Dear all,As most of you know who are not new to this list since this time last year, I organize a drinks night out at some point during Stockholm's World Water Week, so you all can meet one another and I can put faces to names. This year, it'll be on Tuesday, 25 August and I will be at the (to be determined) location starting at 20:00. I'm actually trying to reserve a venue this year and will send details in the mailing next week. So, please stop by for a drink. It's open to anyone, so forward this along to those you know who are attending SWWW this year. I look forward to seeing those of you who will be there.
On to the jobs...
Josh's and other job notices are archived here. All the jobs I post are archived at Twitter; the hashtag is #JobWaWi. I have added a few jobs at the end, starting with (24).
Dates shown are closing dates unless otherwise indicated. 'None' means no closing date was indicated. 'Soon' means, well...soon!
3) Consultancy: Documenting case study in drought related/water security interventions in Ethiopia, Kenya & Uganda - GWP-East Africa via NBI (Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda): 17 August
- Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Project Coordinator: 24 August
- Programme Officer- Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting (PMER): 23 August
- Systems Advisor Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Project: 25 August
- Team Lead, Planning Monitoring Evaluation Reporting Implementation Project: 24 August
- Training and Capacity Development Manager: 26 August
12) WASH Coordinator - Action Contre la Faim (Iraq): None
13) WASH Program Manager - Action Contre la Faim (Roving): None
15) Programmes Officer (Water Supply Services and Urban Sanitation) - IWA (The Hague, The Netherlands): 17 August
20) Advisor (Strategic Alliance Water Stewardship collaboration in multiple sectors) - GIZ (Germany): 16 August
21) Interregional Adviser on Implementation and Reviews of Sustainable Development - UN (New York): 19 August
22) Consultancy: Senior Water Specialist Advisor - UNOPS (Home-based): 21 August
23) Multiple positions for GIS, IT and Social Survey Specialists - Big Water Consulting (Seattle): 21 August
More Jobs from My Twitter Feed
24) Position: @EPA (Newport,OR) - Student Svcs Contract - Ecol. Modeling & Ecosystem Services. Closes: 27 Aug #JobWaWi
25) Position: State of Oregon (Newport) - North Coast Natural Resource Specialist. Closes: 19 Aug #JobWaWi
26) Position: @QuiviraAgRanch (Santa Fe, NM) - Executive Director. Closes: 28 August #JobWaWi
27) Position: @ColoradoStateU (Fort Collins) - Founding Director, CO Conservation Exchange. Closes: 14 August #JobWaWi
28) Position: SE Wisconsin Regional Planning Comm (Waukesha) - Senior Specialist - Biology. Closes: 18 Sept #JobWaWi
29) Position: @Penn_State (University Park, PA) - T-T Asst Prof - Water Resources Engineering. OUF; App rev: 1 Oct #JobWaWi
30) Position: @Penn_State (University Park, PA) - T-T (all ranks) Stormwater Engineering. OUF; App rev: 1 October #JobWaWi
31) Position: Swalley Irrigation District (Bend, OR) - District Manager. Closes: 28 August #JobWaWi
32) Position: Thurston County (WA) - Hydrogeologist. Closes: 21 August #JobWaWi
33) Position: @IWMI_ (Colombo, Sri Lanka) - Program Director, Water, Land & Ecosystems. Closes: 20 Sept #JobWaWi
34) Position: @IWMI_ (Colombo, Sri Lanka) - Program Director, Water, Land & Ecosystems. Closes: 20 Sept #JobWaWi
35) Positions: @EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated: 12 August 2015 #JobWaWi
36) Position: Cumberland Cty S&W CD (Windham,ME) - Civil/Stormwater/Environmental Engineer. Closes: 19 August #JobWaWi
37) Position: @OSUCEOAS (Corvallis,OR)- Visiting Asst Prof - Geospatial Analytics, CC Adaptation & Coastal Processes. Apps by: 1 Oct #JobWaWi Download Announcement_0015663
38) Position: GeoSystems Analysis (Hood River, OR or Albuquerque, NM) - Hydrogeologist or Soil Scientist. OUF #JobWaWi
39) Position: @OldmanWatershed Council (Lethbridge, AB) - Planning Manager. Closes: 8 Sept #JobWaWi via @WaterPortal
"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamp post: for support, not illumination." - Vin Scully (The Week)