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Geoscience Bulletin Board – 16 September 2019 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Seismology of 9/11 of aircraft impacts and subsequent collapse of twin towers at World Trade Center
Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone sets new eruption record
Blanco fault zone M6.3 EQ triggered “unwarranted” Cascadia concerns
Wrangell volcano to get more seismometers – most active volcano in Wrangell-St Elias Range
Chicxulub meteor made impact with power equivalent to 10B WWII-era atomic bombs
Marine seismic & depth processing will be conducted in the Turkish Black Sea
Kalman filtering provides new technique for predicting volcanic activity
This Jurassic turtle may have been stepped on by a dinosaur
Seismic activity increased over past 25 years in Tennessee – near New Madrid zone & in Appalachia
Volcanic-intrusive complex found below southern Tyrrhenian Sea at northern edge of Ionian Slab
The 250thanniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt
- Antisana:
Controlled chemical detonations in Nevada desert improve techniques to distinguish nuclear explosion vs EQ ground shaking
New versus traditional views of plate tectonics
Potential new method for accurately portraying clouds given the scales on which they form
Models that reproduce soil moisture more accurately recreate cumulus cloud behavior
Comprehensive evaluation of land surface energy & hydrologic responses to atmospheric river precipitation
Analysis of long-term, lower atmosphere-ionosphere energy coupling as updraft strength increases in cumulonimbus clouds
Just how much does a cloud weigh?
USGS estimates 53.8T cubic feet of natural gas hydrate resources in North Slope of Alaska
- USGS Fact Sheet:
Cryodrakon boreas– new Cretaceous pterosaur species discovered in Alberta, Canada
The link between animals and atmospheric oxygen during the Cambrian explosion
TEMPEST-D provided view of multiple vertical lays of convection in Hurricane Dorian
Fossil remains languished for almost 250 years then identified as Mystriosaurus laurillardi
Can caldera collapse be forecast?
Magnetic field of Earth initiated pole flip millennia before the last pole reversal
Landslides during construction of Morehall & Broomhead reservoirs in Sheffield, England
Sources of elevated heavy metal concentrations in sediments & benthic marine invertebrates in western Antarctic Peninsula
- Paper:
A new era of field geology on the Moon and other bodies in the Solar System?
A link between deep sea methane emissions and ice ages
- Paper:
Paper: Warm bias in climate predictions & projections caused by lack of consideration of snow layer on Arctic sea ice
Paper: Holocene pollen record in annually-laminated Maar Lake in NE China reveals synchronous ~500-year quasi-periodic changes in monsoon cycle over last 8,000 years
Paper: Forecasting magnitude of largest expected earthquake during future time interval
Paper: Evidence of major tectonic structure in initial state – Al-Idrissi Fault System in Alboran Sea
Paper: Major uncertainties in sea-level rise impact for deltas – errors potentially larger than century of sea level rise – contrast with dire warning
Numerical modeling of processes that originally differentiated the lithosphere – implications for surface tectonics on early Earth
Lightning flashes illuminate cloud structure & storm cell behavior – new tool for predicting hazards
Sea ice extent in Arctic nearing annual minimum
Earthquake symmetry and early warning systems
The enigma of tin in the Bronze Age – source deposits in Europe based on isotope systematics
- Paper:
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 16 September 2019 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Accidental death of woman in Yosemite National Park to be investigated
CRS In Focus reports on harmful freshwater algal blooms
- Overview:
- Causes, Challenges & Policy Considerations:
Mountain lion killed in second attempt to cross I405 in Los Angeles
Perspective: WOTUS and recent court ruling
San Mateo, California, to upgrade sewer system as part of $1B Clean Water Program
Boundary layer ozone air pollution from India also fouls up air quality in adjoining countries
200 clean-burning natural gas electric power plants under construction across the US – but global warming alarmists still tout so called “green” energy sources
- Wind turbines:
- Solar energy:
Why??? In vitro fertilization results in birth of twins to 74-year-old woman in India
Plan to move native fish from Lower Darling River – part of $10M rescue package to mitigate impacts
Smallpox still the only disease that has been eradicated by humans
Brazil provided incentives for farmers to slash & burn in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil – now difficult to stop the process
