Elaine reminded me that my former home and her current home state entered the the Union on Halloween 1864. Scary, huh? Seems appropriate.
Since 2000, Nevada Day has been celebrated on the last Friday of October. When I lived there I always looked forward to getting Halloween off. No more.
The weekly water news summary is here: 21 - 27 October 2017
Here are Elaine's wonderful lists in Word/PDF:
As a PDF: Download Bulletin_board _listings_30Oct2017
As a Word document: Download Bulletin_board _listings_30Oct2017
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Geoscience Bulletin Board – 30 October 2017 - compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Humans overdrawing water is the real cause of the lowering of saline lakes across the world
Assessing the coal resources of the US for more than 100 years
Amsterdam-based artist Lotte Geeven is crowdsourcing singing sand from around the world
Update: the Chicxulub crater exploration
- http://www.sci-news.com/geology/expedition-chicxulub-impact-crater-05360.html
- Paper: http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/science/G352A/article.htm
“Global Mountain Explorer” provides new tool to explore mountains worldwide using best available digital data
- https://www.usgs.gov/news/new-tool-allows-users-explore-mountains-worldwide
- GME: https://rmgsc.cr.usgs.gov/gme/
Homotherium, Saber-toothed cats may have co-existed with modern humans
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/saber-toothed-cats-may-have-co-existed-modern-humans-180965349/
- https://phys.org/news/2017-10-ancient-dna-view-saber-toothed-cats.html
- Paper: http://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(17)31198-3
There may only be 30 vaquita porpoises left on the planet – no thanks to the black market
Investigating the cycle of glacial ice decay in Scotland at the end of the Ice Age
- https://phys.org/news/2017-10-glaciers-scotland-ice-age.html
- http://www.scotsman.com/news/environment/scientists-date-end-of-ice-age-in-scotland-1-4596807
Friction plays key role in earthquake zone behavior in the Japanese archipelago
Spontaneous tectonic tremor detected in Anza Gap of the San Jacinto fault is signature of slow deep EQs and may elevate EQ risk
Book Review: “Ghosts of the Tsunami”
6,000 year old skull fragment in Papua, New Guinea, may be from oldest known tsunami victim
Giant lateral volcanic collapses may change magma chemistry and pathways of magma migration
Perspective: Urging Jamaica to re-examine readiness for earthquakes and hurricanes
Perspective: Tsunamis, fires and floods are the big three disasters for California
Geological record is rewriting our understanding of the two eruptions of Yellowstone super-volcano 630,000 years ago
“Red team, Blue team” debate over climate and CO2
CO2 emissions remained “flat” for third year in a row, but EU & Netherlands EAA say methane & nitrous oxide are increasing
After the wildfire, Oregon is bracing for mudslides
Why did humans migrate out of Africa? To escape a drying climate about 60,000 years ago
- http://www.sci-news.com/geology/humans-out-of-africa-escape-drying-climate-05331.html
- Paper: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/geology/article/45/11/1023/516677/A-climatic-context-for-the-outofAfrica-migration
Well-preserved Late Devonian (374 myo) Cladoxylopsida tree trunks in Xinjiang, China, reveal complex interconnected web of woody strands
Footprints of newly-discovered three-toed Early Jurassic megatheropod, Kayentapus ambrokholohali, found in Maseru District of Lesotho, Africa
17 climbers ignored ban on climbing a mountain die in avalanche in Mongolia
Examining role of groundwater and tundra fires in thawing permafrost
Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS) is new standard to reference information to the Earth
Embryo-like microfossils from Khesen Formation in northern Mongolia may improve understanding of how & when animals evolved
“Bandit-masked” feathered Early Cretaceous dinosaur, Sinosauropteryx, used multiple types of camouflage to avoid predators (video)
Norian Chinle Formation with its famous petrified forest reveals possible extinction event 217 to 213 myo for plants as well as several reptile groups
Book Review: “Eruption: The Untold Story of Mount St Helens”
2012 Indian Ocean EQ may have triggered submarine landslides in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Work of molecular paleontologists is case of science imitating art, i.e., “Jurassic Park”
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 30 October 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Why is there a new outbreak of bubonic plague – the “Black Death” spreading across the globe?
