The bimonthly AWRA magazine Water Resources IMPACT but this issue, like the times, is quite special - super-sized and free: Water Resources in the Time of COVID-19. Our immediate Past President Lisa Beutler served as Guest Editor and did an incredible job.
Here is the blurb that accompanied the AWRA email blast:
This issue of Water Resources IMPACT brings you articles from the front-lines of dealing with water resources in the time of COVID-19.From water and wastewater treatment and groundwater protection, to on-the-ground experiences in Knoxville, TN and Flint, MI, this issue presents a wide range of information related to water resources and the COVID-19 virus.Also included is an article giving us all tips on operating in the world of virtual meetings and one of our regular columns. We hope you find this double issue of IMPACT informative, as well as useful.More resources related to water resources management and COVID-19 are available on the AWRA COVID-19 online repository.
Access the issue in a variety of formats by clicking here. Paste this URL into your browser if clicking does not work:
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Here are Elaine's BBs as a PDF and a Word document:
PDF: Download Bulletin_Boards_27July2020
Word: Download Bulletin_Boards_27July2020
Note: If a link does not work, try pasting it into your browser.
Check out Elaine's coronavirus/COVID-19 section in the ES BB.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 27 July 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
29,000-year-old volcanic ash layer blanketed Mediterranean traced to Campi Flegrei
110 quadrillion pounds of meteoroids hit the Earth-Moon system during asteroid shower 800 myo & may have caused “snowball Earth”
The heterogeneous abyssal seafloor
- Paper:
100,000 years of the evolution of the geomagnetic field
“Impact winter” caused by solar dimming would have decimated dinosaur habitats
Escape from Thera volcanic eruption 3,600 years ago
Tsunami warning issued following M7.8 shallow EQ in southern Alaska SE of Perryville
Phase one of Qatargas offshore North Field site investigation complete
Planetary alignment and potential increase in volcanic activity
Landslide blocked the Quinjiang River in Hubei Province in China
History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
Long-term climate sensitivity vs equilibrium climate sensitivity
Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite ready for launch to monitor sea level
Life in ocean abyss recovered quickly following end-Cretaceous mass extinction event
PACE high-resolution instruments will minatory ocean & atmospheric features
Dinosaurs & pterosaurs originated from extremely small ancestors
Leviathan Cave in southern Great Basin provides evidence for 4,000-year “worst-case” drought
South Atlantic Anomaly in Earth magnetic field is a recurring feature
Candidatus Manganitrophs noduliformans– newly discovered bacterium residing in ground water feeds on manganese – may help explain manganese nodules on seafloor
Desmacella hyaline -New species of glass sponge identified in HSQCS-MPA reef complex off coast of British Columbia, Canada
Novel theory of climate dynamics suggests 3-pattern decomposition of global atmospheric circulation
2,000-year record of hurricanes in the Caribbean – the Common Era recprd
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First active methane seep identified in Antarctica
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In Memoriam: Sakiko Olsen (2020) – migmatite researcher at Johns Hopkins University
Strong evidence of active fault underlying Hollywood Center mega-development site
The voyage of the HMS Challenger reshaped the science of oceanography
Baleen whales (humpbacks, blue, fin & sei whales) have expanded their range
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The initiation & propagation of fracturing the crust to prompt Plate Tectonics
- Paper:
“Anthropause” has resulted in quieting of high-frequency seismic noise
Deeper fracking can increase risk of earthquakes by ten-fold
Analyzing 37,000 years of climatic events revealed by benthic foraminifera in Bay of Biscay
Quick tour of important rocks: Uluru, Grand Canyon & Yosemite
Celebrating the work of Marie Tharp – mapping the sea floor
Olivine micropillars rheological properties correspond to shallow lithospheric conditions
Planetary geology: Active volcanoes are abundant on Venus
Paper: anisoptropic growth of water films on minerals driven by defects and surface tension
Two new reports on critical minerals in Utah
- C-129:
- MP-174:
Everything you need to know about nickel – Elon Musk’s new favorite mineral
Desert mosses use quartz rocks as sun shades in the Mojave Desert
Well-reserved mammoth skeleton found in Pechevalavato Lake in Siberia
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 27 July 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
New York plans $750M expansion of electric-vehicle infrastructure
CRS Report: USDA Adaptation – adaptation is much better approach than mitigation
Dam on the Chuhe River in Anhui province in China blasted to release floodwaters
Federal approval given for Gross Reservoir Expansion Project in Colorado – 77,000 acre-ft increase
Phoenix, Arizona, attempting to reduce heat island effect by spray-coating streets
Investigating impacts of human demand on shared water resources – transboundary water stress
- Paper:
Babies born near natural gas flaring are 50% more likely to be premature due to air pollution
TRAILS Project earns 2020 ESRI SAG award
US Army COE inspects Hills Creek Dam in Oregon –
US Army COE to recommend approval of Pebble Mine in Alaska despite environmental opposition
Using solar power for poultry farms
Toxic blue-green algae bloom ripening on Lake Okeechobee
Restoration options for rehabilitation of Ackerson Meadow in Yosemite National Park
Great American Outdoors Act is a “band-aid” for backlog of maintenance work in National Parks
Restoration effort aimed at re-wilding areas of Grand Teton National Park
National Park Service seeks public help in identifying arsonist(s) who started wildfire in Ahwahnee Meadows in Yosemite National Park
Update: Mexico attempting to honor Treaty – military police vs farmers - US Commissioner demands Mexicocomply with requirements of 1944 Water Treaty – deficit of 432,360 acre-feet for 5-year period ending Oct 2020 – did not comply during cycle that ended in 2015
Perspective: Protecting our national sovereignty along the southern Border – a future crisis?
