I can't recall where I got this proof for the new $100 bill. No more 'Benjamins' - we'll spread 'RBGs' around the world.
This next one I got from From Shawn (Shahrouz) Ghadimi on LinkedIn (from Dani Donovan)
Oh, yeah - support the Women in Water Scholarship Fund - donate here.
The links below represent the week's water news as represented by my Tweets. I do not pretend that this survey is a comprehensive survey of the water news; it's my attempt to keep my readers informed to the best of my ability and available time.
Scroll down to 'Positions Open' and 'Previous Weeks' Positions Open' to see the jobs. All my individual job Tweets are archived at #JobWaWi. Previous weekly summaries are archived at: #WaWiNews or click here. If a link does not work, paste the URL into your browser.
Coronavirus and COVID-19
It's @Nature Briefing - 25 September 2020. Today we learn what to look out for in imminent #COVID vaccine results, hear how songbirds benefited from the ‘anthropause’ and discover what happened to the Neanderthals’ Y chromosome. bit.ly/2FTLF
It's @Nature Briefing - 24 September 2020. Today we hear chilling findings about the vulnerability of the Antarctic ice sheet, discover what #COVID19 vaccine trials won’t tell us and look at hard numbers showing the lack of diversity in science. bit.ly/2RSyRQW
It's @nature Briefing - 23 September 2020. Today we hear that Arctic sea ice has hit another shocking low, enjoy an animated version of the first-ever image of a black hole and learn what happened in a city where #COVID19 raged almost unchecked. bit.ly/302PbTT
It's @Nature Briefing - 22 September 2020. Today we explore why known harassers are still in the US National Academy of Sciences, meet a menagerie of unconventional stem-cell models and discover what is really cool about the number 42. bit.ly/2ZZBvc9
It's @nature Briefing - 21 September 2020. Toxic bacteria caused the mysterious deaths of hundreds of African elephants,explore what the Israel–Arab peace accord means for scientific collaboration, learn lessons from three centuries of vaccine opposition bit.ly/3kCraLc
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 21 September 2020 bit.ly/2RMRlm4
From @WaterSourceMag: #COVID19 and the WASH policy push bit.ly/3kCxh1S#globalwater
Top Twenty-Five (More or Less)
CRS Report: 'Agricultural Research - Background and Issues' bit.ly/2HyJ4QR
It's @Water_MDPI, Volume 12, Issue 9 (September 2020) - Hydrology & Hydrogeology; Policy, Management & Governance; Treatment & Reuse; Hydraulics & Hydrodynamics; Ecosystems; More! - 336 Articles bit.ly/3i9gEZX
From @BCWaterNews: Top Water Stories - Week of 21 - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/3mWXwlL
Support Women in Water Scholarship Fund - Donate Now! bit.ly/2S63TVr
Statement by @theNASEM Presidents Alarmed By Political Interference in Science Amid Pandemic bit.ly/2HskTmN
In @HuffPostGreen: Regenerative farming practices preserve soil nutrients, forgo agro chemicals and suck carbon dioxide from the air. Are they finally poised to go mainstream? bit.ly/3icQaXT
Drought? In New Hampshire? It's Wicked Dry! Nejem Raheem's @UnionLeader Op-Ed: 'Droughts Are Real, Leadership Is Needed' bit.ly/3iXAYip
On @NPR's @TEDRadioHour: 'Our Relationship With Water' n.pr/31Ekp3o
Isotopic insights on continental water sources and transport in the mountains and plains of Southern South America' – great new paper by @merypoca et al. bit.ly/3iSasqM
From @capitalweather Arctic sea ice slides to second-lowest level on record, thanks to Siberian heat waves wapo.st/2EuZ1Gj#globalwater
From @groundwaterproj Free download! 'Groundwater in Our Water Cycle: Getting to Know Earth's Most Important Fresh Water Source' bit.ly/2ZZqOpN
Webinar from @OregonSeaGrant @OregonStateExt & others: Hear progress on plan to manage water on Oregon's central coast 29 Sept. 9 am PT. They'll discuss next steps for achieving sustainable water use for people, native fish & wildlife. Register: bit.ly/300AD75#PNWater
