I am spending a few days with some great WaterWonks who just happen to be great people: AWRA staff and Board of Directors. Shown here is a blurry (because they're laughing so hard at my ineptitude) photo of our Executive Committee: Rafael (Rafa) E. Frias, III; Brenda O. Bateman; Noel Gollehon; and Martha Corrozi Narvaez - President, President-Elect; Secretary-Treasurer; and Past-President, respectively
We meet each January outside Dulles Airport in northern Virginia to welcome new BoD members and take care of
business. We will even have a special field trip today organized by incoming president Rafael (Rafa) E. Frias, III. He's not spilling the beans - just told us to wear a coat.
Here is the gang after a team-building exercise, conducted without any alcohol or drugs. And yes, we had a productive BoD meeting!
User's Guide - if you are new to this summary: each of the items here is a Tweet from my WaterWired Twitter account for the week ending today, arranged by category. It is not a comprehensive summary of the week's water news; it is my summary.
To access a story, click on the link beginning with 'http://', 'is.gd', or 'bit.ly' (usually). Clicking on a link beginning with '@' will take you to that person's Twitter account; clicking on a link beginning with '#' (hashtag) will take you to a Twitter list containing Tweets about a particular topic. Some items may not have a hot link to a story, which is fine - it may have been just an informational item or a personal message to someone. Or, I may have screwed up and forgotten the link!
Scroll down to 'Positions Open' and 'Previous Weeks' Positions Open' to see the jobs. All my individual job Tweets are archived at #JobWaWi. Previous weekly summaries are archived at: #WaWiNews or click here.
Top 25
Great blog post from Courtney van Stolk: 'Discovering Geographical Information Systems: Quantum GIS' http://bit.ly/2k9s1aC
CRS Legal Sidebar: Climate Change Litigation Update-“Children’s Crusade” Case Against the United States Goes Forward http://bit.ly/2kf7GB0
Now available! @Water_MDPI, Volume 9, Issue 1 (January 2017) - Open Access http://bit.ly/2j9LhFd
Abstracts due 6 February 2017! @AWRAHQ Summer Specialty Conference: 'Climate Change Solutions', DC area, 25-28 June http://bit.ly/2fzkNuQ
Report - @CdnWaterNetwork & @TheWEPGN: Collaborative Decision-Making for Drought Mgmt: Improving Multi-Actor Approaches http://bit.ly/2jjEV1k
In @ijournal: New Climate Index Shows Extreme Weather Is Now 3 Times More Frequent http://bit.ly/2iPGzYN (tnx @WaterPortal)
Via @CBCNews China closes over 100 golf courses for land, water conservation http://bit.ly/2kxIPV8 (tnx @WaterPortal)
@EPA: Grant freeze to be shorter than expected http://bit.ly/2kxwZP6 via @BCWaterNews
Updated CRS Report: 'Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): Background and Selected Issues' http://bit.ly/2jtvXBW
@jfleck Webinar Video: 'Water is for Fighting Over and Other Myths About Water in the West'' http://bit.ly/2k7aTTf
Via @BCWaterNews : Top Water Stories, 16 - 20 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2j3IfNC
From @NOAAClimate: It's #WisdomWednesday, so let's brush up on some facts! Check out our Global Warming FAQ. http://go.usa.gov/x9GtR
Duh..From @ClimateNexus: @EPA scientists' work may face 'case by case' review by Trump team, official says http://buff.ly/2jZzQ27 via @NPR
Via @NOAAResearch Science on a Sphere: What Impacts of Climate Change Mean to You. http://bit.ly/2j4Gyoc
Robert Lackey Presentation & Article: 'Water Resource Management: How to Recognize Policy-Biased Science' http://bit.ly/2jvc4aV
'Hydrating the Climate Convention' PPTs from @johoma of @Alliance4Water & Gregg Walker @OregonState posted @ Jan 23: http://bit.ly/2j7HPYm
Via @WaterDisputes Florida regulator joins firm handling 'water wars' suit - http://goo.gl/alerts/R32uH #FLwater
