Hot off the press: Binational Study of the Transboundary San Pedro Aquifer.
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The San Pedro River basin's importance belies its size: it supports an important riparian ecosystem, provides water for development; and the river is the last major undammed river in the Southwestern USA.
Here is the blurb sent around by the University of Arizona's Water Resources Research Center (AZWRRC):
In a new collaborative report, information about the binational San Pedro River Aquifer is now available from both the United States and Mexico. The International Boundary and Water Commission, the Mexican National Water Commission, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Universities of Arizona and Sonora released this report on December 20, 2016. This marks the first time that federal government and university scientists from both countries have collaborated to collect data and prepare binational and bilingual databases and maps of the aquifer. Findings in this report improve the understanding of groundwater flow and will create a foundation for future studies, advancing our knowledge of the hydrology of the binational aquifer.
The specific objectives of the study that produced the report are as follows:
Understand the current state of knowledge with respect to climate, geology, soils, land cover, land use, and hydrology of the aquifer in its binational context;
Compile and create a database of scientific information from both countries;
Identify data gaps and identify what data would be necessary to update, in a subsequent phase, the hydrologic model of the aquifer system, including surface- and groundwater interactions on a binational level
"One hand washes the other, and both wash the face." -- translation of Spanish proverb on cooperation
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