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 21 September 2020 bit.ly/2RMRlm4
From @CanadianWater September/October 2020 Digital Edition (free download): 'WATER SECURITY: Are You Protected from the Next Disruptive Event?' bit.ly/33P3QmH
From @MLive Researcher who first warned of Flint water crisis now says lead exposure ‘not as bad as first feared’ bit.ly/32Q9YM4#NEWater
CRS InFocus Report: 'Recent Developments in Everglades Restoration' bit.ly/32Lw2aJ#FLwater
J. @AWWA Article: 'High Confidence in Tap Water,but Much Work Remains' bit.ly/2HhUQij
Join @H2OWonk & @FourWorldsLLC partners Dr. Aaron Wolf & Dr. Todd Jarvis for our workshop on “Water Conflict Management & Transformation” at the @AWRAHQAnnual Conference, 8 November bit.ly/3kAjdp
From @USATODAY Climate Point - 25 September 2020. California moves to ban gas-powered cars. And, vote for fat bears! bit.ly/3kPyOSw#globalwater
From @AGU_Eos 'Buzz' Newsletter - 25 September 2020. The Latest Earth Science News by @theAGU! bit.ly/3j8MebK#cdnwater #globalwater
In @Macau_Business: Portugal: Water scarcity, drought to be priority of Portugal’s EU council presidency. bit.ly/3i30npq#globalwater
In @WaterWellJournl by @GWShydros (Stuart Smith): 'The Most Important Drilling Advancement You’ve Seen' bit.ly/35SlYP3
In @NMreport: Water reckoning looms in New Mexico’s future: ‘We’re not prepared for what’s ahead of us’ bit.ly/35SpMQw#SWUSwater
Books, Reviews and Related
From @groundwaterproj Free download! 'Groundwater in Our Water Cycle: Getting to Know Earth's Most Important Fresh Water Source' bit.ly/2ZZqOpN
From @USGS_Pubs: Still a free PDF but now available in hardback for under $25: 'Statistical Methods in Water Resources' 2020 revision. Excellent book! on.doi.gov/2FOiEKe
From @A_L & @AbrahmL in @propublica: New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States https://bit.ly/3mFzsnm
Lecture by @veromsherrera of @UCLALuskin: “Slow Harms and Citizen Action: Environmental Degradation and Policy Change in Latin American Cities” 23 September 4:30 PM MDT bit.ly/35WNJWE
In @WaterSourceMag Stressed transboundary basins face greater intensity under all scenarios bit.ly/3iQCcM5#globalwater
From @WaterSourceMag: #COVID19 and the WASH policy push bit.ly/3kCxh1S#globalwater
From @TiffDowell: Texas Ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 25 September 2020. Water wars in the United States Supreme Court and More! bit.ly/33WRgBT#txwater #SWUSwater
Bottled Water, Beer, Drinking Water/TapWater
From @MLive Researcher who first warned of Flint water crisis now says lead exposure ‘not as bad as first feared’ bit.ly/32Q9YM4#NEWater
J. @AWWA Article: 'High Confidence in Tap Water,but Much Work Remains' bit.ly/2HhUQij
Bullshit and Crap Detection
From @NPR: Longtime Climate Science Denier Hired At @NOAA https://n.pr/3iKhVb3
From @GRAofCalifornia: GRA | HydroVisions Fall 2020. bit.ly/35oPADx#cawater
CRS Wildfire Report Twofer: 1) '2020 Wildfire Season: Brief Overview of @FEMA Programs and Resources'; 2) 'Wildfire Statistics' bit.ly/31nsYAZ
The @Stanford @westcenter: The Winners, the Losers, and the Landscape That Might Emerge If the Klamath River Dams Disappear stanford.io/3j4KqA3
From @USATODAY Climate Point - 25 September 2020. California moves to ban gas-powered cars. And, vote for fat bears! bit.ly/3kPyOSw#globalwater
From @CanadianWater September/October 2020 Digital Edition (free download): 'WATER SECURITY: Are You Protected from the Next Disruptive Event?' bit.ly/33P3QmH
Climate, Climate Change, and Meteorology
From @capitalweather Arctic sea ice slides to second-lowest level on record, thanks to Siberian heat waves wapo.st/2EuZ1Gj#globalwater
From @USATODAY Climate Point - 25 September 2020. California moves to ban gas-powered cars. And, vote for fat bears! bit.ly/3kPyOSw#globalwater
Conferences,Webinars, Workshops and Calls for Abstracts/Paper
From @unescoWATER: Introductory Webinar to Online Course on Groundwater Governance - 6 Oct 2020 from 14.00- 16.30 Harare time (GMT+2). Simultaneous interpretation from English>French! REGISTER bit.ly/GGRETA-Africa#global
