUNSC: 'Energy Security in Kazakhstan – Powering the Future' http://bit.ly/1yFOCJy
Science, Medicine, and Technology
@stevenbjohnson's @nytimes Op-Ed: Ebola’s Information Paradox http://nyti.ms/10sJMUS (via @CaptDocMike)
RT @LiveScience A New Way to Form Continents http://dlvr.it/7KdXvT
RT @CSTribune: WYDOT uses drone to map rock fall http://bit.ly/12SdTpU
Catch up on weekly geo & enviro-science news - including Ebola - via Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards! http://bit.ly/1xw8JZK #EJHBB
MT @JeremiahOsGo Website down but you need to access some of its content? See Cached Pages-cached page of any URL http://ow.ly/DqdiC
RT @AGI_GeoIssues Interested in the Mount Kilauea lava flow advancing on a Hawaii town? @USGS has updated info: http://on.doi.gov/1Dlb0ZE
Creationism conference @ US research university- @michiganstateu-stirs unease http://bit.ly/1wCZcTK @NewsfromScience
From @WHO & @UNICEF: 'Q&A on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Ebola' http://bit.ly/13lUrCa
RT @cdnsciencepub Nice! We made the list: #18 & #CanJPhys #96. See @naturenews Top 100 Papers of All Time http://fb.me/6UELsT3ic
Streams, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
MT @bconantcwn Dude! Party in the pond! @KarenKidd12 research made it to late night TV! http://fb.me/27A0XUoo6 via @CRI_News
They're baaaack! @nytimes: Reversing Course on Beavers http://nyti.ms/1tC6rci
MT @watersecurity Great video! @calacademy MT @CoralReefFish: How wolves changed Yellowstone River; trophic cascades! http://bit.ly/1nIbxgj
Via @NOLAnews Louisiana sues @USACEHQ for $3 billion cost of repairing MR-GO damaged wetlands http://bit.ly/1thXg0U
RT @CoralReefFish Should we save the Devils Hole Pupfish? Great article about "useless" species http://bit.ly/1sQTW7E via @onEarthMag
Visuals and Infographics
Wheatland County (AB) gets award for work with Gleichen Water Tower http://bit.ly/1zPlIes @WaterPortal @S_Standard pic.twitter.com/vEO0O4Axkd
Great @TEDTalks by Francis de los Reyes on 'Sanitation is a basic human right' & how to implement. http://youtu.be/CdZJ0SMbh10
@SlideShare 'Managed Aquifer Recharge-ASR: Regional Exp & Needs for Further Coop. & Knwledg Xchanges in Arab Region' http://slidesha.re/1wruhKf
RT @DrFishSG Sewer overflows during historic August storm hit 10 billion gallons http://on.freep.com/1wsCOdq pic.twitter.com/FarIc9jtgL
WASH and Development
Great @TEDTalks by Francis de los Reyes on 'Sanitation is a basic human right' & how to implement. http://youtu.be/CdZJ0SMbh10
RT @iAgua PREGUNTA | ¿Por qué el agua es decisiva para el desarrollo? http://bit.ly/1oI2N0t
RT @vossfoundation How is our @GeorgicaEastEnd well doing in Little Liberia? Find out: http://bit.ly/ZSgCOa
@NESCWVU 'Maintaining Septic Systems Can Help Community Residents Save Money & Protect Local Waters & Public Health' http://bit.ly/1swrzLK
New book: 'Water & Sanitation Related Diseases & the Environment: Challenges, Interventions & Preventive Measures' http://bit.ly/1tidEwR
Global water is issue focus in November’s @WaterWellJournl: http://ow.ly/Dzkdk #groundwater @ngwatweets
From @WHO & @UNICEF: 'Q&A on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Ebola' http://bit.ly/13lUrCa
@UN Releases Handbook on Human Rights to Water and Sanitation http://bit.ly/1wJpxx9 via @IISDRS
Water/Land Quality and Contamination
In @njdotcom: Troubled waters: N.J. still struggling to clean up polluted waterways, feds say http://bit.ly/1wtfKeD (via @EnvReddit)
In Florida, a water-pollution warning that glows at night http://wapo.st/12MdJjE @washingtonpost #FLwater
Via @nytimes: Calls to Use Yucca Mountain as a Nuclear Waste Site, Now Deemed Safe http://nyti.ms/1swJ56c
Hundreds of toxic chemicals fall off the @EPA’s radar when they spill into our waterways.http://bit.ly/12TrrkV @OnEarthMag
RT @DrFishSG Sewer overflows during historic August storm hit 10 billion gallons http://on.freep.com/1wsCOdq pic.twitter.com/FarIc9jtgL
Via @circleofblue: Arsenic in drinking water linked to 50 percent drop in breast cancer deaths http://bit.ly/1pYOsYA @UCBerkeleyNews
RT @EPAresearch Check out this blog from @EPAregion3 w/ video about rain gardens: http://go.usa.gov/7rnJ
Via @IISDRS: Study by @CGIAR & @UNUINWEH Reveals Cost of Salt Build-up on Agricultural Lands > US $27B/year http://bit.ly/1tmOqxi
Water Supply, Quantity, Reuse, Conservation, Infrastructure
In @ABQJournal by @AP: NM Supreme Court denies request in water fight http://bit.ly/106b4je
RT @columbiawater São Paulo running out of water as rain-making Amazon vanishes @reuters http://bit.ly/1pIlkEO
Pub from @NESCWVU: 'Is Design-Build the Future for the Water Sector?' http://bit.ly/1tdFgEJ
MT @H2oTrends An Overview of Drip Irrigation | @UMassAmherst Vegetable Program http://buff.ly/1oRvtnY
Paper: 'Jordan’s Water Resources: Increased Demand with Unreliable Supply' (PDF-open access) http://bit.ly/1xEt5A5
MT @americanrivers RT @bberwyn Despite near-average 2014 inflows, Lake Powell still near record-low level http://bit.ly/1rlRGon
Paper: 'Designing water abstraction regimes for an ever-changing and ever-varying future' Free before 5 Nov http://is.gd/IPPFG9
@tmtall opines: 'The Charlie Crist-Rick Scott Debates and Harry Frankfurt' http://bitly.com/ZRjkUd #FLwater
Nice to see the statement; now change the graphic. MT @nature_org Less than 1% of Earth’s H20 is accessible. pic.twitter.com/ZFZhC01V8R
"Keep calm and have a cupcake." - Sign on the stove, Funny Dolphin Hostel, Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia
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