California wants to rollback environmental protections in Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas will incorporate earthquake protections & thermal expansion
Perspective: Climate change is convenient excuse for transforming economy & policy & hyperbole
Potential fine for CBS as “Young Sheldon” used simulated Emergency Alert System tone
Rosasco “hold-over” fire has been burning in Yellowstone National Park for 5 years
Plan to remove unprecedented number of trees from Utah public lands intended to reduce fire risk, improve greater sage grouse habitat & increase forage for cattle & deer
Anticipated changes in 7 environmental rules
Tougher arsenic standard made drinking water safer – revision of the Maximum Contaminant Level
- Abstract & figure:
California woman bought face cream from Mexico – now in coma from methylmercury poisoning
Assessing the global nitrogen imbalance & approach to maximize positive effects of agricultural nitrogen
4 to 5 trillion cigarette butts as litter each year – an environmental legacy
Pollution in Chicago Area Waterway System may be impeding invasion of silver carp
4 ways to reduce the amount of plastic that you eat
FLUXNET database may help discern whether thawing permafrost is a source or sink for carbon
- Interactive map:
USEPA pledging to severely cut back on animal testing of toxic chemicals over next 15 years
Perspective: Kraft-Heinz rejects petition to remove phthalates from their products
60-Minutes Australia video on glyphosate links to cancer
Improved understanding of urban heat island effect
New mathematical model of pore structure & groundwater flow may help predict toxic plume movement
Copernicus Sentinel-5P monitored trace gases emitted by fires across the Amazon
Phyllosphere – home to microorganisms that establish and maintain themselves over a growing season
- Paper:
Small variations in topography are important for survival of Saguaro
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, $2B plan to reduce sewage overflows
New Orleans mandates that all new commercial parking surfaces must be porous
Biological age of the body reflected in epigenetic clock – rejuvenate it with drugs?
Illegal trade in beetles, spiders, scorpions flourishing to meet demands for exotic pets & collector items
The “sport” of horse racing may be nearing its end – dead horses & floating pharmacy
Los Angeles approved plans for largest solar & battery energy storage project in the US
Carbon County, Montana, approves $406M 114-turbine wind farm – federal tax break
Volcanic eruptions have long duration and cause “avoidable” human deaths
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 16 September 2019 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Japan will have “no choice” but to dump radioactive Fukushima water into Pacific
Coastal erosion on Lake Michigan threatens 400-ton historic building in Orchard Beach State Park
Coastal Awareness month in Wisconsin
Quebec Port Authority plans $775M contain terminal construction – will extend existing wharf on St Lawrence River to accommodate “environmentally & technologically advanced” design
Coastal erosion and subsidence threaten village of Lahou-Kpanda on Ivory Coast
Workshops gathered public comment on draft of 2019 New Hampshire Coastal Flood Risk Summary – open till end of the month for online comments
• Report Part 1 – Science:
• Report Part 2 – Guidance:
NC Coastal Federation & Restore America’s Estuaries will hold Living Shorelines Workshop in October
Countermeasure to Democrats introducing bills to ban offshore drilling for O&G
Connecticut & Rhode Island vying to be leader in offshore wind power production
Taiwanese Formosa 1 offshore wind farm begins generating power
Human use of resources, land management & lifestyles have significant impacts on coral reefs
Beavers are genius eco-engineers creating pools for juvenile salmon on Elwha River & creating beach
Restoring reefs in the Great Lakes
Ecological study to gather scientific data for better decision making on dredging Nauset Estuary
Ongoing concern for endangered sturgeons in Hudson River Estuary
Seal population attests to recovery of Thames River estuary – once declared “biologically dead”
Comprehensive survey of land conservation and funding in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
• Report:
Dutch expert to assess $1.3B plan for flood protection of lower Manhattan east side waterfront
High levels of POP industrial fluids & mercury found in dolphins living in the English Channel
• Paper:
Post-glacial rebound, changes to AMOC & changes in ice mass contribute to apparent sea level rise along the US East Coast – other factors like land subsidence & erosion should also be considered
• Download free pdf of report:
“May you live all the days of your life.” - Jonathan Swift
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