Webinar from @OregonSeaGrant @OregonStateExt & others: Hear progress on plan to manage water on Oregon's central coast 29 Sept. 9 am PT. They'll discuss next steps for achieving sustainable water use for people, native fish & wildlife. Register: bit.ly/300AD75#PNWater
Webinar @AWRAHQ by @AWutich: 'Using Social Infrastructure for Urban Water Delivery When There's No Engineering Solution' 23 September, 1-2 pm ET (register so you can view archived version) bit.ly/3h6BFoH
Webinar from @Alliance4Water, @unescoWATER& ICIWaRM, 24 Sept 1330 - 1500 UTC/1530-1700 CEST: 'Incorporating Climate Risks Into Decision-Making Through CRIDA: Perspectives from Zambia and Chile' bit.ly/crwma-webinar2
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
From @CanadianWater September/October 2020 Digital Edition (free download): 'WATER SECURITY: Are You Protected from the Next Disruptive Event?' bit.ly/33P3QmH
In @NMreport: Water reckoning looms in New Mexico’s future: ‘We’re not prepared for what’s ahead of us’ bit.ly/35SpMQw#SWUSwater
In @Macau_Business: Portugal: Water scarcity, drought to be priority of Portugal’s EU council presidency. bit.ly/3i30npq#globalwater
Join @H2OWonk & @FourWorldsLLC partners Dr. Aaron Wolf & Dr. Todd Jarvis for our workshop on “Water Conflict Management & Transformation” at the @AWRAHQAnnual Conference, 8 November bit.ly/3kAjdp
In @WaterSourceMag Stressed transboundary basins face greater intensity under all scenarios bit.ly/3iQCcM5#globalwater
Disasters: Droughts, Floods, Wildfires and More
In @Macau_Business: Portugal: Water scarcity, drought to be priority of Portugal’s EU council presidency. bit.ly/3i30npq#globalwater
From @capitalweather Arctic sea ice slides to second-lowest level on record, thanks to Siberian heat waves wapo.st/2EuZ1Gj#globalwater
Drought? In New Hampshire? It's Wicked Dry! Nejem Raheem's @UnionLeader Op-Ed: 'Droughts Are Real, Leadership Is Needed' bit.ly/3iXAYip
Daily Water Newsletters
California Water Daily
The California Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/2G6USZF#cawater
The California Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/365U16u#cawater
The California Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/3ctmwMK#cawater
The California Water Daily - 22 September 2020 bit.ly/2G3gh6c#cawater
The California Water Daily - 21 September 2020 bit.ly/35WE3eM#cawater
The California Water Daily - 20 September 2020. bit.ly/33JFNWf#cawater
The California Water Daily - 19 September 2020. bit.ly/3ciHrll#cawater
Colorado Water Daily
The Colorado Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/330FUNO#cowater
The Colorado Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/3mOWXdH#cowater
The Colorado Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/2RTeW4A #cowater
Florida Water Daily
The Florida Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/2FZqlgK#FLwater
The Florida Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/360Ob6p#FLwater
The Florida Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/3kUIk71#FLwater
The Florida Water Daily - 22 September 2020. bit.ly/3i0oG7K#FLwater
The Florida Water Daily - 21 September 2020. bit.ly/3hDBDE0#FLwater
The Florida Water Daily - 20 September 2020. bit.ly/3iRsjOy#FLwater
The Florida Water Daily - 19 September 2020. bit.ly/3cc7gDM#FLwater
Northeast US Water Daily
The Northeast US Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/3cuooEO#NEWater
The Northeast US Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/3mRTI55#NEWater
The Northeast US Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/304qDJX#NEWater
The Northeast US Water Daily - 22 September 2020. bit.ly/3cm67cF#NEWater
The Northeast US Water Daily - 21 September 2020. bit.ly/35Vq2hn#NEWater
The Northeast US Water Daily - 20 September 2020. bit.ly/35S0mSV#NEWater
The Northeast US Water Daily - 19 September 2020. bit.ly/3iZEau1#NEWater
Pacific Northwest Water Daily