John Muir – the Father of Our National Parks – “there is a moral purpose for wilderness” - now being derided as a racist
Need to determine effective & non-polluting methods to recycle rare earth elements
1979-2016 one-child policy is now two-child policy in China – using maternal name
Bayer (Mosanto) loses appeal in Roundup (glyphosate) cancer verdict in California Court of Appeals
Update: $4.6 billion Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – filling of reservoir has begun
Beluga whales form social networks that include family & friends
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7 Chinese & 2 Malawian wildlife trafficking gang members jailed in Malawi
Explaining how you get “goose bumps”
Dragonflies help reveal the extent of mercury pollution (methylmercury) in National Parks across the US
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Tongoenas burleyi– large fruit-eating bird was hunted to extinction following arrival of humans in Tongo
Human immune systems would likely struggle to fight extra-terrestrial micro-organisms
Mercury remains persistent in Still River in western Connecticut – “Mad Hatters” danger
Oil spills and waste from storage facilities are deadly to livestock in Syria
Fluoroethers from drinking water comprise 24% of PFAS in residents of Wilmington, North Carolina
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500-year record of flood data in Europe
Oldest water rights on Western Slope in Colorado get extra protection from State Engineer
Tulsa, Oklahoma, approved $46M for reconstruction of Zink Dam on the Arkansas River
Three Gorges Dam failed to regulate flood waters on Yangtze River – less severe than worst-case scenario
Concrete dam in Mie Prefecture in Japan is being built almost entirely with robots – humans on stand-by
CRS Insight report: What happens if National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) lapses? Maybe people would have to shoulder the burden for their decision to buy property in flood-prone areas?
“Greenwashing” accusation against Shell for using Scottish forests for carbon offsetting
Climber died after trying to retrieve a backpack – fell from Dragon’s ridge in Glacier National Park
Coronavirus COVID-19 statistics by country (click on USA to get State statistics)
Some people (me included) cannot wear face masks
Anthropause – massive cessation of human activity impacting the environment
- Paper:
Marine life enjoying a quieter environment
Global infection-fatality rate ranges from 0.53% to 0.82% - aggregate about 0.68%
Random sampling identifies numerous asymptomatic cases
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Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 27 July 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Estuary research has overlooked nutrient cycling in tropical & low-nutrient estuaries
• Paper:
Erosion is claiming luxury homes built along the coast in New South Wales
Construction of 3 living shoreline sills underway in North Carolina
Upwelling cools Oregon coastal areas
Updated permit approved for nuclear storage at San Onofre
Massachusetts Homeowners Handbook to Prepare for Coastal Hazards is updated
• Handbook:
Man-made reefs may have some positive value when combined with natural habitat restoration to increase fish abundance in estuaries
$10M Tamar Estuary Catchment Management Project delivered environmental benefits
Perspective: Santa Clara River Estuary is perfect for breeding & nesting western snowy plovers
Construction of tunnel will allow removal of power pylons from Dwyryd Estuary
Some 57,000 beluga whales travel to Churchill River Estuary in Canada each summer
• Livestream:
Greece protests seismic research by Turkey within territorial waters – Turkey rejects claim
Beach erosion puts seaside holidays at risk along Mediterranean & Atlantic coats
Chinese vessels illegally fishing in North Korean waters
• Paper:
US Army COE plans to expand East Side disposal site on Lake Michigan for contaminated sediment
Efforts to protect shoreline at Cedar Dunes Provincial Park and West Point Lighthouse
"Unearned suffering is redemptive." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
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