@SLCStates Register now-24 Jan webinar on interstate groundwater disputes w/ @WaterWired & Noah Hall of @waynestate http://mvnt.us/m320358
G. Tracy Mehan Book Review- @shapiro_stuart's 'Analysis & Public Policy: Successes,Failures & Directions for Reform' http://bit.ly/2kdkibM
Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geosciences; 2) Enviro-Sciences; 3) Coastal Zone Mgmt - 23 Jan 2017 http://bit.ly/2kkvtPX
From @AGU_Eos: Data Illuminate a Mountain of Molehills Facing Women Scientists http://bit.ly/2kAnDy3
From @AGU_Eos: The Buzz Newsletter - 27 January 2017: The Latest Earth and Science News http://bit.ly/2k91fyu
@GovofCO addresses Colorado Water Congress http://bit.ly/2kxMO45 via @BCWaterNews
In @newscientist: Earth’s water must have arrived here earlier than we thought http://bit.ly/2ktyzOq
@washingtonpost: The first images from @NOAA's new weather satellite just arrived and they're absolutely incredible http://wpo.st/am7W2
Books, Films, and Reviews
G. Tracy Mehan Book Review- @shapiro_stuart's 'Analysis & Public Policy: Successes,Failures & Directions for Reform' http://bit.ly/2kdkibM
Free PDF! From: @theNASEM 'The Role of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships in the Future of @USAID' http://bit.ly/2kvBJ4m
Bottled Water, Beer, Drinking Water/TapWater, and Flint Water CrisisOn @1a Lead, Landfills, and Low-Income Neighborhoods http://bit.ly/2iCSoka
Bullshit and Crap Detection
Trump administration imposes freeze on @EPA grants and contracts http://bit.ly/2jaCjCy via @BCWaterNews
@CA_DWR #cawater Plan eNews 25 Jan 2017:Compan Rpts~SWRCB Wksp~Meadowlands Strat~Headwater Resil~Hydro Course~More! http://bit.ly/2jyxRPf
From @IISD_ELA Headwaters Newsletter - January 2017 http://bit.ly/2kq3Phu
Report - @CdnWaterNetwork & @TheWEPGN: Collaborative Decision-Making for Drought Mgmt: Improving Multi-Actor Approaches http://bit.ly/2jjEV1k
In @globeandmail: Federal Court of Appeal dismisses First Nations’ challenge of BC’s Site C dam https://tgam.ca/2jjAOCf (tnx @WaterPortal)
@CdnWaterNetwork SYP Workshop: A Systems Approach to Reconciling Water Quality & Ag Productivity, 5-8 Mar, Waterloo http://bit.ly/1mQLqed
Climate, Climate Change, and Meteorology
In @ijournal: New Climate Index Shows Extreme Weather Is Now 3 Times More Frequent http://bit.ly/2iPGzYN (tnx @WaterPortal)
From @NOAAClimate: It's #WisdomWednesday, so let's brush up on some facts! Check out our Global Warming FAQ. http://go.usa.gov/x9GtR
Via @NOAAResearch Science on a Sphere: What Impacts of Climate Change Mean to You. http://bit.ly/2j4Gyoc
'Hydrating the Climate Convention PPTs from @johoma of @Alliance4Water & Gregg Walker @OregonState posted @ Jan 23: http://bit.ly/2j7HPYm
CRS Legal Sidebar: Climate Change Litigation Update-“Children’s Crusade” Case Against the United States Goes Forward http://bit.ly/2kf7GB0
Abstracts due 6 February 2017! @AWRAHQ Summer Specialty Conference: 'Climate Change Solutions', DC area, 25-28 June http://bit.ly/2fzkNuQ
@washingtonpost: The first images from @NOAA's new weather satellite just arrived and they're absolutely incredible http://wpo.st/am7W2
Conferences, Webinars, Workshops, Talks, and Calls for Abstracts/Papers
@WaterRF Webcast 'One Water Implementation: Path to Reliability & Resiliency for Water Utilities' 30 Jan,2:30 PM ET http://bit.ly/2kx5IYY
@ICE_engineers Dugald Clerk Lecture: 'Resilience of Britain's water supplies in an uncertain future, London, 6 Feb http://bit.ly/2kgFUky
Via @WaterDisputes Florida regulator joins firm handling 'water wars' suit - http://goo.gl/alerts/R32uH #FLwater
@CdnWaterNetwork SYP Workshop: A Systems Approach to Reconciling Water Quality & Ag Productivity, 5-8 Mar, Waterloo http://bit.ly/1mQLqed
Abstracts due 6 February 2017! @AWRAHQ Summer Specialty Conference: 'Climate Change Solutions', DC area, 25-28 June http://bit.ly/2fzkNuQ
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
