Time to head home after a week on the road. Great meetings in Denver, now observing snow and hoping another flight does not get cancelled.
I sure learned a lot about Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska water issues, but I still have more to learn.
Have to say, though - Kansas is nothing but a blur now.
Have a great weekend.
User's Guide - if you are new to this summary: each of the items here is a Tweet from my WaterWired Twitter account for the week ending today, arranged by category. It is not a comprehensive summary of the week's water news; it is my summary.
To access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' (hashtag) will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Scroll down to 'Positions Open' to see the jobs. All my individual job Tweets are archived at #JobWaWi. Previous weekly summaries are archived at: #WaWiNews or click here.
Top Twenty
Via @TDSIanJames California weighs sharing ‘pain’ of Colorado River cuts http://desert.sn/1Swdr3o via @mydesert
@KQEDscience Deep injection of oilfield wastewater has triggered multiple earthquakes in OK http://ow.ly/ZuYuM
Groundwater: court battle looms in search for new water supply http://bit.ly/1XXZij6 via @OdessaAmerican and @tiffdowell #txwater
@AGU_Eos Buzz Newsletter - 29 April 2016 - The Latest Earth and Space Science News http://bit.ly/249ljCW
In @AgProfessional WOTUS court ruling months off http://bit.ly/21jeidk (tnx @TiffDowell)
Catch up with last week's Geosciences & Enviro-Sciences News! Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards - 25 Apr 2016 http://bit.ly/21bo0P3
CRS Brief Report: 'Funding for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CSS) at DOE' http://bit.ly/22W5yZS
Free Paper: '(Ground) Waters of the US: Unlawfully Exduing Tributary GW from Clean Water Act Jurisdiction' http://bit.ly/1T9kOgU
In @Forbes: @ReginaBuono & @johoma of @Alliance4Water on “fluid shift” from Paris http://onforbes/1rDJYhI
Water 8 (4) Apr 2016: Special Issues & Hydrology, GW, Water Mgmt, Water Qual & More! (Free) http://bit.ly/245pJdT
@AWRAHQ Webinar: 'Use & Abuse of Science in Water Resource Policy & Mgmt',4 May,1 PM EDT http://bit.ly/1otHkJl
Road Trip! My CO-KA-NE Odyssey, Part 1: Some thoughts on water in Colorado & Nebraska. http://bit.ly/1YTtE6B
Las Vegas is betting it can become the Silicon Valley of water http://politi.co/1SBrRzj via @BCWaterNews
@PaigeBlank in @highcountrynews: Snowpack is melting fast, despite April storms http://bit.ly/1Trvj1O (tnx @Sammy_Roth)
@profpeppard's birth city @mercnews: GW law,winter rain spur CA aquifer-recharge experiments http://bayareane.ws/1VVXBEZ View this photo
@TxIRNR Did you know this is Soil & Water Stewardship Week? http://buff.ly/1N0l8C3 #TexasLandStewardship #txwater
Laina Farhat-Holzman Article: 'Four Middle East Water Systems Shape History' http://bit.ly/1VRYXAz
@AWRAHQ Launches http://Conversations.awra.org for Members http://bit.ly/1TabPf4
@AWRAHQ Signs 2017 Streamgage Letters to Congress http://bit.ly/1VX6yP6
Oh, no, Canada! @CanadianWater: @munkschool of Global Affairs' Program on Water Issues (@powi_munk) Disbanded http://bit.ly/1rFickY
Books, Films, and Reviews
It's a Desert, Stupid! Tracy Mehan's Ten Cents: Review of @SethMSiegel's 'Let There Be Water' http://bit.ly/1rpWYYg
Bottled Water, Drinking Water/TapWater, and Flint Water Crisis
@csENGINEERmag: Proposed reforms for Michigan go beyond federal Lead and Copper Rule http://bit.ly/1SYCJGA #FlintWaterCrisis
RT @STcom India scrambles to get water to 330 million people http://bit.ly/230Udbc
'We have no town or city in South Asia with 24/7 (water) service or @WHO-standard water quality.'-Arjun Thapan p.39, @WaterSourceMag Q1 2016
Via @TDSIanJames California weighs sharing ‘pain’ of Colorado River cuts http://desert.sn/1Swdr3o via @mydesert
