More great news from Elaine! First one of the month.
I want to thank her for all the work she does to assemble these each week, without fail.
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Here is a link to the weekly water news and jobs for 23 - 29 April 2016.
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Here are the lists in Word/PDF:
As a PDF: Download Bulletin_board_listings_2May2016
As a Word document: Download Bulletin_board_listings_2May2016
Geosciences Bulletin Board - 2 May. Compiled by Elaine J. Hanford. Compilation of selected current news articles pertinent to the discipline.
Nickels are really mostly copper!! They evolved because precious metals were being hoarded
So why did the dinosaurs migrate out of Europe in the Early Cretaceous?
Meteotsunamis occur on the Great Lakes…radar look shows storm that created 9-foot wave
Killer landslides remain as a legacy to the Nepal EQ…strong rains may trigger more
Fault beneath no. 1 reactor at Shika nuclear plant is deemed active, may force shutdown
Unique features are a result of the respective hydrothermal environment in which they are found
Sex in the sea is important for survival of humans!
Citizens and priests recorded ice conditions in Japan and Finland for almost 700 years
Lab-focused quantitative and theoretical geologists meet up with geologists trained in the field
Fossils, dioramas, and the Peabody Museum of Natural History…helped inspire Jurassic Park
ESA & NASA capture satellite images of the Earth: dust, eclipse shadow, drill rigs, natural features
Rain water may play important role in process that triggers earthquakes
Phreatic eruptions are violent and dangerous, but getting closer to being able to predict such activity based on changes in gas composition
False alarm tsunami warning of 55 meter change offshore of New Jersey was result of maintenance of the buoy system
Mid-ocean ridge volcanoes respond to variations in sea level and do those volcanoes influence the climate changes that control sea level
Preparations for a tsunami on the west coast of the US
Retrofitting in Utah & Nevada to prepare for next big EQ
More tunnels, longer and bigger diameter…but not without difficulties
New map of risk of melting of glaciers on Greenland
First all-digital geologic map of Alaska is released
GEER team to investigate and report on Ecuador EQ impacts
Foraminifera show atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration was major driver behind the global climatic shifts between 53 and 34 million years ago
Intense thunderstorms with tornadoes and large hail forecast for the Great Plains
Contamination of soil and water in North Dakota linked to fracking spills
DNA suggests North American mammoths may have been a single species
HOV being used by international team & students to explore depths of the ocean along Mid Atlantic Ridge
Will this new global collaboration platform really be able to sort out fact from media fiction on climate change?
What do you know about these 12 “worst ever” natural disasters?
Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board - 2 May. Compiled by Elaine J. Hanford. Compilation of selected current news articles pertinent to the discipline.
Exploring the microbiome….medical lab science prepares for the future and saves lives
Himalayan wolf is distinct species and is critically endangered
EPA proposing new NPDES permit regulations for construction sites
- Link to proposed regs:
Mumps outbreak at Harvard U: first since 1937, poses risks for adults, may spread as students go home at end of term, vaccine only 88% effective
PPR viral disease is fatal to unprotected livestock, outbreaks spreading across the Old World
“Ice wall” will not be 100% effective at stopping contaminated water at Fukushima
Audubon like to play pranks on his fellow naturalists, creating fictitious creatures
New solar powered city for 50,000 people to be constructed on portion of 91,000 acres of rural land in SW Florida is being called “sustainable” and will include land for wildlife preserve
National Bison Legacy Act passes Congress, awaiting Presidential signature to become law and honor the bison as our national animal – but won’t change federal policy or actions
- HR2908:
Outbreak of wheat fungus appears in Bangladesh for the first time & could devastate crops
One Health Act of 2016 introduced into legislative process to promote national plan to fight zoonotic diseases
- Link to Senate Bill S.2634:
Battle continues between environmentalists and big business in Appalachia
The story of Agent Orange in Okinawa is still unfolding…
One Health has resulted in interdisciplinary research to ling animal health, human health & the environment but more effort is needed
“New Safe Confinement” almost completed to encase Chernobyl nuclear reactor meltdown
- Ukraine marks 30 years since disaster:
Concrete used to rebuild bridges on Front Range damaged by 2013 floods may be killing thousands of fish
WHO concerned that mosquitoes know no borders and Zika virus will continue spread globally
- First FDA approved test:
Assessing “acceptable levels” of heavy metal contamination in the Animas River following EPA-triggered Aug 2015 Gold King Mine blowout
Can the Sage Grouse be protected and not hamper our military readiness?
Understanding ‘herd immunity’ during WHO sponsored World Immunization Week
Yellow fever outbreak continues….vaccine producers struggling to meet the demand
Risk of Hanta virus remains….Colorado resident succumbs to the illness
New CZTS solar cells are one-third as efficient as current technology, but use less toxic materials
NASA has developed method to help protect historic structures from modern EQ damage
Fracking is not just bad for human health, it also impacts livestock
3-day National NRM Knowledge Conference will address finding a balance among people, planet & profits
These women are carrying on the work of Dian Fossey in Africa studying the mountain gorilla
Call for end to water restrictions proves Californians do not understand drought impact on both surface water and groundwater....i.e., the drought is NOT over
Exotic Nilgai, imported & let loose for trophy hunting in Texas, now blamed for spreading cattle tick fever
What if the Lake Okeechobee dike fails? Where will all those trillions of gallons of water go?
How to cope in a more urbanized world?
Bacterial coldwater disease threatening captive raised & wild salmon & trout in the Great Lakes Basin
It’s firefly mating season in Great Smoky Mountains National Park…a sight worth seeing! (video)
A snapshot of what just one segment of our Border Security Patrol does
San Francisco unanimously passes “Better Roofs” ordinance to require solar panels on all new commercial or residential buildings with 10 or fewer stories
These maps help depict resources, population, information flow, and political conditions around the world
"Science serves practice. Simple insights can lead to profound,useful results. Great science: search for right data." - Ty Ferre