@jfleck Webinar Video: 'Water is for Fighting Over and Other Myths About Water in the West'' http://bit.ly/2k7aTTf
@SLCStates Register now-24 Jan webinar on interstate groundwater disputes w/ @WaterWired & Noah Hall of @waynestate http://mvnt.us/m320358
CRS Legal Sidebar: Climate Change Litigation Update-“Children’s Crusade” Case Against the United States Goes Forward http://bit.ly/2kf7GB0
Droughts, Floods, Fires, and Disasters
Report - @CdnWaterNetwork & @TheWEPGN: Collaborative Decision-Making for Drought Mgmt: Improving Multi-Actor Approaches http://bit.ly/2jjEV1k
In @reviewjournal: Forecast indicates ‘coin flip’ for Lake Mead shortage declaration http://bit.ly/2kxvkcj via @BCWaterNews
Education and Opportunities
Updated CRS Report: 'Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): Background and Selected Issues' http://bit.ly/2jtvXBW
'Hydrating the Climate Convention PPTs from @johoma of @Alliance4Water & Gregg Walker @OregonState posted @ Jan 23: http://bit.ly/2j7HPYm
E-Newsletters and E-Newspapers
From @IISD_ELA Headwaters Newsletter - January 2017 http://bit.ly/2kq3Phu
@CA_DWR #cawater Plan eNews 25 Jan 2017:Compan Rpts~SWRCB Wksp~Meadowlands Strat~Headwater Resil~Hydro Course~More! http://bit.ly/2jyxRPf
From @ASA_CSSA_SSSA: Science Policy Report - 25 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2jzqjf3
From @Sammy_Roth: 'The Current' - 25 Jan 2017. Your Weekly Giide to All Things Energy & Water! http://bit.ly/2ktiBDe
Via @BCWaterNews : Top Water Stories, 16 - 20 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2j3IfNC
Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geosciences; 2) Enviro-Sciences; 3) Coastal Zone Mgmt - 23 Jan 2017 http://bit.ly/2kkvtPX
From @AGU_Eos: The Buzz Newsletter - 27 January 2017: The Latest Earth and Science News http://bit.ly/2k91fyu
Via @WaterIntel Weekly Water News: FCC’s failed Flix clean-up reignites Acuamed scandal. Read more here: http://buff.ly/2kzSmei
It's the @UNIGRAC Newsletter - January 2017 http://bit.ly/2kAAkZA
Ethics, Gender, Indigenous People, Rights
From @AGU_Eos: Data Illuminate a Mountain of Molehills Facing Women Scientists http://bit.ly/2kAnDy3
Florida #FLwater
Lawmakers want money for North Florida waterways http://bit.ly/2jfhNRu via @BCWaterNews #FLwater
Via @WaterDisputes Florida regulator joins firm handling 'water wars' suit - http://goo.gl/alerts/R32uH #FLwater
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
@SLCStates Register now-24 Jan webinar on interstate groundwater disputes w/ @WaterWired & Noah Hall of @waynestate http://mvnt.us/m320358
In @memphisnews Memphis lawmakers plan bill to protect aquifer http://memne.ws/2kh8TUB
It's the @UNIGRAC Newsletter - January 2017 http://bit.ly/2kAAkZA
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
From @Sammy_Roth: 'The Current' - 25 Jan 2017. Your Weekly Giide to All Things Energy & Water! http://bit.ly/2ktiBDe
From @OPB: Why A Small Texas Town Wants Oregon’s Nuclear Waste http://bit.ly/2jRNO64
Personal, People, Interviews, and Quotes
"It's like a cathedral in a swamp." - former @UNM President, referring to UNM
"A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections - a mere heart of stone." - Charles Darwin
"Avoid any specific discussion of public policy at public meetings." - Quintus Tullius Cicero
"Science is not value-free, but it should be objective and policy should be based on the best science available." - Robert T. Lackey
"A thermometer isn't democrat or republican. It won't give you a different number depending on how you vote." - @KHayhoe #climatefacts
"In a democracy, the values (policy preferences) of scientists are no more important than the values of others." - Robert T. Lackey
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick Douglass
At @flySFO en route to @Dulles_Airport via @united. Nice day here.