The Pacific Northwes Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/367dmnZ#PNWater
The Pacific Northwest Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/3mMHHxT#PNWater
The Pacific Northwest Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/3cpNtAD#PNWater
The Pacific Northwest Water Daily - 22 September 2020. bit.ly/3ckJsgW#PNWater
The Pacific Northwest Water Daily - 21 September 2020. bit.ly/3hQEWYS#PNWater
The Eugene Water Weekly - 21 September 2020, bit.ly/3cnTs99#EUGwater #PNWater
The Pacific Northwest Water Daily - 20 September 2020. bit.ly/32Op04M#PNWater
The Pacific Northwest Water Daily - 19 September 2020. bit.ly/35XWoIi#PNWater
Southwest US Water Daily
The Southwest US Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/33WYNjX#SWUSwater
The Southwest US Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/2HuRJUg#SWUSwater
The Southwest US Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/3kIl5gd#SWUSwater
The Southwest US Water Daily - 22 September 2020. bit.ly/32UT3rT#SWUSwater
The Southwest US Water Daily - 21 Septeber 2020. bit.ly/2G27sJu#SWUSwater
The Southwest US Water Daily - 20 September 2020. bit.ly/2ZPPCAE#SWUSwater
The Southwest US Water Daily - 19 September 2020. bit.ly/2ZUHPl7#SWUSwater
Texas Water Daily
The Texas Water Daily - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/3kMksC9#txwater
The Texas Water Daily - 24 September 2020. bit.ly/2FPgaLP#txwater
The Texas Water Daily - 23 September 2020. bit.ly/3i1KmQx#txwater
The Texas Water Daily - 22 September 2020. bit.ly/35XxCbr#txwater
The Texas Water Daily - 21 September 2020. #txwater bit.ly/3hRZ5xm
The Texas Water Daily - 20 September 2020. bit.ly/2FK9ezm#txwater
The Texas Water Daily - 19 September 2020. bit.ly/3cfujh5#txwater
Education, Events, and Opportunities
From @CaptDocMikeThis Day in Water History - 25 September. 1982: Houston’s Thirst bit.ly/3687Lxu#TDIWH #txwater
E-Newsletters and E-Newspapers
It's @Nature Briefing - 25 September 2020. Today we learn what to look out for in imminent #COVID vaccine results, hear how songbirds benefited from the ‘anthropause’ and discover what happened to the Neanderthals’ Y chromosome. bit.ly/2FTLF
It's @Nature Briefing - 24 September 2020. Today we hear chilling findings about the vulnerability of the Antarctic ice sheet, discover what #COVID19 vaccine trials won’t tell us and look at hard numbers showing the lack of diversity in science. bit.ly/2RSyRQW
It's @nature Briefing - 23 September 2020. Today we hear that Arctic sea ice has hit another shocking low, enjoy an animated version of the first-ever image of a black hole and learn what happened in a city where #COVID19 raged almost unchecked. bit.ly/302PbTT
It's @Nature Briefing - 22 September 2020. Today we explore why known harassers are still in the US National Academy of Sciences, meet a menagerie of unconventional stem-cell models and discover what is really cool about the number 42. bit.ly/2ZZBvc9
It's @nature Briefing - 21 September 2020. Toxic bacteria caused the mysterious deaths of hundreds of African elephants,explore what the Israel–Arab peace accord means for scientific collaboration, learn lessons from three centuries of vaccine opposition bit.ly/3kCraLc
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 21 September 2020 bit.ly/2RMRlm4
The @WaterNetwork1 Newsletter - 25 September 2020. Essential Industry Trending Technology~Editor's Choice~Articles & Knowledge Exchange~Featured Jobs~Online Course~Events~More bit.ly/2RWOR4z#globalwater
From @USATODAY Climate Point - 25 September 2020. California moves to ban gas-powered cars. And, vote for fat bears! bit.ly/3kPyOSw#globalwater
From @AGU_Eos 'Buzz' Newsletter - 25 September 2020. The Latest Earth Science News by @theAGU! bit.ly/3j8MebK#cdnwater #globalwater
The @CASTagScience 'Friday Notes' - 25 September 2020. CAST Events at the World Food Prize and More! conta.cc/3mRwYlR
From @TiffDowell: Texas ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 25 September 2020. Water wars in the United States Supreme Court and More! bit.ly/33WRgBT#txwater #SWUSwater