Every week should be “Bat Week” not just the last week in October
- http://goldrushcam.com/sierrasuntimes/index.php/entertainment/photo-of-the-day/11676-celebrate-bat-week-with-13-awesome-facts-about-bats
- https://www.usgs.gov/news/trick-or-treat-frightening-threats-bats-0
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-flesh-eating-fungus-helped-make-bats-cute-again-180966974/
Humans have long lost touch with Nature – new therapy called “forest bathing” may help
Nuclear Regulatory Commission concerned about alkali-silica reaction concrete degradation in walls of Seabrook nuclear plant near the coast of southern New Hampshire
National Park Service looking for public input on proposal to raise fees for 17 highly visited parks
Medieval strains of Leprosy may have arrived in England via Viking squirrel fur and meat
Changed toothpaste to get away from toxic Triclosan? Better change your toothbrush, too
Variants of avian flu virus in China prove deadly – the next pandemic?
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/china-ground-zero-future-pandemic-180965213/
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/stop-lethal-virus-180965217/
What is in this that flu vaccine for this year? a cocktail of H1N1, H3N2 and a B virus
The deadly 1918 flu may have started in the US before it spread across the world
Bacterial infections threaten communities rebuilding from Hurricanes Harvey & Maria
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/bacterial-infections-spread-storm-ravaged-puerto-rico-and-texas-180966938/
- https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/leptospirosis-outbreak-puerto-rico-hurrincane_us_59e905aae4b0f9d35bc969ac
Observing grizzly bears in a unique North American sanctuary
Video of new baby wombat at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago
Current administration opposes twin tunnel water diversion project in California
- http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/10/25/trump-administration-opposes-delta-water-tunnels-project/
- http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/apnewsbreak-trump-opposes-massive-california-water-project-50710858
$15,500 reward offered for information on illegal wolf poacher in Oregon
Experiment has followed evolution & genetic changes in 68,000 generations of bacteria
1867 Medicine Lodge Treaty – one more constraint on Native Americans, one more treaty that was broken
Habituation to humans has changed the wolf-human dynamic on Vancouver Island – more encounters
The soaring cost of plan for 50% renewable energy target in Australia
Grant will provide for repair of wells in Aransas National Wildlife Refuge to protect whooping cranes
Canada again considering northern road-rail corridors to gain access to resources – all for economic benefits but no mention of potential environmental degradation
UK scientists recruiting volunteers to look for lugworm “sperm pools”
Tackling the challenges of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) that are highly contagious with high morbidity & mortality and threaten domestic agriculture, food supply & national security
New study says pollution linked to 9M deaths worldwide in 2015 = one in every six deaths
75 percent of flying insects disappear over 3 decades from German nature preserves as result of habitat loss & pesticides
Analysis of one-child policy in China
Yet more reports that hype what ifs and estimated costs of “global warming”
- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/23/climate/gao-climate-change-cost.html
- https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/10/climate-change-nyc-floods/543708/
- http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/study-nyc-bad-flooding-years-50666028
- https://apnews.com/5f6981481e424d109afaaa0b0d07c184/GAO:-Climate-change-already-costing-US-billions-in-losses
- GAO Report: https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-17-720
New law giving New York DEC power to prevent siting of oil barge anchorages in the Hudson River
Maurice Hilleman dedicated his life to creating vaccines to eradicate childhood illnesses
Photographs of wildlife migrations across Yellowstone
As population in California grows, more people are moving into more fire-prone areas
The battle between Monsanto (maker of Dicamba herbicide) and weed scientists continues
Aviation fuel still contains lead that produces lead emissions across the country
Exposed lake bed in the Salton Sea is source of wind-blown dust that causes respiratory issues
Media attention to drought linked to household water savings in California
Perspective: Global warming alarmists use acid rain play book
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 30 October 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Businesses, coastal governments and beachfront property owners urge State of South Carolina to delay imposing new beach-building restriction line
Climate Central ranks US Cities most vulnerable to major coastal floods in terms of population and with high social vulnerability population
Berkeley professor offers theories on how to adapt to rising coastal sea levels and groundwater: dig ponds and build levees called “superdikes”
Regional Plan Association released report calling for creation of Regional Coast Commission for New York, New Jersey & Connecticut to develop comprehensive framework to tackle coastal resiliency
Overview of coastal restoration projects undertaken in Louisiana
UGA Skidaway Institute conducting two-year study of plastic pollution in coastal Georgia waters
Coastal Texas wind farms “dodged a bullet” during Hurricane Harvey, despite 100 mph wind gusts
Digging in the mud to identify toxic substances spread by Hurricane Harvey
Perspective: When coastal protections can cause harm to the coast
• http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2017/10/coastal_restoration_1.html
Possible resolution in advance of legal filings holding Deerfield Beach responsible for damage to Hillsboro Beach shoreline in Florida
Can seabirds, including endangered species, be saved from bait diving?
Asking for ban on imports of Canadian snow crab until efforts increased to save endangered Atlantic right whales
Studying the eating habits of coastal American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) along the Florida coast where alligators do eat sharks and rays
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