I’ve only seen a slight uptick in jobs advertised as remote, but here is the link for all jobs on the website that are remote in nature. Most are consultancies, but we’ll see how this changes in the future, but just so you have it.
And, please send open positions my way to post (it’s free). Some of our colleagues will be losing jobs and a graduating class is coming on the job market, so the more openings the better.
Stay healthy!
Note: AWRA has created an online COVID19 and coronavirus online reporistory Check it out here.
1) Josh's Jobs
2) Additional Jobs from WaterWired
Posted: Last Week
125) Position: @OSUCEOAS(Corvallis, OR) - T-T Assistant Professor - Critical Cartography. Full consideration: 10 April. Apps accepted until filled or sufficient applicant pool. bit.ly/2ULZmIW
126) Postdoctoral Position: @USGS (Columbia, MO) - Developing quantitative models for ecological transport processes in rivers. Closes: 15 April. on.doi.gov/2UyNnzm
127) Position: @pewtrusts (Portland, OR) - Senior Associate, Conserving Marine Life in the U.S. OUF. bit.ly/2xGgLL8
128) Position: Oregon DFW (Salem, OR) - Natural Resource Specialist 4 (Hydropower Program Leader). Closes: 15 April. bit.ly/3aDdH0Y#JobWaWi
129) Position: Jefferson County Soil & Water Conservation District (Redmond, OR) - Conservation Coordinator. Closes: 10 April. bit.ly/39yniF6#JobWaWi
130) Positions (2): @ColoLaw (Boulder, CO) - Inaugural Getches-Wilkinson Water Fellows (2 year appointment). OUF; Full consideration: 10 April. bit.ly/2wOcIMY
131) Position: @USDA_NRCS (Portland, OR) - Public Affairs Specialist. Closes: 9 April bit.ly/2yvO1oL
132) Position: @CRBC (Clackamas, OR) - Communication and Program Coordinator. App review: 15 April. OUF. bit.ly/39OWjoE#JobWaWi
133) Position: @CRBC (Clackamas, OR) - Riparian Specialist. App review: 30 March. OUF. bit.ly/2TWWfhZ#JobWaWi
134) Position: Harney Soil and Water Conservation District (Hines, OR) - SWCD Agricultural Resource Conservationist. Closes: 17 April (may be fillled before then) bit.ly/2v7mpFj#JobWaWi
Posted: 12 April 2020
135) Position: @OregonState (Corvallis, OR) - T-T Extension Asst. Professor - Soil Water Quality. Full consideration: 30 April; Closes: 8 May. bit.ly/34mskmS
136) Position: Oregon Health Authority (Springfield, OR) - Drinking Water Specialist (Natural Resource Specialist 3). Closes: 15 April bit.ly/3c8iWWZ
137) Position: @USDA_NRCS (Coquille, OR) - Soil Conservationist (District Conservationist). Closes: 23 April. bit.ly/2xiaG7K#JobWaWi
138) Position: @UBC (Vancouver, BC) - T-T Assistant Professor - Sustainable Business Management of Natural Resources. Closes: 31 August 2020. bit.ly/2RxXdjn
139) Position: @NebraskaDNR (Lincoln, NE) - Director, Department of Natural Resources. OUF. tinyurl.com/te4ersa#JobWaWi
140) Position: Nisqually Land Trust (Olympia, WA) - Executive Director. OUF. tinyurl.com/roavgwz
3) Some General Employment Resources
AGU Career Center for research/academic jobs
GoodWorkCanada - Canada's Green Jobs Site
Congressional Research Service Positions
Check out @AidJobs - Vacancies in aid, development, humanitarian & nonprofit sector (volunteers, consultants or F-T employment) https://aidjobs.org
UN Jobs in Water and Sanitation
@BCWaterNews Jobs Click View Jobs
@EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated every few days. Click here.
King County (WA)Jobs
Academic Jobs in Schools of Physical/Earth Sciences
Mac's List - Jobs in Portland and Beyond!
New Zealand Hydrological Society Jobs Board
Association of Oregon Counties Job Postings
Soil Science Societies Career Center
How to Find Work Overseas, with Marcelle Yeager. https://bit.ly/1pIopLT
For the full list of Josh's active water jobs, please visit www.joshswaterjobs.com/jobs
“Geography is just physics slowed down, with a couple of trees stuck in it.” - Terry Pratchett