RT @agleader California Water is out! http://paper.li/agleader/1418743556?edition_id=d9c6e640-090b-11e6-8295-002590a5ba2d … … Stories via @WaterEdFdn @WaterWired @MavensNotebook
By @PaulRogersSJMN: New Calaveras Dam project reaches major milestone http://bayareane.ws/1Smckqv #cawater
@MavensNotebook All about CA's groundwater: from @SustainableGW to CASGEM, conjunctive use & more - answers here: http://bit.ly/1N4MB5F
@CA_DWR #cawater Plan eNews - 27 Apr 2016: Lndscp Wkshp~Case Studies~Water Shortages~Climate Adap~Qual Stds~Int Sys http://bit.ly/1TespuL
Via @TDSIanJames California weighs sharing ‘pain’ of Colorado River cuts http://desert.sn/1Swdr3o via @mydesert
@profpeppard's birth city @mercnews:GW law,winter rain spur CA aquifer-recharge experiments http://bayareane.ws/1VVXBEZ View this photo
In @globalnews Regina man cuts off city water supply to promote water conservation http://bit.ly/1UkgccV (via @WaterPortal)
@UW_Ecohydrology Great opening to the @water_institute Research Symposium by the #UWaterloo Aboriginal Student Assn View this photo
Oh, no, Canada! @CanadianWater: @munkschool of Global Affairs' Program on Water Issues (@powi_munk) Disbanded http://bit.ly/1rFickY
Climate, Climate Change, Adaptation, and Meteorology
@PaigeBlank in @highcountrynews: Snowpack is melting fast, despite April storms http://bit.ly/1Trvj1O (tnx @Sammy_Roth)
@ScienceAdvances; Paper: 'Spatial models reveal the microclimatic buffering capacity of old-growth forests' http://bit.ly/1SmEPkk
In @Forbes: @ReginaBuono & @johoma of @Alliance4Water on “fluid shift” from Paris http://onforb.es/1rDJYhI
@SamWangPhD A Hyperlinked History of Climate Change Science. From Arrhenius to today, why we know & how sure we are http://bit.ly/1pxRh8B
RT @ClimateReality We made it simple! Here’s how to talk to your friends about the #ParisAgreement: http://bit.ly/1NsNiQJ
Conferences, Webinars, Workshops and Calls for Abstracts/Papers
@AWRAHQ Webinar: 'Use & Abuse of Science in Water Resource Policy & Mgmt',4 May,1 PM EDT http://bit.ly/1otHkJl
@ngwatweets - @AWRAHQ Groundwater Visibility Initiative - Workshop on SW-GW Management, 28 April 2016, Denver http://bit.ly/23QfqqC
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
Via @TDSIanJames California weighs sharing ‘pain’ of Colorado River cuts http://desert.sn/1Swdr3o via @mydesert
By @tonydavis987 in @TucsonStar: Big @CAPArizona cuts coming as 3-state water agreement nears http://bit.ly/1Ts52jN (tnx @jfleck)
In @missoulian Supreme Court rules on water fight between Montana, Wyoming http://bit.ly/1YWgWUw Via @TiffDowell
Groundwater: court battle looms in search for new water supply http://bit.ly/1XXZij6 via @OdessaAmerican and @tiffdowell #txwater
Big CAP cuts coming as 3-state water agreement nears http://bit.ly/1SBsHvS via @BCWaterNews
Florida, Alabama senators renew water war with Georgia http://on.mgmadv.com/1rghkTu via @BCWaterNews
Droughts, Floods, Fires, and Disasters
@circleofblue Venezuela began cutting electricity supplies by four hours a day this week to cope with a drought. http://circleofblue.org/stream
E-Newsletters and E-Newspapers
@CA_DWR #cawater Plan eNews - 27 Apr 2016: Lndscp Wkshp~Case Studies~Water Shortages~Climate Adap~Qual Stds~Int Sys http://bit.ly/1TespuL
From @TxIRNR & @TxWRI - 'Conservation Matters' - April 2016 http://bit.ly/23dqcoI #txwater
Mountain West News Daily Newsletter - 29 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1QG5xCr
RT @agleader California Water is out! http://paper.li/agleader/1418743556?edition_id=d9c6e640-090b-11e6-8295-002590a5ba2d … … Stories via @WaterEdFdn @WaterWired @MavensNotebook
Spring 2016 IAH-USA Chapter Newsletter http://usa.iah.org/spring2016.pdf Tnx to Editor @HelpfulTangent
Texas Ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 29 April 2016 http://bit.ly/23d74qQ (tnx @TiffDowell)
@AGU_Eos Buzz Newsletter - 29 April 2016 - The Latest Earth and Space Science News http://bit.ly/249ljCW
