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Geosciences Bulletin Board – 26 January 2015. Compiled by Elaine J. Hanford. Compilation of selected current news articles pertinent to the discipline.
Slide Show: Rocks, Paper, Sinners – folks returning stolen petrified wood to National Park
Dust thought to have originated in supernovae and settled on ocean floor is analyzed
Bioluminescence, called Sea Sparkle, triggered by farm pollution makes the ocean glow (images)
Take a great country walk and see the geology of Stac Pollaidh in Scotland
Descending into Marum Crater…and active volcano…see the trip via video
Could history repeat itself? Another great tsunami could hit Ireland
Solving the mystery of the Tibetan mountains
EQs and fracking….seem to go hand in hand in Irving, Texas
- Changes National Seismic Hazards Map:
Oklahoma company named as defendant for injuries in EQ to woman from Prague; OK Court to hear case that alleges fracking induced the 5.6 MEQ
Climate – journalists should be factual and neutral in reporting
Lessons to be learned from the 2011 EQ in Japan could help coastal Oregon prepare for a big one
What does an iceberg look like after it has flipped over? Stunningly beautiful!!
- More images:
Do “vanilla-flavored” rocks suggest a vinegar acid rain when the trilobites died out?
A new approach to river basin management and method of flood analysis?
Study predicts unprecedented loss of coral in the Great Barrier Reef
Rocks from the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt reveal composition of the atmosphere of Earth 4bya
De-bunking the theory of a global fire-storm at the K-T boundary due to meteor impact
Mineral resource of the month: Stibnite & Jamesonite are ore minerals of antimony
Isostatic adjustment occurring as Fox Glacier retreats
International organizations organized by the UN to share geosciences data
Webcam captures volcanic eruption in Mexico
Potential consequences of a megathrust earthquake in British Columbia
New model reflects similarities between landslides and earthquakes
NSF-funded Antarctic drilling team reaches the “grounding zone” beneath the ice
Delicate sculptures of sand and wind….beautiful and sometimes fleeting (images)
Fossils that survived volcanic eruptions tell the history of the Canary Islands
This 9-foot long middle Triassic carnivorous reptile has features of both birds & crocodylians
Model suggests a small drop in sea level had significant impact on Great Barrier Reef
Fossil evidence showing this reptile provided parental care of its young
How did the Heart Mountain Landslide moved over 30 miles across the Wyoming landscape?
Coastline continues to erode….big surprise…despite massive & expensive human efforts
Rare sharks mostly found in ocean depths below 400 m - or in Taiwanese fish market (video)
Should we be mining our sewage for precious metals?
Eruption in Tonga creates a new island of scoria….which may be quickly eroded by the ocean
Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board – 26 January 2015 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford. Compilation of selected current news articles pertinent to the discipline:
- GM cows to produce antibodies:
- Reason for some optimism:
Stop talking about “sustainability”….Humans have exceeded 4 of 9 planetary boundaries
Feedlot dust carried downwind contains antibiotics, bacteria & genetic resistance
What will happen if we lose antibiotics?
Avian flu – continuing to battle multiple strains, including new highly pathogenic H5N3
- Taiwan:
- Idaho:
- Great Basin warnings:
- Washington state:
Millions of GM mosquitos may be released in Florida Keys to fight Dengue & Chikungunya threat
New EU toolkit to help communities develop resiliency to coastal storms and flooding
Soil can filter some endocrine disrupting chemicals out of wastewater discharge and help protect water resources
Arsenic is in our food supply…how much concern should it evoke?
Our US population demographics are changing…no longer dominated by Baby Boomers
- Growth model:
Other organisms do not just “see” the world, they sense it
How to attempt to control genetically modified organisms
Call for review and revision of US Drinking Water Standards to protect the public
Human experimentation has not always been what we might call ethical
- NYT Story:
Animal breeding experimentation to increase meat production…causing harm to animals?
Slide show of PETAs 3+ decade long history of fight against animal experimentation
Columbus Zoo holds classes for High School students … mentoring for the future (video)
Recycling foam containers no longer viable….New York bans expanded polystyrene containers
Controversial study shows link between circumcision and autism…but is it cause-effect?
Recycling: Turning grocery store food waste into liquid fertilizer (video)
Hazards that bicyclists face on the road depend on where they are riding: beware of kangaroos
Facing long-term drought, considering how to redesign Los Angeles to become a giant sponge
Trying to reduce mosquito-borne illnesses by trying to control mosquito reproduction
New serotype of salmonella identified by Texas Tech…implications for livestock & food supply
- USDA actions:
Veterinary medicine developing vaccines using proteins…may lead the way for human vaccines
Perspective: Why it is important to embrace the International Year of Soils”
Perspective: China’s new environmental policy has a few short-comings
Paper: Humans pose threat of transmitting diseases to animals (Zooanthroponosis)
Construction begins on largest wind farm in British Columbia…61 turbines with 185 mw capacity
BP trial for Deepwater Horizon failure to enter Phase 3 of trial to determine fine (video)
Conservation of caves, commons, battlefields, and hunting areas
Bacteria can be good for your health and your brain
- Paper:
Gray, gunky goo killing hundreds of birds in San Francisco Bay
Oil spill into the Yellowstone River forces Montana town to truck in safe drinking water
- Old pipeline concerns:
To combat threats to health and the food safety, researching the DNA of antibiotic resistance
Los Angeles to install “EQ resistant” pipelines imported from Japan (video)
Coastline continues to erode….big surprise…despite massive & expensive human efforts
Government report says tiger population in India has increased since 2010
Lack of training for volunteers may cause harm in the wake of natural disasters
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." - Winston Churchill