Felt far less 'beat up' on my @united @flyEUG > @flySFO > @DullesAirport trip than my @alaskaair @Fly_YYJ > @SeaTacAirport > @flyEUG trip!
Policy, Planning, Law, Governance, Economics, IWRM, and Management
From @ASA_CSSA_SSSA: Science Policy Report - 25 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2jzqjf3
Robert Lackey Presentation & Article: 'Water Resource Management: How to Recognize Policy-Biased Science' http://bit.ly/2jvc4aV
In @memphisnews Memphis lawmakers plan bill to protect aquifer http://memne.ws/2kh8TUB
Positions Open #JobWaWi
Josh Newton's Water Jobs & More - 24 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2jsKxHm
Check out jobs @ @OregonState's Water Resources Graduate Program http://oregonstate.edu/gradwater/jobs #JobWaWi
Check out @WaterDistJobs! http://waterdistrictjobs.com #JobWaWi
For the latest @TVAjobs Employment opportunities visit http://tva.me/4mRN6k #JobWaWi
Amazing resource! Follow @joshswaterjobs and visit his website: http://www.joshswaterjobs.com #JobWaWi
Check out @FLWaterDaily #FLwater jobs! http://tinyurl.com/jpffgoh #JobWaWi
Positions: @CA_DWR - Various locations and types: enviro science, geology, engineering, restoration, etc.http://bit.ly/1XaG4sw #JobWaWi
Positions: @SeaGrant - Various positions across the USA. Updated regularly. http://1.usa.gov/1SYL5RQ #JobWaWi
@BCWaterNews Jobs Click 'View Jobs' at http://bcwaterjobs.com
@EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated every few days http://1.usa.gov/1evxlPd
Current Positions: @NYCDEP (New York City & environs) - Various. http://tinyurl.com/zoq6jqc
Positions (many): @nature_org - Various locations and duties. http://jobs.nature.org/jobs/ #JobWaWi
Previous Weeks' Positions Open #JobWaWi
Internships! Josh Newton's Water Jobs & More - 17 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2jk0BvB #JobWaWi
Time for @joshnewtonH2O's Water Jobs & More - 10 January 2017 (Updated: 12 January 2017) http://bit.ly/2iY5wlU
Josh Newton's Water Jobs & More - 3 January 2017 (Updated: 6 January 2017) http://bit.ly/2iMuYdA #JobWaWi
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Go To #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 21 - 27 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2jx5WkU
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 14 - 20 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2kcgCHw
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 14 - 20 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2kcgCHw
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 7 - 13 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2im3VZZ
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 31 December 2016 - 6 January 2017 http://bit.ly/2hYfPt0
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 24 - 30 December 2016 http://bit.ly/2hAbB8S #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 17 - 23 December 2016 http://bit.ly/2i1eWMP
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 10 -16 December 2016 http://bit.ly/2hDVGVP #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 3 - 9 December 2016 http://bit.ly/2gJYf7n
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 26 November - 2 December 2016 http://bit.ly/2h43cvp
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 19 - 25 November 2016 http://bit.ly/2gI3tnC #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 12 -18 November 2016 http://bit.ly/2g15ya6
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 5 - 11 November 2016 http://bit.ly/2eQXWZI
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary, 29 October - 4 November 2016 http://bit.ly/2ewdPoB
Reports, Publications, and Journals
Now available! @Water_MDPI, Volume 9, Issue 1 (January 2017) - Open Access http://bit.ly/2j9LhFd