From @OSUCEOAS: 'On the Horizon' Newsletter - 25 September 2020. http://bit.ly/3mRhDS9
The @AZWRRC Weekly Wave - 25 September 2020. Register now for Oct 1 Panel Discussion - Climate and Arizona’s Future conta.cc/3kMr4R9#SWUSwater @SbmWater
From @BCWaterNews: Top Water Stories - Week of 21 - 25 September 2020. bit.ly/3mWXwlL
From @GRAofCalifornia: GRA | HydroVisions Fall 2020. bit.ly/35oPADx#cawater
Ethics, Gender, Indigenous People, Rights
It's @Nature Briefing - 22 September 2020. Today we explore why known harassers are still in the US National Academy of Sciences, meet a menagerie of unconventional stem-cell models and discover what is really cool about the number 42. bit.ly/2ZZBvc9
From @MLive Researcher who first warned of Flint water crisis now says lead exposure ‘not as bad as first feared’ bit.ly/32Q9YM4#NEWater
Via @TIFF_NET 'You’re only 15 years old,why does it matter what you say?' But it’s more impactful coming from a child, because we shouldn’t have to be the ones to speak up about these issues.We have to empower youth."-Autumn Peltier on criticism of her age as an activist #TIFF20
Support the Women in Water Scholarship Fund - Donate Now! bit.ly/2S63TVr
Florida Water
CRS InFocus Report: 'Recent Developments in Everglades Restoration' bit.ly/32Lw2aJ#FLwater
Guest Op/Ed in @BradentonTimes: Pesticides and the Clean Water Act bit.ly/3k9vLnQ#FLwater
Global Water
In @Macau_Business: Portugal: Water scarcity, drought to be priority of Portugal’s EU council presidency. bit.ly/3i30npq#globalwater
From @unescoWATER: Introductory Webinar to Online Course on Groundwater Governance - 6 Oct 2020 from 14.00- 16.30 Harare time (GMT+2). Simultaneous interpretation from English>French! REGISTER bit.ly/GGRETA-Africa#global
In @WaterSourceMag Stressed transboundary basins face greater intensity under all scenarios bit.ly/3iQCcM5#globalwater
From @WaterSourceMag: #COVID19 and the WASH policy push bit.ly/3kCxh1S#globalwater
From @AGU_Eos Using Dirt to Clean Up Construction bit.ly/3kMMSfj#cdnwater
In @Macau_Business: Portugal: Water scarcity, drought to be priority of Portugal’s EU council presidency. bit.ly/3i30npq#globalwater
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
From @unescoWATER: Introductory Webinar to Online Course on Groundwater Governance - 6 Oct 2020 from 14.00- 16.30 Harare time (GMT+2). Simultaneous interpretation from English>French! REGISTER bit.ly/GGRETA-Africa#global
From @groundwaterproj Free download! 'Groundwater in Our Water Cycle: Getting to Know Earth's Most Important Fresh Water Source' bit.ly/2ZZqOpN
From @GRAofCalifornia: GRA | HydroVisions Fall 2020. bit.ly/35oPADx#cawater
In @WaterWellJournl by @GWShydros (Stuart Smith): 'The Most Important Drilling Advancement You’ve Seen' bit.ly/35SlYP3
Isotopic insights on continental water sources and transport in the mountains and plains of Southern South America' – great new paper by @merypoca et al. bit.ly/3iSasqM
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
CRS Report: 'Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Incentives - A Summary of Federal Programs' bit.ly/3gaOUmR
NE Water #NEWater
Drought? In New Hampshire? It's Wicked Dry! Nejem Raheem's @UnionLeader Op-Ed: 'Droughts Are Real, Leadership Is Needed' bit.ly/3iXAYip
From @CaptDocMike This Day in Water History - 23 September. 2013: Death of Ruth Patrick; 1986: A Civil Action; 2012: NYC Water Tank bit.ly/2FV0J4r#NEWater
From @CaptDocMike This Day in Water History - 22 September. 1990: Main Break in Jersey City. bit.ly/3ckLv4C#TDIWH #NEWater
Personal, People, Interviews, and Quotes
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." - W.B. Yeats
"May you live in REALLY interesting times!" - New Chinese curse
"Celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week by making your postdoc work only the required number of hours in their appointment letter." - @ass_deans
"There is nobody more dangerous than one who has been humiliated." - Nelson Mandela (quoted in @nytimes via @TheWeek)
