I just found this infographic on the WaterSISWEB site. It is from P.J. Dore & Company, Ltd.
The numbers look okay to me; I did not vet them thoroughly. I would quibble with the number of people lacking access to safe water. The dispute usually comes down to the difference between 'improved' (the number given) and 'safe' (maybe double the number given). An improved water source does not mean it is safe to drink. One source estimates the number may be as high as 1.8 billion. I am inclined to believe the 1.8B figure. The number for those who die each year from water-related diseases lost a zero somewhere along the line - the estimate is 3,6M people.
I don't like the title of the infographic. I don't see a problem with water; I see a problem with the way people use and abuse water.
Thinking about water and its importance. What a way to end 2014!
Enjoy, and may 2015 be a great year for water, people...and Earth!
"Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others." - Edward Abbey (thanks to Faruck Morcos)