It's the last one for August!
Elaine just informed me that my former UNM colleague, Dr. Lee A. Woodward, my former died 16 August 2020, age 89. He's gone to meet his maker and no doubt has the place mapped by now. Quite a character , and one heck of a field geologist.
He was chair of the E&PS department when I first applied for an assistant professor position fresh out of graduate school in 1976. I was beaten out of the position by none other than Dr. Steve Wells, who later became the chair, then president of the Desert Research Institute, and now, president of New Mexico Tech. I applied for a position in 1989 (from DRI), was hired, and stayed until 2006. I really enjoyed my time at UNM, and Lee was helpful in a number of ways.
I'll never forget his bumper sticker: 'Earth First. We'll Strip-Mine the Other Planets Later'. R.I.P., Lee.
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Check out Elaine's coronavirus/COVID-19 section in the ES BB.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 31 August 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
442-carat diamond found in Letseng mine in Lesotho
CT scans of dinosaur skeletons reveal how trabecular bone architecture supported large weight
Supernovae may have contributed to ozone depletion & end-Devonian extinctions
- Paper:
Humboldt County, California, tsunami maps
Geological assessment in Clarendon Gorge to map transport of PFAS chemicals through aquifer
Geological history and resources of Maine (podcast & video)
In Memoriam: Jonathan Hall Goodwin (1944-2020) – Illinois State Geological Survey career
In Memoriam: Lee A. Woodward (1931-2020) – Senior Research Professor UNM
Grace Achieng – model (Miss Pan African Beauty Queen) & geologist
Fujiwhara effect – close pass between two cyclonic storms
Project to translate geological record of South Africa into local languages
Explaining variations in rainfall intensity
Crustal-scale structures influence fluid circulation & hot spring geochemistry in Peruvian Andes
Seismic reflection images & petrological data provide new constraints on basement in the Australia-Antarctic ocean-continent transition zone
- Paper:
Farm animals may sense imminent earthquakes
Dynamic systems theory applied to dust & moisture mix in the West African monsoon
- Paper:
Characteristics of polar sea ice in climate models – does not yet match surface temperature data
- Paper:
Extreme wildfires create their own weather – thunderstorms, lightning, fire tornadoes
Gaofen 7 observation satellite completes testing & starts monitoring for land surveying and mapping & statistical investigations
Identifying coral spawning features
- Paper:
Most detailed tornado simulations created by supercomputer reveal features & mechanisms
- Conference abstract:
- Conference abstract:
16.4-ft Mid Triassic Guizhouichthyosaurus ate 13-ft Xinpusaurus xingyiensis
- Paper:
Meteorite strikes cause shock compression that impacts crystal structure of quartz
- Paper:
Just how cold was the Ice Age? Average global temperature was 46 degrees Fahrenheit during LGM
Ice shelves in Antarctica are vulnerable to sudden meltwater-driven fracturing
Earth is still traveling through a massive dust cloud
New miniature devise for measuring trace levels of toxic lead in sediments
Origin of the Chocolate Hills in the Philippines
“Ammonite” film depicts Mary Anning & Charlotte Murchison – not all the details are accurate
Planetary Geology – Larges known meteor crater is on Ganymede – 5,260 km in diameter
Geologic processes (and volcanic activity) in the Cascades work on deep time
A “cute” dinosaur embryo
- Paper:
Listening to sounds in the ocean
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 31 August 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Pebble Gold Mine in Alaska might be blocked
Politics and the rolling blackouts in California – demand below average-year forecast peak – costs spike
Perspective: Rebuilt but sinking levees are still not sufficient despite having spent $14.6B
Water diversion pipe rupture damaged dam & flooded power plant & prompted evacuations in Brazil
Seeking public comment on ADEQ Aquifer Protection Permit for mining activity that could impact Red Gap Ranch water quality
- Draft Permit:
Alaska begins process toward building second road crossing to Douglas Island – need environmental assessment & planning – current estimated project cost $90M
Utah asks EPA to fund Deer Creek Reservoir infrastructure replacement – estimated cost $40M
- DCIP Summary:
CRS Insight Report: 2020 Wildfire Season: Brief Overview of FEMA Programs & Resources
- Wildfire Statistics:
- Historical data:
Perspective: Environmental impacts of 1930s coal mining in Wales – Welsh industrial writing
Major disaster declaration issued for California wildfires
Stolen branch in vehicle likely from National Park leads to discovery of drugs & psilocybin mushrooms
Gulf Coast ticks now identified in Connecticut – can transmit spotted fever & other diseases
Planning for “sustainable” human practices for oceanic resources – is it possible? Evolving & Sustaining Ocean Best Practices IV OBP Workshop 2020 in September