Catch up with last week's Geosciences & Enviro-Sciences News! Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards - 25 Apr 2016 http://bit.ly/21bo0P3
@ASA_CSSA_SSSA Science Policy Update - 25 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1SIbhmC
@IISDRS Natural Resources Update - 25 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1XT52e2
Mountain West News Daily Newsletter - 25 April 2016 http://bit.ly/24gpSI2
@Sammy_Roth's 'The Current' - 27 April 2016: Your Weekly Guide to All Things Energy and Water http://bit.ly/1pEXvnq
@IISDRS Natural Resources Update - 25 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1XT52e2
Mountain West News Daily Newsletter - 26 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1WRUjSI
From @chanceofraincom: The Week That Was (in Water), 17 - 23 April http://bit.ly/1Ub5fdr
Mountain West News Daily Newsletter - 28 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1TzAA7o
@IISDRS Natural Resources Update - 28 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1VW75AM
@OSUCEOAS 'Making Waves' Newsletter - 29 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1QFmSv6
Education & Communication
PhD Positions (12): University of Bremen (Germany) - Earth & Env Sciences. OUF. App review: 1 June http://bit.ly/24piCcQ #JobWaWi
@AWRAHQ Launches http://Conversations.awra.org for Members http://bit.ly/1TabPf4
Ethics, Gender, Rights and Indigenous Peoples
@UW_Ecohydrology Great opening to the @water_institute Research Symposium by the #UWaterloo Aboriginal Student Assn View this photo
Events and Opportunities
@TxIRNR Did you know this is Soil & Water Stewardship Week? http://buff.ly/1N0l8C3 #TexasLandStewardship #txwater
Great job by @LISABEUTLER of @MWHGlobal moderating the @AWRAHQ & @ngwatweets session on creating a Groundwater Visibility Initiative
@FightingMalaria Today is World #Malaria Day! We have chance to #EndMalariaForGood within a generation #EndMalaria View this photo
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
@profpeppard's birth city @mercnews:GW law,winter rain spur CA aquifer-recharge experiments http://bayareane.ws/1VVXBEZ View this photo
From @ngwatweets & @AWRAHQ: Groundwater Visibility Initiative - Workshop on SW-GW Management, 28 April 2016, Denver http://bit.ly/23QfqqC
Spending tonight @HIExpress in the 'Oasis on the Plains' - Colby, KS, home to @nwksgmd4 http://www.gmd4.org
Groundwater: court battle looms in search for new water supply http://bit.ly/1XXZij6 via @OdessaAmerican and @tiffdowell #txwater
Great job by @LISABEUTLER of @MWHGlobal moderating the @AWRAHQ & @ngwatweets session on creating a Groundwater Visibility Initiative
Free Paper: '(Ground) Waters of the US: Unlawfully Exduing Tributary GW from Clean Water Act Jurisdiction' http://bit.ly/1T9kOgU
Brackish groundwater can augment supplies, relieve stress on freshwater resources http://bit.ly/1rgiePD via @BCWaterNews
Groundwater: to 1970: Water Supply Era; 1970-2000: Remediation Era; post-2000: Remediation Hydraulics Era #NGWASummit2016
@MavensNotebook All about CA's groundwater: from @SustainableGW to CASGEM, conjunctive use & more - answers here: http://bit.ly/1N4MB5F
Spring 2016 IAH-USA Chapter Newsletter http://usa.iah.org/spring2016.pdf Tnx to Editor @HelpfulTangent
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
#Fracking leaves legacy of soil, water pollution in North Dakota, study finds http://bit.ly/1SBt9Kw via @BCWaterNews
Personal, People, Interviews, and Quotes
Road Trip! My CO-KA-NE Odyssey, Part 1: Some thoughts on water in Colorado & Nebraska. http://bit.ly/1YTtE6B
"Tradition? The only good traditions are food traditions. The rest are repressive." - Laina Farhat-Holzman
Took new @RideRTD train from @DENAirport > Union Station. ~40 minutes, purchase 24-hr pass for $9 or $4.50 for seniors (me). Good deal!