“Every now and then it helps to be a little deaf...That advice has stood me in good stead. Not simply in dealing with my marriage, but in dealing with my colleagues.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"Scientific thought is not an accompaniment to human progress, but human progress itself." -- W.K. Clifford
“Handguns are acceptable; semi-automatic weapons must be checked at reception.” – sign on the door of the Metechi Palace Hotel in Tbilisi, Georgia (the sign was removed when the hotel became a Sheraton)
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - Susan Ertz (quoted in @Forbes via @TheWeek)
“Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“When a thoughtless or unkind word is spoken, best tune out. Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one’s ability to persuade.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
In @WaterWellJournl by @GWShydros (Stuart Smith): 'The Most Important Drilling Advancement You’ve Seen' bit.ly/35SlYP3
"Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst of Evils." - General John Stark, in a letter to his NH Revolutionary War comrades at their 32nd reunion
"Eternal boredom is the price of constant vigilance." - Unknown
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." - W.B. Yeats
"He who shoots first, laughs last." - Aleksandr Lebed
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." - H.L. Mencken
Sorry to hear of the death of Dr. Jeffrey B. Bradley, one of the founders of WEST Consultants, Inc. I didn't know him well but my engineering friends spoke very highly of him. R.I.P. bit.ly/2RJrmvL
PNW Water
Webinar from @OregonSeaGrant @OregonStateExt & others: Hear progress on plan to manage water on Oregon's central coast 29 Sept. 9 am PT. They'll discuss next steps for achieving sustainable water use for people, native fish & wildlife. Register: bit.ly/300AD75#PNWater
Policy, Planning, Law, Governance, Economics, IWRM, and Management
From @USATODAY: Climate Point - 11 September 2020. Big Oil battered by lawsuits. America battered by extreme weather and More! bit.ly/2DXozfa
Positions Open #JobWaWi
Josh's Water Jobs and More! 22 September 2020 bit.ly/3hY4jYt
Check out jobs @ @OregonState's Water Resources Graduate Program https://oregonstate.edu/gradwater/jobs #JobWaWi
Check out @WaterDistJobs! https://waterdistrictjobs.com #JobWaWi
For the latest @TVAjobs Employment opportunities visit https://tva.me/4mRN6k #JobWaWi
Amazing resource! Follow @joshswaterjobs and visit his website: https://www.joshswaterjobs.com #JobWaWi
Check out @FLWaterDaily #FLwater jobs! https://tinyurl.com/jpffgoh #JobWaWi
Positions: @CA_DWR - Various locations and types: enviro science, geology, engineering, restoration, etc.https://bit.ly/1XaG4sw #JobWaWi
Positions: @SeaGrant - Various positions across the USA. Updated regularly. https://1.usa.gov/1SYL5RQ #JobWaWi
@BCWaterNews Jobs Click 'View Jobs' at https://bcwaterjobs.com
@EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated every few days https://1.usa.gov/1evxlPd
Current Positions: @NYCDEP (New York City & environs) - Various. https://tinyurl.com/zoq6jqc
Positions (many): @nature_org - Various locations and duties. https://jobs.nature.org/jobs/ #JobWaWi
Previous Weeks' Positions Open #JobWaWi
Josh's Water Jobs and More! 15 September 2020. bit.ly/3mohyoX
Josh's Water Jobs and More! 8 September 2020 >25,000 Posted! bit.ly/3bB5dZF
Josh's Water Jobs and More! 1 September 2020 bit.ly/2QJxwvp
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Go To #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 19 - 25 September 2020 bit.ly/2GdhoQt
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 12 - 18 September 2020 bit.ly/3kvS9rM
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 5 - 11 September 2020 bit.ly/2RfQBp6
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 29 August - 4 September 2020 bit.ly/3lLfGWW
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 22 - 28 August 2020 bit.ly/3lr6G9j