Report - @CdnWaterNetwork & @TheWEPGN: Collaborative Decision-Making for Drought Mgmt: Improving Multi-Actor Approaches http://bit.ly/2jjEV1k
Updated CRS Report: 'Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): Background and Selected Issues' http://bit.ly/2jtvXBW
Science, Medicine, Health, and Technology
Great blog post from Courtney van Stolk: 'Discovering Geographical Information Systems: Quantum GIS' http://bit.ly/2k9s1aC
Trump administration imposes freeze on @EPA grants and contracts http://bit.ly/2jaCjCy via @BCWaterNews
Duh..From @ClimateNexus: @EPA scientists' work may face 'case by case' review by Trump team, official says http://buff.ly/2jZzQ27 via @NPR
Robert Lackey Presentation & Article: 'Water Resource Management: How to Recognize Policy-Biased Science' http://bit.ly/2jvc4aV
Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geosciences; 2) Enviro-Sciences; 3) Coastal Zone Mgmt - 23 Jan 2017 http://bit.ly/2kkvtPX
"A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections - a mere heart of stone." - Charles Darwin
"Science is not value-free, but it should be objective and policy should be based on the best science available." - Robert T. Lackey
"In a democracy, the values (policy preferences) of scientists are no more important than the values of others." - Robert T. Lackey
From @AGU_Eos: The Buzz Newsletter - 27 January 2017: The Latest Earth and Science News http://bit.ly/2k91fyu
In @newscientist: Earth’s water must have arrived here earlier than we thought http://bit.ly/2ktyzOq
Streams, Wetlands, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
By Kate Horner of @intlrivers in @guardian: Dams be damned, let the world's rivers flow again http://bit.ly/2iUqKRN via @WaterPortal
In @globeandmail: Federal Court of Appeal dismisses First Nations’ challenge of BC’s Site C dam https://tgam.ca/2jjAOCf (tnx @WaterPortal)
Texas #txwater
Houston, Harris County unite on flood projects http://bit.ly/2jfn63s via @BCWaterNews #txwater
@TxWRI: Commentary in @TxWaterJournal by @twdb_bech: "The regional #txwater planning process: a TX success story" http://buff.ly/2jjsrK3
Visuals and Infographics
@jfleck Webinar Video: 'Water is for Fighting Over and Other Myths About Water in the West'' http://bit.ly/2k7aTTf
Via @NOAAResearch Science on a Sphere: What Impacts of Climate Change Mean to You. http://bit.ly/2j4Gyoc
@washingtonpost: The first images from @NOAA's new weather satellite just arrived and they're absolutely incredible http://wpo.st/am7W2
OMG! @AWRAHQ BoD and staff after team-building exercise. No alcohol or drugs involved! @LISABEUTLER @mbcnarvaez @RafaFriasIII @pardog29 pic.twitter.com/0qXWDPpszO
WaSH and Development
Free PDF! From: @theNASEM 'The Role of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships in the Future of @USAID' http://bit.ly/2kvBJ4m
Water/Land Quality and Contamination
Idaho DEQ moving forward with plans to take over water pollution permitting from the EPA http://bit.ly/2jaFIkQ via @BCWaterNews
Washington issues much-anticipated revised CAFO permit http://bit.ly/2jaHhQ1 via @BCWaterNews
Water Supply, Quantity, Reuse, Conservation, Infrastructure
Via @CBCNews China closes over 100 golf courses for land, water conservation http://bit.ly/2kxIPV8 (tnx @WaterPortal)
In @reviewjournal: Forecast indicates ‘coin flip’ for Lake Mead shortage declaration http://bit.ly/2kxvkcj via @BCWaterNews
@EPA: Grant freeze to be shorter than expected http://bit.ly/2kxwZP6 via @BCWaterNews
OMG! @AWRAHQ BoD and staff after team-building exercise. No alcohol or drugs involved! @LISABEUTLER @mbcnarvaez @RafaFriasIII @pardog29 pic.twitter.com/0qXWDPpszO
"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate." - Donald J. Trump