Elaine has a boatload of stories today! She has outdone herself! Must be Eclipse Day!
Here is a link to the weekly water news 12 - 18 August 2017.
Corvallis is within the path of totality. Here's what we saw (by David Patton from the Albany Democrat-Herald published online by the Corvallis Gazette-Times):
The map below is from this site.
Note: all the links should be hot; if not, paste the URL into your browser. The PDF and Word lists below contain the URLs. I neither add nor delete what Elaine provides; all the list content is hers. The quote at the bottom is mine.
Here are her wonderful lists in Word/PDF:
As a PDF: Download Bulletin_board_listings_21August2017
As a Word document: Download Bulletin_board_listings_21August2017
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Geoscience Bulletin Board – 21 August 2017 - compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Testing to begin on Moser Tower & Millennium Carillon in Naperville, Illinois, to determine extent of problems & possible solutions
Infographic on solar eclipse – how they occur & locations of future events
When assessing potential for fracking for gas in the United Kingdom, it’s all about geologic history
Istanbul, Turkey, is ill-prepared for the imminent threat of a devastating EQ
Yellowstone Caldera poses one of the major natural threats to human civilization – NASA thinks it could stop an eruption – right!!!
Planetary Geology: Exploring the Moon with augmented reality & 3D models
Noise from offshore O&G surveys can impact migration & communication of whales up to 3 km distance
- https://theconversation.com/noise-from-offshore-oil-and-gas-surveys-can-affect-whales-up-to-3km-away-82646
- http://www.technology.org/2017/08/18/whales-swim-away-from-noises-created-by-human-activities/
Assessing the 600-foot tsunami in Taan Fiord, Alaska, from 100M ton rock slide of 17 October 2015
A new model suggests slower rates of movement for some hot spots & others are relatively fixed
Perspective: Looking at Earth history in a fun-house mirror
Hiking Mount Vesuvius
China National Meteorological Center & Ministry of Land and Resources warn of geological disasters
Comparing the Regent, Sierra Leone, & Kotropi, India, landslides
Anatoliadelphys maasae – middle Eocene cat-sized metatherian discovered in Turkey
- http://www.sci-news.com/paleontology/anatoliadelphys-maasae-marsupial-relative-turkey-05143.html
- Paper: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0181712
Oceans deemed by humans to “possess vast, untapped potential for sustainable aquaculture”
What might cause the electrophonic effect associated with meteors?
California now undertaking “Fighting Drought with Stormwater” to capture runoff
Woolly Mammoths are extinct, but humans continue (illegally) hunting for their ivory tusks
Folklore associated with solar eclipses
Monitoring King Tides
- http://www.ptleader.com/news/taking-the-measure-of-future-king-tides/article_39f02232-820c-11e7-b5f6-3f8069180727.html
- http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/36150236/forecast-king-tides-ahead-tropical-cyclone-formation-possible
Gore’s “Inconvenient Sequel” might draw an audience in Slovakia but it “bombed” in the US as Americans are wising up to the hoax that is “man-made global warming”
Lemmysuchus obtusidens was a nasty, 20-foot long croc that lurked in shallow coastal waters
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/lemmy-motorhead-crocodile_us_598bec92e4b0449ed507d8a3
- http://www.sci-news.com/paleontology/prehistoric-crocodile-lemmysuchus-obtusidens-05123.html
NASA testing satellite lasers to measure sea ice and glacial melt
New evidence suggests Snowball Earth helped the evolution of complex life on Earth as environment changes occurred
Book reviews: “Quakeland: On the Road to America's Next Devastating Earthquake” & “The Great Quake: How the Biggest Earthquake in North America Changed Our Understanding of the Planet
· http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v548/n7667/full/548278a.html
Overfishing threatens species in the ocean – what can be done to save species and their habitat?
New method for locating lithium in lake deposits from ancient volcanic calderas
- http://www.mining.com/us-researchers-find-unexpected-new-source-of-much-needed-lithium/
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-00234-y
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi, 145 myo plant-eater fills gap between herbivorous dinosaurs and theropods
Toward a better understanding of the mechanisms impacting the rate of glacial flow
Newly discovered “Malpelo” micro-plate in eastern Pacific Ocean moving relative to the Nazca Plate
Book Review: “Rambling on the Rocks: Walking Northern Ireland’s Natural Landscape”
Does the “beards and Gore-Tex” paleontologist stereotype hinder the science?