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 15 - 21 August 2020 bit.ly/3aNiDBu
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 8 - 14 August 2020. bit.ly/34duYh5
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 1 - 7 August 2020 bit.ly/33DyDo0
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 25 - 31 July 2020 bit.ly/2DlMbcA
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 11 - 17 July 2020 bit.ly/2COz1o1
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 4 - 10 July 2020 bit.ly/2W7v3Oe
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 27 June - 3 July 2020. bit.ly/2VLdB1V
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 20 - 26 June 2020. bit.ly/2NBSlak
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 13 - 19 June 2020 bit.ly/3eqGdFa
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 6 - 12 June 2020 bit.ly/2zxYSQ8
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 30 May-5 June 2020 bit.ly/2Bw3kPM
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 23 - 29 May 2020 bit.ly/2yOTkQS
Reports, Publications, and Journals
CRS Report: 'Agricultural Research - Background and Issues' bit.ly/2HyJ4QR
CRS InFocus Report: 'Recent Developments in Everglades Restoration' bit.ly/32Lw2aJ#FLwater
It's @Water_MDPI, Volume 12, Issue 9 (September 2020) - Hydrology & Hydrogeology; Policy, Management & Governance; Treatment & Reuse; Hydraulics & Hydrodynamics; Ecosystems; More! - 336 Articles bit.ly/3i9gEZX
Science, Medicine, Health, and Technology
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 21 September 2020 bit.ly/2RMRlm4
Statement by @theNASEM Presidents Alarmed By Political Interference in Science Amid Pandemic bit.ly/2HskTmN
In @HuffPostGreen: Regenerative farming practices preserve soil nutrients, forgo agro chemicals and suck carbon dioxide from the air. Are they finally poised to go mainstream? bit.ly/3icQaXT
From @AGU_Eos 'Buzz' Newsletter - 25 September 2020. The Latest Earth Science News by @theAGU! bit.ly/3j8MebK#cdnwater #globalwater
The @CASTagScience 'Friday Notes' - 25 September 2020. CAST Events at the World Food Prize and More! conta.cc/3mRwYlR
Southwest Water #SWUSwater
From @TiffDowell: Texas Ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 25 September 2020. Water wars in the United States Supreme Court and More! bit.ly/33WRgBT#txwater #SWUSwater
In @NMreport: Water reckoning looms in New Mexico’s future: ‘We’re not prepared for what’s ahead of us’ bit.ly/35SpMQw#SWUSwater
The @AZWRRC Weekly Wave - 25 September 2020. Register now for Oct 1 Panel Discussion - Climate and Arizona’s Future conta.cc/3kMr4R9#SWUSwater @SbmWater
Streams, Wetlands, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
CRS InFocus Report: 'Recent Developments in Everglades Restoration' bit.ly/32Lw2aJ#FLwater
Texas #txwater
From @TiffDowell: Texas Ag Law Blog Weekly Round Up - 25 September 2020. Water wars in the United States Supreme Court and More! bit.ly/33WRgBT#txwater #SWUSwater
Visuals, Audios, Podcasts and Infographics
On @NPR's @TEDRadioHour: 'Our Relationship With Water' n.pr/31Ekp3o
Water/Land Quality and Contamination
In @EnvirHealthNews: A little eco-nostalgia. The Cuyahoga River's latest burn,and other revivals suggest a new cottage eco-industry bit.ly/3hEBIYp
Guest Op/Ed in @BradentonTimes: Pesticides and the Clean Water Act bit.ly/3k9vLnQ#FLwater
Water Supply, Quantity, Reuse, Conservation, Infrastructure
From @AP: Water shortages in US West likelier than previously thought bit.ly/3hIjhlD
By @tonydavis987 in @TucsonStar: Lakes Mead, Powell at risk again from drought despite major conservation efforts bit.ly/2H4wUPk
Statement by @theNASEM Presidents Alarmed By Political Interference in Science Amid Pandemic bit.ly/2HskTmN
"Celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week by making your postdoc work only the required number of hours in their appointment letter." - @ass_deans
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