“Water is the hammer with which climate change will hit the Earth" - T. Huxman (tnx @profpeppard)
Gov @hickforco at #NGWASummit2016: Maybe @westgov will develop a regional water plan.
@bconantcwn @cathmckenna @Glen4ONT "If climate change is a shark,water is its teeth." - Gemma Boag @CdnWaterNetwork Ottawa 2013 meeting
Me: "I'm here because of the Ogallala Aquifer's depletion." @HIExpress desk clerk in Colby, KS: "I'll be sure to take hour-long showers."
Took this picture just south of Trenton, NE, a few miles below Trenton Dam. http://on.doi.gov/1r8u7XU What a story! View this photo
Spending tonight @HIExpress in the 'Oasis on the Plains' - Colby, KS, home to @nwksgmd4
Policy, Planning, Law, Governance, Economics, IWRM, and Management
Gov @hickforco at #NGWASummit2016: Maybe @westgov will develop a regional water plan.
In @missoulian Supreme Court rules on water fight between Montana, Wyoming http://bit.ly/1YWgWUw Via @TiffDowell
In @AgProfessional WOTUS court ruling months off http://bit.ly/21jeidk (tnx @TiffDowell)
Texas Ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 29 April 2016 http://bit.ly/23d74qQ (tnx @TiffDowell)
Positions Open #JobWaWi
@joshnewtonH2O's Water Jobs & More - 26 April 2016 (Updated 29 April) http://bit.ly/233IBEo #JobWaWi
PhD Positions (12): University of Bremen (Germany) - Earth & Env Sciences. OUF. App review: 1 June http://bit.ly/24piCcQ #JobWaWi
@BCWaterNews Jobs Click 'View Jobs' at http://bcwaterjobs.com
@EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated every few days. http://1.usa.gov/1evxlPd #JobWaWi
Previous Positions Open
@joshnewtonH2O's Water Jobs and More! - WaSH, North Korea(!), etc. Updated 21 April http://bit.ly/1SXot1d
@BCWaterNews Jobs Click 'View Jobs' at http://bcwaterjobs.com
@EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated every few days. http://1.usa.gov/1evxlPd #JobWaWi
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Go To #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 23 - 29 April 2016 http://bit.ly/1VXKbbE #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 16 - 22 April 2016 http://bit.ly/212KJwx
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 9-15 April 2016 http://bit.ly/23t9Dal
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 26 March - 8 April 2016 http://bit.ly/23t9Bzh
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 19 - 25 March 2016 http://bit.ly/1T9iT0i
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 - 18 March 2016 http://bit.ly/1UntTYV #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 - 11 March 2016 http://bit.ly/1LhfRVO
Catch up! Weekly Water News Summary, 27 February-4 March 2016 http://bit.ly/1LYv6hg
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 20 - 26 February 2016. http://bit.ly/1RsNfIc
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 13 - 19 February 2016 http://bit.ly/1RcHlen #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 6 - 12 February 2016http://bit.ly/1TgxB5Z #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 30 January - 5 February 2016 http://bit.ly/1USjXDH
Reports, Publications, and Journals
Water 8 (4) Apr 2016: Special Issues & Hydrology, GW, Water Mgmt, Water Qual & More! (Free) http://bit.ly/245pJdT
