Publication released today by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology - download here.
The increased competition for the use of water from aquifers may negatively affect future agricultural practices in drier regions of the United States, suggests the latest paper released by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. The paper, Aquifer Depletion and Potential Impacts on Long-term Irrigated Agricultural Productivity, reviews the causes and consequences of groundwater depletion—Earth’s most extracted raw material—with a focus on impacts to agriculture as the largest sector of groundwater use.
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Geoscience Bulletin Board – 25 February 2019 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Essay on the history of geology and Earth
Climate cycles vs climate mania – an excellent video!
The massive Daguangbao landslide – largest non-volcanic terrestrial rockslide
The 660-km boundary topography between upper and lower mantle
Bluestones of Stonehenge traced to 5,000-year-old quarries in Wales
Ram’s Horn specimen of wire gold to be probe using neutron characterization technique
Deep-sea mining: plundering & pillaging the minerals on the sea floor
Tide gauge records reveal tremor episodes in Cascadian Subduction Zone
Modeling short-term variations in upwelling Kuroshio waters into the East China Sea shelf
exactEarth real-time maritime tracking system is now fully deployed
The North Sea, O&G exploration, and dismissed “phantom volcano” – fissure fed volcanism
Cretaceous dinosaur species recognized in southwestern Tanzania – a large, long-necked titanosaur
USGS using rapid deployment gauge to monitor potential flooding following ice jam on South Branch Piscataquog River, New Hampshire
Fossil record shows land animal biodiversity has been fairly steady for 60 million years
Trace fossils suggest multi-cellular organism may have already existed 2.1B years ago
DARPA PALS program to detect undersea activity by analyzing behaviors of marine organisms
Unnuakomys hutchisoni – “night mouse” was small marsupial lived among dinosaurs in the Arctic
Major volcanic event may have triggered the Gaskiers glaciation 580 myo
Simulated ocean mesoscale structures induce interaction of ocean and atmosphere (MASI)
Improved understanding of river flows and sediment transport under ice cover
Travels in Geology: The calderas & caldieras of the mid-ocean ridge in the Azores
Arkansaurus fridayinow the official State Dinosaur of Arkansas
Dinosaur teeth and skills reveal much about their feeding habits
New smelting process to produce soluble phosphate for fertilizers from low value ores more economically & environmentally friendly
Mount Etna volcanic eruption of ash clouds followed by 4.8M EQ
AAMA updates 2 specifications for test methods related to seismic drift
Icebreaker Polarstern crew to observe ocean hidden under the Antarctic ice for 100,000 years
Chionoecetescrabs found feeding vigorously on seafloor methane seep off coast of British Columbia
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity gathered much geologic information over 14 years
Finding treasure in an old geology book for $1
“The key to the future is found in the past” as the geology of Kilauea reveals past eruptive behavior
San Benito Geology: Part 5: San Benito underwater – Pleistocene Lake San Benito
Geology of rare-earth minerals
Contemplating events that could mark the beginning of the Anthropocene
In memoriam: Peter Robinson (1936-2019)
Don White (1914-2002) led USGS hydrothermal studies in Yellowstone
Historical fossils collected by Sir Charles Lyell now accessible online
U of Kansas buys 600 acres to ensure continuing access to summer field geology site
$3.2M mineral collection donated to Colorado School of Mines Mineral Museum
- Museum:
ARkStorm Scenario includes flooding of Biblical proportions in California
- USGS ARkStorm Scenario:
Siting of oar fish in Japan raises concerns about imminent tsunami
Land slip closes roads and access to Franz Josef and Fox glaciers
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 25 February 2019 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Grand Canyon National Park celebrating 100thanniversary
Prevention & Control Initiative identifies cases of Chagas disease in the Yucatan – note that Chagas is not just a tropical disease – triatomine bugs are also endemic across much of the US
Arizona will miss US deadline for Colorado River water plan
- Drought contingency plan commentary:
SCOTUS to hear case considering groundwater & pollution under Clean Water Act
Consequences of aging demographics – older people still working in Alcona, Michigan
A refuge for rescued foxes in Minnesota
Animals turn white for winter camouflage
Indiana has its first National Park – Indiana Dunes National Park is number 60
Typhoon Nell flood waters caused Banqio Dam to fail in 1975 – killed 230,000 – China kept secret
What a year for snow - a great snowpack in the Sierra - but also telling skiers to stay home
- Las Vegas:
Federal Appeals Court ruling may spur removal of dams on the Klamath River system
What will the New Savannah Fluff Lock & Dam really cost?