Putting an end to the debate over the thickness of continents
Simulating EQs in the laboratory to understand how friction evolves during an fault rupture
Ice core from Antarctica dates to 2.7 million years ago at the start of the Ice Ages
Hurricane Gert – Cat 1 Hurricane churns up dangerous swells and rip currents along East Coast
New geochemical research may change theories on how the Earth was formed
25 years of sea level & ocean current data for NASA to manipulate
Travels in Geology: Salzkammergut is famous salt district in Austria
Cloud swirls know as von Kármán vortices captured in NASA Landsat-8 image
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 21 August 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
White House recognizes importance of veterinarians to national security
Earth has finite resources but human population grows – when & how will it end?
Perspective: A rural revival is needed to counter urbanization across the globe
US & Mexico close to new agreement on sharing waters of the Colorado River
Work continues at Vogtle nuclear power plant – project may yet be abandoned for lack of funds
- http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-First-steam-generator-in-place-at-Vogtle-1708177.html
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-17/southern-in-talks-on-expanded-u-s-guarantees-to-aid-vogtle
When do humans peak in life? Depends on what you are considering
Total solar eclipse cost at least $694M in missing productivity from US companies
- http://start.att.net/news/read/article/reuters-solar_eclipse_coming_with_nearly_700_million_tab_f-newscred2
- http://www.wpxi.com/news/trending-now/great-american-eclipse-economic-boon-or-bust-for-towns-in-path/567781714
- https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/11/towns-in-the-path-of-the-eclipse-hope-it-will-shine-on-bottom-line.html
GAO Report provides info on equines – domestic and free roaming in the US
After 130 years, a white-letter hairstreak butterfly has been seen flitting about near Paxton, Scotland
Animal Agriculture Alliance wants to eliminate ALL agriculture – encourage extremism
National Park Service changes policy on bottled water & expanding hydration options for visitors
A more realistic perspective on infrastructure development & the permitting process
As a messenger of “global warming” Gore is a flawed character, a “rich, banker-friendly liberal who rode shotgun in a White House …. (with) wealth (that) damages his credibility”
Perth, Australia, responds to fake magnitude 5.6 EQ to prepare for the real thing
More than 16M affected by recent flooding in India, Bangladesh & Nepal as current monsoon floods are exacerbated by human development & environmental degradation
Queensland, Australia, conservationists call for “instream” mining ban to protect Great Barrier Reef
India threatens Philip Morris with ‘punitive action’ over violations of anti-smoking laws and impacts on human health
Invasive Lionfish in the Caribbean may be Superfish hybrids
Human demands, dams and diversion along with drought may cause Tagus River to dry up
New Orleans must repair damages to drainage systems
Multi-drug resistant Candida auris causing outbreaks in hospitals in UK
Flooding in Nigeria is an increasingly serious & recurrent problem
Dubuque, Iowa, will use rafts of “nontoxic” plastics to trap excess nutrients as part of Dee Branch Creek restoration project – calling it a “green infrastructure” tool
FDA sent warning letter to homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturer
Estimating the cost of health benefits of wind & solar energy
Mass burials begin for 300 victims of flooding in Sierra Leone
Effective, collaborative governance seen as crucial to solving environmental problems
Drinking water in Pompeii had high concentrations of antimony – hazardous to human health
Fruitcake does last forever – well, at least untouched for a century!