Laina Farhat-Holzman Article: 'Four Middle East Water Systems Shape History' http://bit.ly/1VRYXAz
La publicación en español solamente: 'Desafíos de la seguridad hídrica en América Latina y el Caribe' (PDF) http://bit.ly/1rAG1KS
Free Paper: '(Ground) Waters of the US: Unlawfully Exduing Tributary GW from Clean Water Act Jurisdiction' http://bit.ly/1T9kOgU
CRS Brief Report: 'Funding for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CSS) at DOE' http://bit.ly/22W5yZS
Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, Volume 6, No. 2 - April 2016. Free Downloads! http://bit.ly/1Wv3Y1a
@ScienceAdvances; Paper: 'Spatial models reveal the microclimatic buffering capacity of old-growth forests' http://bit.ly/1SmEPkk
Science, Medicine, Health, and Technology
@USGS Fact Sheet: Coal-tar-based pavement sealcoat—Potential concerns for human health and aquatic life http://tx.usgs.gov/sealcoat.html
@KQEDscience Deep injection of oilfield wastewater has triggered multiple earthquakes in OK http://ow.ly/ZuYuM
Catch up with last week's Geosciences & Enviro-Sciences News! Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards - 25 Apr 2016 http://bit.ly/21bo0P3
@AGU_Eos Buzz Newsletter - 29 April 2016 - The Latest Earth and Space Science News http://bit.ly/249ljCW
Via @physorg_com Induced earthquakes come under closer scrutiny at SSA Annual Meeting http://bit.ly/1SkGarP
@RT_com Orbiting Earth in #4K: Colors & textures of Earth captured in ultra-HD footage http://on.rt.com/7aws
Streams, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
By @PaulRogersSJMN: New Calaveras Dam project reaches major milestone http://bayareane.ws/1Smckqv #cawater
@AWRAHQ Signs 2017 Streamgage Letters to Congress http://bit.ly/1VX6yP6
Visuals and Infographics
@chanceofraincom Mexican Navy's Cuauhtémoc in Bmore’s Inner Harbor. Yes, those are sailors http://bit.ly/1Ub5fdr
@RT_com Orbiting Earth in #4K: Colors & textures of Earth captured in ultra-HD footage http://on.rt.com/7aws
WASH and Development
@fadeclerck Using drone to increase resilience of small dam systems in Burkina Faso @BioversityInt @WLE_CGIAR
Water/Land Quality and Contamination
In @AgProfessional WOTUS court ruling months off http://bit.ly/21jeidk (tnx @TiffDowell)
@csENGINEERmag: Proposed reforms for Michigan go beyond federal Lead and Copper Rule http://bit.ly/1SYCJGA #FlintWaterCrisis
#Fracking leaves legacy of soil, water pollution in North Dakota, study finds http://bit.ly/1SBt9Kw via @BCWaterNews
Water Supply, Quantity, Reuse, Conservation, Infrastructure
Brackish groundwater can augment supplies, relieve stress on freshwater resources http://bit.ly/1rgiePD via @BCWaterNews
By @tonydavis987 in @TucsonStar: Big @CAPArizona cuts coming as 3-state water agreement nears http://bit.ly/1Ts52jN (tnx @jfleck)
Las Vegas is betting it can become the Silicon Valley of water http://politi.co/1SBrRzj via @BCWaterNews
Oh, no, Canada! @CanadianWater: @munkschool of Global Affairs' Program on Water Issues (@powi_munk) Disbanded http://bit.ly/1rFickY
"We have no town or city in South Asia with 24/7 (water) service or WHO-standard water quality." - Arjun Thapan p.39, @WaterSourceMag Q1 2016