Here is a link to the weekly water news 22 - 28 July 2017.
Both Reno and Corvallis will be cooking this week - temperatures over 100 degrees F.
But it could be worse - we could be suffering through a plague of chupacabras ('goat sucker'). Here is a juvenile from the Olancho region of Honduras. Go figure...I have some Central American friends, including a few biologists, who swear these exist (many in Puerto Rico). Of course, the Scots have their Nessie and here in the Pacific Northwest we have the sasquatch. So go for it.
Note: all the links should be hot; if not, paste the URL into your browser. The PDF and Word lists below contain the URLs. I neither add nor delete what Elaine provides; all the list content is hers. The quote at the bottom is mine.
Here are her wonderful lists in Word/PDF:
As a Word document: Download Bulletin_board_listings_31July2017
As a PDF: Download Bulletin_board_listings_31July2017
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 31 July 2017 - compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Proper gear to protect eyesight from the coming eclipse & lots of eclipse viewers!!!
- Eclipse 2017:
- Get the picture:
In 1878 the brand new US Weather Service joined the race to observe a solar eclipse
Geoengineering to “cool the planet” is thankfully easier said than done
Collapse of Preikestolen cliff formation in Norway into Lysefjord could cause flooding
Largest bony fish in the world is a new species called the hoodwinker sunfish
Seismic evidence of ultralow-velocity zone (ULVZ) at base of mantle plume beneath Iceland
NOAA still sends pilots into hurricanes because “Hurricane Hunters” are essential
Photographs of Antarctica from the early 20th century: Castle iceberg, sea ice, penguins…
On your way to Taiwan? Try the thermal waters of one of these hot springs!
Update: reconstruction of Oroville Dam spillway, final 2017 construction plans & Bob Bea perspective
Costly ($100M-$150M) potential solution to minimize sinking of Millennium Tower
Katla trembled beneath Mýrdalsjökull glacierand released sulfur to the rivers
A scientific approach to siting multi-well pads in Eagle Ford shale
King tide coastal flooding peaked in Hawaii
How do whales learn their songs? Verse by verse, just like humans
Film Review: “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – OMG, Al cries! But the movie still lacks credible science!!!
Monsoon floods in Myanmar are deadly and cause riverbank erosion
Will “vertical ocean farms” be the technology of the future?
Animation of swarms of EQ sweeping across the State of Oklahoma
Close encounter of Hurricanes Irwin & Hilary in the Pacific may result in the demise of one
Gallium is never found as a free element in nature, but rather as trace amounts in various compounds such as zinc ores and bauxite
Only U-235 is naturally occurring and first discovered in the mineral pitchblende
Book Review: “Rocks: Hard, Soft, Smooth and Rough”
Stanford University geologist investigates fictional natural disaster from “Game of Thrones”
Public warned to keep away from restricted & unstable lava delta on Kilauea – potential collapse
In New Zealand, landslides are deadlier than earthquakes of tsunamis
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 31 July 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Depression-era photographers captured the struggle of rural America during the Dust Bowl
CDC releases report “Antibiotic Use in the US, 2017: Progress and Opportunities”
Deer ticks are out in force, carry disease including Lyme
Trace amounts of glyphosate pesticide found in Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream – can you find a food that does not have any?
Increase in precipitation means more polluted runoff and possible enhancement of eutrophication
Smoke plume & flames of Detwiler Fire in California as seen from GOES-16 satellite
Human impacts: more irreversible scars upon the land
Gov. Brown gives final approval to $16B “California WaterFix” diversion tunnels – let the lawsuits begin!
Humans are depleting a precious and sometimes scare water resource – cities to go thirsty
- Nairobi:
- Rome:
- New Delhi:
- West Bank:
- Colorado:
No vaccine for people – but be sure to vaccinate your horse against West Nile Virus
Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve is 46th national park in Canada
Studying concrete river wall system and its performance during 1977 Johnstown flood
Illegal immigrants dead from overheating inside truck in human trafficking case in Texas – 20 rescued & many others escaped
Make-up marketed to teens found contaminated with asbestos – sale stopped
ETP Rover natural gas pipeline work stopped by West Virginia DEP citing environmental violations
Federal government directs agencies to develop plan to eradicate Asian scale insect in Mississippi Delta
Floating wind farm off the coast of Scotland may represent the wave of the future
Comparison of $M (Louisiana) and $B (California) projects intended to protect coast and divert waters
Meeting to address concerns and BMAP for reducing nitrogen load in Caloosahatchee River basin
New legislation proposed to reauthorize Chesapeake Bay Gateways & Watertrails Network
Mass deaths and decaying carcasses are a good part of the natural scheme of life
Butterflies in the “butterfly kingdom” of Taiwan
Smog had been building in Los Angeles since 1903, but the “hellish cloud” came in 1943
- Photos:
Human sperm counts have declined over 4 decades in Western nations – the question is “why?”
- Paper:
Bones of new extinct species of songbird, Pyrrhula crassa, found in volcanic crater in the Azores
Potential for thousands of well to rupture and fuel to explode or burn with next big EQ in Los Angeles
Book Review: “Tipping Point for Planet Earth”
Perspective: Delusions of grandeur in building a low-carbon future
Tourist slips, falls in & then plunges to death in Glacier National Park while taking photographs
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 31 July 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
New study developing generalized ecological responses to coastal armoring structures
Variety of land management projects designed to protect coastal ecosystems in Florida
$2M to be used to study how coastal restoration work impacts wetland food chain
UK government will fund research into small-scale coastal tuna fishing communities in Indonesia
Lionfish spearfishing tourney in early August to raise public awareness of the invasive species
What will humans do next in the Chesapeake Bay? Go dolphin-spotting
What impact will sediment accumulation behind the Conowingo Dam have on Chesapeake Bay clean-up?
Florida to reduce coastal pollution by eliminating old septic tanks along Indian River lagoon
Increasing concern in India for increasing coastal pollution and impact on coastal environments
Sediment tests reveal spike in bacterial counts at Murray & Parlee beaches in New Brunswick, Canada
New coastal laboratory to house model of 14,000 square miles of southeastern Louisiana (video)
“Green” approaches to protecting coastal cities may be better than seawalls
"Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception." - George Orwell
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