NSF International sets standards for how all animals are kept, raised & responsibly managed
Cases of Salmonella sickening in New Jersey traced to raw turkey – 279 cases across 24 states
Here we go again: Expecting the government to protect Texans from flooding
Reservoirs may promote false sense of water security leading to waste
Biodiversity on land is not a new phenomenon
Measles epidemic in China has implications for global infection control
US military could build the wall along Southern Border to fight “invasions” – smart tech questions
Bramble Cay melomys – little brown rat – recognized as first mammal extinction attributed to “probable human-led climate change”
Court ruling protects European bison released (re-established) in Rothaargebirge
Perspective: Bottled water isn’t safer than tap water
Controversial CRISPR genetically modified mosquitoes with “gene drive” released in high-security lab
Lack of environmental water flows in northern Murray-Darling Basin was “root cause” of massive fish kills – in other words: humans take too much water
9 iconic animals that humans did not quite drive to extinction – conservation efforts appear to be working
Every stage of plastic lifecycle (from production to waste) poses significant risks to human health
- Report:
Human-associated bacteria and viruses detected in Menomonee River watershed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A week after 52 Polar Bears entered homes & public buildings looking for food – “invasion” now over
Once idyllic Inle Lake in Myanmar is being poisoned by pesticides & fertilizers
Indigenous hunters are improving health of food webs in Australian desert – slowing species decline
Neanderthal diet was primarily meat-based
Global map of tree species richness
Why do Zebras have stripes? Seems they deter horse flies from landing (and biting)
- Paper:
A novel argument for building hydroelectric dams – stopping natural flood processes
Members of 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to review evidence on nutrition
- USDA Guidelines:
- EAT-Lancet Commission:
Have you ever seen a treehopper?
Another good use to recycle some of the millions of used tires – improve fire-resistance of concrete
If you build it, they will come – but is that necessarily a good thing?
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 25 February 2019 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
MV Solomon Trader bulk carrier stranded on coral reef off Solomon Islands – potential oil spill
Sonoma County, California, to develop two new segments of California Coastal Trail
New research suggests coastal communities losing ground on planning for coastal erosion
CRPA studies possible expansion of $800M east bank project for coastal restoration in Louisiana
Book review: “Coasts and Estuaries: The Future”
Controversy: coastal wetlands, protection, and commercial interests
Governor of Alaska wants to repeal law requiring revenue sharing from fisheries with coastal communities
Center for Coastal Studies first to track southbound whale migration using satellite-monitoring radio tags
Case study in Annapolis, Maryland, assesses effects of high-tide flooding on local revenue
On-going debate between US Army Corps of Engineers and local residents on Lake Okeechobee and coastal impacts
Beachfront community of Surfridge disappeared decades ago to make way for LAX – “priceless coastal real estate” for rare owls and other protected & endangered species
Florida coastal real estate still booming – still prone to flooding from hurricanes
Environmental groups seek injunction until lawsuit decided on seismic exploration on Atlantic Coast
Difference in gender perspectives on ecosystem services in coastal Kenya & Mozambique
COA releases quarterly Pubic Access Report detailing safety & status of 50 public right-of-way across Aquidneck Island
• Report:
Preliminary results of inlet modeling to be presented for Pleasant Bay to Nantucket Sound
Using native shellfish to restore Pearl Harbor Estuary
North Carolina wants to become the “Napa Valley of Oysters”
• Blueprint:
• Shellfish Initiative:
• Strategic Plan:
Wishing for more fish in the sea
No shortage of cigarette butt waste on Marco Beaches
New bridge in Corpus Christi is lagging behind construction schedule
• Ship Channel project:
"What geologists can expect to observe must be restricted by the conditions necessary for the presence of geologists." - David Waltham
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