California looking for $1.3B to help build new $3B Temperance Flat Dam above Millerton Lake
“Bambi” was written for adults – not children, since the message was human beings are violent, cruel, dangerous & corrupting while “wild nature” in its pure state is an innocent wonderland
300 dead so far, hundreds missing in Sierra Leone mudslide
- http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/sierra-leone-mudslide-270-bodies-recovered-n792741
- http://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/mudslides-floods-sweep-through-sierra-leone-capital-freetown-312-dead/story-7cqVbSCc1c10IcmRrDIRnI.html
- http://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/2017/08/15/regent-landslide-1/
Ongoing efforts to establish wildlife preserve at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Degenerative knee arthritis prevalence in the US has doubled, partly due to longer lifespans & obesity
Nepal is now valuing its vultures and that is a very good thing for the survival of the species
Three pups born to this wolf family in the Bavarian National Forest in southern Germany (video)
Humans have long history of altering tropical forests
A shortage in fox & martens who prey on mice may mean rise in tick-borne diseases
Neonicotinoid pesticides may not kill bees, but do prevent them from laying eggs which decimates populations
Grizzly bear trophy hunting will be banned in British Columbia effective 30 November 2017
- https://www.treehugger.com/endangered-species/grizzly-bear-trophy-hunting-will-be-banned-british-columbia-fall.html
- “Trophy” doc film: https://www.treehugger.com/endangered-species/short-doc-trophy-reveals-senselessness-british-columbias-grizzly-bear-hunt.html
- “Trophy” movie: http://www.trophyfilm.com/watchthefilm/
Rare white (not albino) moose spotted in Värmland, Sweden (video)
Book Review: “Ghosts of the Tsunami: Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone”
Exploring Joshua Tree National Park – a unique environment
Complex history of threats to the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in the Rio Grande Valley
Pleas for help following deadly floods in Sierra Leone
Monsoon flooding displaces 1.5M across India, Nepal & Bangladesh
Urban areas experiencing more flooding due to impervious surfaces in contrast to arid rural areas
Survey assesses extent of pollution impacts on bird species around the world
What does it take for the ecosystem to recover from severe or prolonged drought?
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 21 August 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
New study says increased potential flood risk on Mississippi coast due to projects in Louisiana
- http://www.wlox.com/story/36143388/study-la-coastal-plan-could-increase-ms-flood-risk
- Louisiana 2017 Coastal Master Plan: http://coastal.la.gov/2017-coastal-master-plan/
16 Sept 2017 will be Alabama Coastal Cleanup Day: “get the trash out of the splash”
Register now for the Alabama Coastal Birdfest coming up on 4-7 October 2017 for bird & wildlife watching opportunities during the fall migration
Bacterial enterococci levels along nine coastal areas of Ketchikan have decreased – other areas still exceed water quality criteria
90-day appeal/protest period has begun for coastal communities in proposed new NFIP rate maps for Carteret, Pamlico & Date counties in North Carolina
“CoastView” is app that provides access to high-quality coastline imagery in Alaska
Developer moving ahead with plans to build 44 homes in Isle Beach, North Carolina, despite prospect of erosion & flooding
Norfolk, Virginia, wants design for stormwater infrastructure enhancements to protect Ohio Creek communities against future flooding and continued sea level rise
Drama seems to be part of the function of the California Coastal Commission – some good, some bad
Clayoquot Cleanup attempting to remedy inundation of garbage from the “BC marine highway”
Recognizing & battling invasive species in coastal Louisiana (video)
Formosa Petrochemical Plant that makes plastics in Texas being sued by coastal residents
Southwest Harbor, Maine, enacts 180-day moratorium on cruise ships to protect local interests
Citizens (taxpayers) may be required to foot the bill for sea level change impacts in South Florida
Looking to Nature when considering resilience to sea level change
New Jersey opposed to threat of O&G drilling off the shoreline
Coastal Watershed Institute seeking funds for Elwha River mouth restoration project
Battle against marina development in Ahuriri Estuary has a long history & is a success story
One does not normally think of seals when thinking of the Thames estuary but they are prospering
Pelorus Sound estuaries are among the muddiest in New Zealand mostly caused by human activity
South Devon AONB Estuaries partnership marine biosecurity plan encourages locals to “take care” of estuaries to reduce damage to habitats and reduce invasive species
With changes in water temperatures, humpback whales are now feeding in Columbia River estuary
Second crude oil spill hits one nautical mile stretch of Kuwait coast in Abu Fatira area
”Know how to solve every problem that has ever been solved.” - Richard Feynman
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