- Workshop:
3D mapping the largest population density centers with global population of nearly 7.8B
Smoke inhalation from wildfires can be very bad for your lungs – what is in it & distance aging
Eggs that may create viable embryos harvested from last 2 Northern White Rhinos
10 of the most endangered birds in North America
3 reasons you should not feed bread to ducks
Wildfires in California threaten endangered Joshua Trees
History of National Parks and pandemics
Permian Highway Pipeline in Texas has already caused water pollution
Painting wind turbine blades black reduced bird deaths by 70%
Changes in the water cycle and availability of water – humans are to blame
Use of military personnel to protect national sovereignty along the border is compliant with law
- Report summary:
- Report:
Mobility of large flying foxes (fruit bats) complicates conservation efforts
- Paper:
Tropical songbirds stop breeding to survive drought
Causes of sea level rise since 1900 – seeking balanced budget
Honey is more effective & less harmful than alternative care (i.e., antibiotics) for improving symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections
After 10 generations domesticated chickens have small brains than their junglefowl relatives
- Paper:
Rainfall & temperature drive agricultural activity which influences measles outbreaks in Niger
Death rate of those who climb Mount Everest remains fairly constant over past 30 years
- Paper:
International ozone treaty is not as effective as it could be
- Paper:
Reduced resilience of plant biomes in North America suggests vulnerability to future mass extinction
Largest rooftop greenhouse in the world opens in Montreal
Blue jeans cause massive water footprint
- Paper:
On the 51st anniversary of the last time the Cuyahoga River burned
Using wastewater treatment grit (containing pathogens & impurities) for road repair being called “eco-friendly”
Locusts are congregating in billion-strong swarms
Chemical manufacturing facility in Westlake, Louisiana, leaks chlorine & is on fire
Land use change in Indonesia leads to increased flooding
- Paper:
France suspends (but does not abolish) glue-trapping of songbirds
Surge in plastic waste stokes pollution by burning & dumping under criminal recycling scams
Not everyone agrees on the future of the Line 5 pipeline across the Straits of Mackinac
Complex rotation of Longyan Bridge in Fujian Province in China
- Video:
Coronavirus COVID-19 statistics by country (click on USA to get State statistics)
Getting a test is pointless – many tests inaccurate – some lack specificity
- IDSA Guidelines:
Science does not support the myth that virus is transmitted by food
“Spaghetti” graphs of “confirmed cases” & testing
More new guidelines – pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic “do not necessarily need a test”
Perspective: Does 6-foot separation rule make any sense?
Information, disease & social evolution are linked – costs & benefits
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 31 August 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
1-meter high beach “cliff” result of storm erosion at Ōrewa beach in New Zealand
Raft of volcanic pumice could help revive Great Barrier Reef
US Army COE Back Bay study for flood mitigation needs significant improvement – “fixes” could make flooding worse from routine rain
• Back Bay study:
• Study Overview video:
Perspective: Port of Corpus Christi needs $1.5B federal relief
15-year recovery from Hurricane Katrina in Biloxi, Mississippi – lessons for coastal cities
Master plan calls for 3 artificial “lily pad” islands off shore of Penang Island, Malaysia
USGS predicted beach erosion from Tropical Storm Marco
USGS predicted impacts of Hurricane Laura on beaches & barrier islands of Texas & Louisiana
Update: Broken stem of tanker that ran aground off Mauritius is sunk in open ocean & the oil spill
Perspective: Threat to marine biodiversity from oil & gas drilling in the eastern Mediterranean
Coastal development and climatic conditions threaten sea turtle nesting habitat
Almost half of all deaths from tropical cyclones are due to storm surge
Lawsuit demands coastal fishing reforms in North Carolina as fish stocks decline
First long-term in-depth analysis of shark and ray distribution in Indian River Lagoon in Florida
50,000 gallons of raw sewage spills into Oakland Estuary from wastewater treatment plant
14 missing after oil tanker collision with cargo ship near Yangtze Estuary
FEMA agrees to finish dredging 1M+ cubic yards of Kingwood mouth bar
NASA maps trace causes of mangrove habitat loss
High waters eroding shorelines of Lake Huron may lead to evacuations
Shoreline cliffs are unstable – warnings were posted & ignored – lawsuit filed claiming negligence
Those who did not evacuate ahead of Hurricane Laura warned rescue efforts will not begin until after massive storm & surge have passed
Damage & economic impacts from Hurricane Laura – video - before & after images
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