From Nicole T. Carter and Anna E. Normand - an updated (29 December 2020) CRS InFocus report: Water Resources Development Act of 2020. This two-pager provides a great overview of the WRDA 2020, just signed into law on 27 December 2020.
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Congress commonly titles omnibus legislation that authorizes U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers (USACE) civil works activities as a Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). Since WRDA 1986, Congress often has considered a WRDA biennially. Drivers for enactment typically include nonfederaland congressional interest in new studies and construction projects and adjustments to existing projects, programmatic authorities, and policies. Congress passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (WRDA 2020) as Division AA of H.R. 133, an omnibus appropriations and authorization act, signed by President Trump on December 27, 2020. The116th Congress had considered other versions of a USACE authorization bill. For example, the House passed S.1811 in early December 2020 and H.R. 7575 in July 2020. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works reported S. 3591 in May 2020.
Like most previously enacted WRDAs, WRDA 2020 not only authorized USACE studies and projects but also refined congressional policy direction for USACE and adjusted existing USACE civil works authorities. In addition to USACE-related provisions, a limited number of WRDA 2020 provisions are associated primarily with other agencies (e.g., §§507, 508, 510).
Cutting to the chase...
Processes for Identifying Studies and Projects
Adherence to earmark moratoriums has altered how Congress identifies activities for inclusion in a WRDA. In Section 7001 of P.L. 113-121 (33 U.S.C. §2282d), Congress established an annual process for identifying proposals for USACE studies and projects that are related to the agency’s missions and authorities that require specific congressional authorization. Congress has used the annual Section 7001 reports to identify activities for authorization in WRDAs.
USACE’s civil works activities historically have focused on three primary purposes: improving navigation, reducing flood risk, and restoring aquatic ecosystems. Many USACE projects are multipurpose—that is, they may provide water supply storage, recreation, and hydropower, among other benefits, in addition to one or more of the three primary purposes. WRDA2020(§127) directs that the Section7001 reports are to include proposals submitted for projects with municipal or agricultural water supply purposes that are consistent with the agency’s mission and authorities.
WRDA Implementation and Oversight
Congress establishes the broad structure for how USACE is to perform its water resource activities. After enactment of a WRDA, USACE often develops guidance that describes how the agency plans to implement various provisions, and Congress often engages in oversight.
"Someone who comes more than 500 miles and uses colored transparencies." - Definition of an expert, c. late 1960s - early 1970s