Elaine sent this photo of the snow-covered mountains in the Reno area. Beautiful!
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1) Geosciences Bulletin Board – 23 January 2017 - compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Man-made global warming hype is still with us
- http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/18/510405739/2016-was-the-hottest-year-yet-scientists-declare
- NASA State of the Climate Summary: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/summary-info/global/201612
- Fight, don’t adapt: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/prince-charles-climate-change-book_us_587de6c3e4b03549ebc057f1
- New Al Gore movie: http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/22/14345334/melting-ice-inconvenient-sequel-vr-al-gore-review-sundance-2017
- Gore movie review: http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/265545/gore-james-bond-gore-movie-review-unintentionally-daniel-greenfield
Deadly snow avalanche in Italy may have been seismically triggered
Understanding why temperatures plummet inside a tornado
Megastapis hammondi trilobite fossils have preserved soft parts including digestive structures & double-branched legs
Central Italy hit by swarm of earthquakes
- http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/01/18/wham-italy-pummeled-10-earthquakes-four-hours/
Charles Darwin revealed his geological background on the voyage of the Beagle (1831-1836)
- http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2017/01/17/darwins-first-steps-as-a-geologist/#5f49549e3445
Research attributes heat of the core as one of the driving mechanisms of plate tectonics and notes mid-ocean ridges are not passive boundaries
“Sneaker” waves can be deadly along the Oregon Coast – father and son washed away
Residents in North Wales heard the “loud bang” and felt a bit of shaking from an EQ near Beddgelert (I personally attest to how beautiful this area is!)
Crack in Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica has been around since 1960s – not due to “global warming”
Firms Must Pay $2.7M for Ocean Dumping· http://www.coastalreview.org/2017/01/firms-must-pay-2-7m-ocean-dumping/
New Queensferry Crossing Bridge has wind shields to allow passage in high wind conditions in Scotland
200 ton rock & debris slide closes Zion Scenic Drive in Zion National Park
Interview: Michael Stephenson, British Geological Survey head of science & technology
China will launch satellite to collect electromagnetic data for monitoring & forecasting EQs
Best way to see geology & the ocean in Sicily – take a coastal hike
Photo-essay: Shear zones in the gabbros of Scotland
Thawing permafrost changes freshwater chemistry of rivers
Lacustrine and oceanic evidence of climate change in Early Jurassic
- http://www.ox.ac.uk/news/science-blog/lakes-well-oceans-understanding-new-evidence-impact-climate-change-early-jurassic#
- http://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/research/title_564442_en.html
Search for MH370 resulted in detailed sonar mapping of the seafloor that will soon be released
In Japan, lawsuit filed against the government for failing to warn of phreatic explosion on Ontake
In aftermath of Oso mudslide, State of Washington putting Lidar topographic maps online
- http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/W/WA_OSO_LANDSLIDE_MAPS_WAOL-
- Interactive Lidar portal: http://lidarportal.dnr.wa.gov/
Retreat of Coronation Glacier on Baffin Island creates a new island
Sudden, unexplained oxygen drop in CJ-3 cave in northern Spain
Searching for the real Jurassic Park in the Morrison Formation in Wyoming
Environmental Sciences Bulletin Board – 23 January 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Perspective: What humans can and should learn from other species
Call for a proactive strategy in war against antibiotic resistant superbugs
8 cases of Seoul variant of Hanta virus diagnosed in Illinois and Wisconsin rat-breeding facility workers
Grass took 8 years to recover from being trampled during inauguration, NPS asked folks to “keep off the grass” on the National Mall this time
Triops australiensis, a shield shrimp, emerge from years of dormancy by hatching after a bout of rain
Extinct for more than 80 years, the thylacine still fascinates scientists
Controversial technique used a second time to create a “three-parent” human baby – ethical questions have not deterred them
Judge orders data illegally obtained by USFS & Idaho F&G on elk and wolves to be destroyed
America has an obesity problem resulting in more than $200B in health care costs each year – rates vary by age group and by state
Second group of Oryx dammah, scimitar oryx, released into their grassland home range in the Ouadi-Rimé Ouadi-Achim Faunal Reserve in the African nation of Chad
- http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/herd-oryx-once-extinct-wild-grows-180961844/
- 1st release: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/rewilding-african-scimitar-horned-oryx-180958796/
Leopard shark has three pups hatch after asexual reproduction
Assessing the environmental & economic consequences of EU ban on neonicotinoid insecticides
China suspends local meteorological bureaus from issuing smog alerts
Wind turbine collisions & white-nose syndrome jeopardize endangered bats in Midwest
SMAP satellite tracks “memory” of soil moisture across the globe
Study says bees are most dangerous animal in Australia – not snakes, spiders or jellyfish
Call for Amur tigers to be re-introduced to Central Asia
Water is described as “fundamental right” but will it finally be valued at what it is worth?
Senior meteorologist cites 3 steps for mitigating risk before a natural disaster
Protein discovered in Clostridium botulinum that behaves like a prion when inserted into E. coli bacteria
Fitbits for cows? Really… did Fitbits make the human population healthier?
Bats are beginning to show signs of resistance to white-nose syndrome
New York Governor proposes $2B for improving surface water quality and infrastructure
EPA proposes process for identifying & evaluating high-risk chemicals
80+ dolphins, so far, have died and others remain stranded in the Everglades
Study suggests policies focused on keeping carbon in trees may endanger most biodiverse forests
Estimated 50,000 buildings in Istanbul, Turkey, at risk of collapse from seismic shaking
Studying impacts of melting tropical glaciers on food security & biodiversity
Escaped pet exotic birds may help recovery of populations in the wild
California still working on retro-fitting bridges and overpasses for seismic safety
Nordic summer hunt is being criticized as Puffins and other seabird species decline
Colo, first gorilla ever born in captivity, has now died at age 60 in the Columbus Zoo
New NAS risk assessment could accelerate public health protection from toxic pesticides
- http://civileats.com/2017/01/18/will-better-science-help-protect-us-from-chemical-exposures/
- NAS:http://www8.nationalacademies.org/onpinews/newsitem.aspx?RecordID=24635&_ga=1.97024735.1755467325.1431573717
Scientific report on marijuana confirms medical benefits, but risks & unanswered questions remain
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 23 January 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
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